Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 936 - The robot is crazy

After the starry sky beast came to Siyun and the door was closed, Liu Ning's warriors fought day and night for another seven days before killing all the remaining starry sky beasts.

Another part of the soldiers moved into the robot battlefield, and those robots were too powerful.

Xixiu looked at their battle data. If her people wanted to fight one-on-one, many soldiers would die under the opponent's attack.

Only a third of people can go one-on-one with a robot.

Li Xianfeng processed the data from hundreds of battles he had fought and found that the robots were all equipped with martial arts programs.

Different from what Xixiu and the others discovered before, these martial arts procedures are very simple and crude.

All of their moves are powerful, and they kill with one strike, leaving no room for chance, and their moves are deadly.

Under such a powerful attack, even if the soldiers wear protective clothing, they are still of little use.

The attack power of the opponent's metal body is very powerful when attacking. Wearing a mecha can only reduce the buffer.

If you are attacked repeatedly, your life will still be in danger.

Heavy mechas are not suitable for use on such a battlefield, and small mechas are not as sensitive as robots.

Combat robots cannot be used on the battlefield with robots, because they will face the risk of the system being invaded, which will bring hidden dangers to the alliance.

Xixiu and others made a new plan, intending to deal with these robots in the shortest possible time.

Li Xianfeng was used to being free, so he always fought alone.

But this time Xixiu didn't let him fight alone. She was worried that his system would be hacked.

Although the possibility is very small based on his mental power level, he has to guard against it.

"Senior, you were alone in the previous battlefields, but this time is different, so you must stay with the ANBU people." Xixiu's tone was serious, and Li Xianfeng raised his head and glanced at her.

He frowned: "No, their attacks can't do anything to me."

But Xixiu didn't think so. Qin Hongjun would definitely find a way to capture Li Xianfeng back.

Xixiu took a deep breath: "Senior, have you ever thought that you would meet me on the battlefield?"

If another Li Xianfeng's consciousness enters the robot's body, what will they do then?

To fight or not to fight?

Because essentially, both consciousnesses are Li Yufeng.

It's just that the other consciousness probably won't have much memory.

Qin Hongjun will definitely delete all memories from Li Yongfeng's consciousness.

Li Xianfeng thought about it and realized it was possible, "My body is unique, and Qin Hongjun can't do it even if he wants to. Unless he has a way to pull me out of this body."

Speaking of this, Li Xianfeng also became cautious.

If he and the backup consciousness are exchanged, they and the alliance will be in great danger.

This may not be the case.

He couldn't take it lightly.

If Qin Hongjun were to catch him in the same way again, he would be a fool.

Xixiu continued: "Senior, this may not be impossible. After Qin Jian and his swords are combined, more weird things will appear."

Qin Jian himself is a talent, and anyone who can create a central intelligence brain is even more of a genius.

Coupled with his "preference" for biology, Xixiu had reason to believe that he would have other methods.

Li Xianfeng thought for a long time: "There is no way I won't go out and fight."

There are risks when you go out and fight.

They cannot afford this risk at the moment.

Xixiu: "That's why I asked you to follow the ANBU people and don't fight alone."

It was just to let the ANBU people surround Li Xianfeng and prevent anyone from Qin Hongjun from getting close to Li Xianfeng.

"Okay, I will follow them." After figuring out the powerful relationship, Li Xianfeng made a decision.

Xixiu smiled happily: "Senior, don't worry, you can still fight happily."

This time, they planned to take down all Qin Hongjun's robots.

These former citizens of Yuanri were very cruel to the soldiers of Liuning. Many soldiers were seriously injured. Although they were rescued, they had to lie in the medical cabin for a month.

The need to lie in the medical cabin for such a long time is enough to prove that the soldiers' injuries are life-threatening.

After Xixiu came back, he visited the injured soldiers, countless of whom had broken limbs and ruptured internal organs, and some who had died.

Their manpower has not been supplied, and Qing Zhixun's side has no more people to spare.

Fortunately, Wu Jingya brought some people out, and half of Long Xingxue's Snow Dragon Regiment also came. Together with the nine-star team led by Wan Youlin, they were able to sustain this war.

Xixiu looked at the time. This was already the third month since they arrived in the Ningkui Galaxy.

The task that was originally thought to be completed in one month has not yet been completed three months later.

The soldiers were physically and mentally exhausted.

After Xixiu came back, she rested for the night. The next day, before the sky turned white, she put on protective clothing and entered the battlefield.

Arivik took the ANBU people and went to Siyun's western battlefield with Li Xianfeng.

Fan Zheng'an, Wang Zichun, Uriya and Buhete each led a team, each chose a direction, and disappeared into the morning light.

After entering the battlefield, Xixiu first encountered an opponent. The robot in front of him was covered in metal, and his organs were probably mechanized.

Except for the head that can think, which proves that it is a carbon-based life, the rest of it has completely lost the characteristics of intelligent creatures.

The robot was obviously waiting for her.

Because after he saw Xi Xiu, a playful smile appeared on his lips.

His mechanical eyes looked up and down Xixiu. If it weren't for the protective clothing on Xixiu that could shield her, he would probably be able to scan her bones.

Xixiu didn't like the naked gaze. She turned on the blocking button and completely blocked the other person's eyes.

The other party did not speak, but made a move after Xixiu entered the attack range.

It has to be said that his movements are really fast. When Xixiu ducks sideways, he will be swept away by the wind caused by his body's rapid attack.

In the first move, the opponent's palm turned into a fist very freely. Although his body looked bulky, it was very flexible.

When Xixiu turned sideways, she grabbed his arm and twisted his arm in the opposite direction, making a metallic sound of "clicking".

The other party didn't take it seriously.

He turned his arm 360° and returned to its original position.

He also waved his hand and said provocatively: "I heard that you are very powerful, but it's nothing more than that. The moment just now was very comfortable, almost like scratching an itch."

After he finished speaking, he laughed mockingly, but Xixiu ignored it.

This robot is crazy.

He is crazier than Q who came to her specifically last time, but his strength is far from Q's level.

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