Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 952 - Comes in handy

Xixiu and Qing Zhixun joined forces to attack and pursue, Wuornos and the others suddenly became confused.

Li Fengfeng's conscious backup took over the command position, which made Urnos very unconvinced.

Although he had heard about the strength of this conscious deity and that he was almost flawless in terms of command, his existence was obviously older than this person.

When it comes to seniority, it's not his junior's turn to point fingers.

After returning to the first line of defense, Urnos simply ignored the M9's orders.

He led his team on a rampage, and he actually made a hole in it.

Urnos felt even more complacent now. He felt that the M9 could not do it.

Axian looked at the opponent's starship and planned to fight back against them, so she changed the position of the starship according to the arrangement Xixiu gave her before.

In this way, Urnos was surrounded again, and Urnos was now isolated and helpless.

He took his team and separated from M9, so he would only get beaten.

Urnos watched as Liu Ning's cannon fire hit his starship as if it was a waste of star coins. The metal teeth made a "click, click, click" sound, which the adjutant beside him could hear clearly.

"Sir, what should we do now?" the adjutant asked Urnos.

Urnos looked at his men. His starship was all filled with robots, and some were made of biological creatures.

But after those things are released, we don’t know whether they are good or bad.

Because of his observations along the way, he discovered that these manufactured creatures would attack any target.

Therefore, after coming out of the base, these creatures have been kept in a safe place by him.

He didn't want to use these things to fight until the last step, because there were too many changes.

But the current situation did not allow him to hesitate, so he could only take one shot.

Urnos ordered the manufactured creatures to be placed in the starry sky and quickly move away, letting them bite Liu Ning's starship.

We can't let them come back.

Otherwise, these things will definitely entangle them, and they will be attacked from both sides.

"But sir, we have no place to escape." The adjutant said with difficulty.

Urnos looked at the Liuning starship approaching them on the screen and knew that this method was no longer feasible.

Urnos asked everyone to prepare to fight alone, not only to fight to the death against Liu Ning's people, but also to guard against the creation of creatures.

After the order was given, Urnos took out a box, uploaded a backup copy of his consciousness, and put it in the box.

In addition, he also uploaded a copy to the hotbed. He was worried that something unexpected would happen to him.

So it’s better to take precautions.

If the game is really over, he can still make a comeback.

Urnos did not let his adjutant know about this. After the adjutant left, he went to the weapons bay and planned to select some suitable weapons.

Axian's fleet surrounded Urnos from all sides, and she didn't move again until Urnos's starship came out with a large number of manufacturing creatures.

Her fleet accurately hit the head of the creature that had just emerged from the cabin, and soon the starry sky was filled with sticky blood and flesh foam.

What amazed A Xian was that even if these creatures were headshot, they still had the ability to attack.

They rush forward based on instinct, and will destroy as soon as they sense an object.

No matter what the object is, even if those things are their companions.

These things eat their own kind.

Wuornos and others found it unacceptable when they saw this scene.

Such creatures would not have appeared on their previous battlefields, which were much simpler.

Although the creatures in the Hanhai, Inquilla, Musar, and Samuel galaxies are also indescribable, they are not so terrifying.

At least eyes are eyes and noses are noses, and these things make people feel sick just looking at them.

Although Urnos already has the body of a robot, the depths of his consciousness tell him that these things do not conform to the laws of natural growth.

These things are enemies.

So he is 100% wary of these creatures.

After some of the manufacturing creatures were ejected, they returned to the starship with their own wings and stood on the starship.

They used their sharp claws to pierce the top of the starship. The naked eye could see the sparks emitting when the sharp nails came into contact with the starship. A Xian and the others looked a little shocked.

It turned out that Qin Hongjun's people couldn't completely control these things. A Xian and Xi Xiu smiled and said: "I didn't expect these things to attack their own people quite violently."

Xixiu saw the video. These creatures must have not eaten for a long time.

Qin Hongjun has so many things to do, it is impossible to take care of every manufactured creature.

In his opinion, as long as these things are manufactured and can enter the battlefield, he shouldn't need to think too much about what will happen after entering the battlefield.

After all, his people are immortal. Even if the machine body is destroyed and the consciousness does not come back, he still has backup.

Urnos looked at the picture coming from the surveillance screen and turned on the starship's attack system without hesitation. After knocking out the creatures, he threw them into the starry sky and eliminated them with one shot.

There are also some manufactured creatures that arrived in front of A Xian and his starship. These creatures have mucus dripping from their mouths, their tongues are rolled in several circles, their sharp claws can be retracted, they are fast and not afraid of starry sky radiation, and they can attack starships better than before. The appearance.

These guys were frustrated before and quickly found a way.

It seems that Qin Hongjun improved the intelligence of these human beings and gave them simple judgment capabilities.

After Axian had collected enough samples, he turned on all firepower and turned all of them into ashes without giving these creatures a chance to breathe.

Urnos was not so relaxed. His starship was entangled by manufactured creatures again, and his weapons could not blow up these things with one blow.

He had to subdue these guys before he had a chance to kill them.

After the anxious Urnos saw the message sent by M9, the machine's lungs almost exploded...

M9 tells him to return to his original position immediately, otherwise he will press the destruction device.

Urnos now knows that when he was at the base, his life was in the hands of others.

He didn't expect that the person who brought him back would be so cruel.

However, Urnos could no longer return to his original position.

He can no longer protect himself.

M9 pursed his metal lips. His previous arrangement clearly gave him a chance to break through.

However, Urnos did not provide support at the designated position, but took the fleet away to fight alone.

He was missing a key link, and Liu Ning's people had been forced to the point where they could not fight back.

Xixiu looked at the starship wreckage floating everywhere in the starry sky, knowing that the battle was almost over, and felt somewhat relieved.

She had already predicted how Li Xianfeng would fight and what method he would use.

When she learned that Qin Hongjun had Li Yingfeng's consciousness backup, she had rehearsed it with Qing Zhixun, but she didn't expect it to actually come in handy.

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