Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 953 - No longer myself

M9 watched as all of its arrangements were defeated one by one by the opponent, with no emotion at all in its mechanical eyes.

It didn't expect that its original consciousness, Li Xianfeng, would tell strangers all of its special skills.

In its comprehensive calculation, this result will not appear.

Li Xianfeng should have been stripped of human emotions when his consciousness was stripped away, but he still thought about and worried about humans.

M9 can't figure this out.

Why would he insist on fighting for the stupid Jingsu, even telling all his skills?

The master shouldn't retain Li Xianfeng's emotions. This is inconsistent with his character.

Even if it calculates here countless times, it still can't get an accurate answer.

The immediate crisis cannot be solved.

The other party made every move of it so accurately that there was no trace of error.

At this moment, the M9 fleet is surrounded from the front and rear. If it cannot break through, it will be buried in this sea of ​​​​stars today.

However, it is not worried.

The master should have more than one backup for it. Even if it dies here, it can still fight the Jingsu people next time.

It is its master's most loyal warrior.

Li Xianfeng still felt a lot of emotion when he saw his consciousness backup being jointly attacked by Xixiu and Qing Zhixun.

He didn't expect these two to study him so thoroughly, and they must have spent a lot of energy in private.

At the end of the battle, only one intact M9 remained in the fleet.

It's the command ship where it's located.

Xixiu asked Li Xianfeng for his opinion, whether to destroy him completely or capture him. Li Xianfeng asked Xixiu to watch and deal with it.

In his opinion, there is no need for these backups to exist, and their existence is a great threat to the alliance.

Not everyone can defeat his backup. If these backups go to other galaxies, it will not be a good thing for those galaxies.

Therefore, destroying one upon meeting them is the limit of what they can do at present.

The best way is to destroy all the backups, but now they have not found the exact location of the other party, and this matter has been stranded.

The alliance guards never stopped searching, but Qin Hongjun's final base was not found.

A lot of the bases he had used were found, and the alliance also obtained some information from these bases, but it was far from enough.

After communicating with Li Xianfeng, Xixiu and Qing Zhixun launched the final attack.

The starship where M9 was located disintegrated after several bombings. Its body floated in the starry sky, surrounded by starship fragments.

Xixiu saw its mechanical eye from the monitoring screen, which was full of inquiry.

Then, Xixiu pressed the weapon launch button, destroying the M9's body.

It wasn't given a chance to breathe.

After comprehensive calculations, the M9 found that it was impossible to avoid the opponent's shells at its own speed.

The opponent's cannonball locked its consciousness, and it should be its original consciousness that provided convenience.

I didn't expect Li Xianfeng to do this for Jingsu. Why?

M9 couldn't find the answer.

I simply stopped looking for it. Anyway, it re-uploaded its consciousness, and a new self should have been born by now.

The M9's calm breathing is not surprising.

These immortal robots no longer fear death because there is no such thing as death.

There is only death.

Soon, the shells arrived next to the M9, and as the weapon was fired, there was an interception device.

That is a device specially used by Anweil ​​to collect these backup consciousnesses, which can retain the original data to the greatest extent.

This device is to prevent them from turning on the self-destruction device and clearing data.

With this device, even if they start the self-destruction process in advance, they can still collect some useful residual information.

Watching the smoke and dust on the monitor screen, and waiting for about ten minutes, the starry sky returned to calm.

Xixiu sent Wu Mu to take the device back.

It is planned to return the device to the laboratory after returning to Ning. These backups can provide them with some information.

Qin Hongjun's tail can't be hidden for long. After finishing him, the rest will be much easier.

And this time the attack on Liu Ning was just the beginning. They would spend a long time in the war.

After the battle, Li Xianfeng specifically checked the remaining consciousness of M9.

The laboratory successfully stripped away the consciousness from the machine's body. Judging from the remaining data, Qin Hongjun's base did not have an accurate location.

M9 also doesn't know Qin Hongjun's true whereabouts, because Qin Hongjun will stay in the laboratory for a long time every time.

In a league year, he spends about two-thirds of his time in the lab.

Where he went for the remaining third of the time, no one knows.

Li Xianfeng looked at the backup of his consciousness. Judging from the data, it was actually not him anymore.

Because all the previous memories of this consciousness, about life, work, and emotions, have been erased.

It can be said that this consciousness backup is just a body with his Li Yifeng skills.

It doesn't even know where it came from.

After waking up from it, all he knew was that Qin Hongjun existed for the sake of his great foundation.

Both Xixiu and Qing Zhixun saw this, and Xixiu whispered: "Senior, this consciousness should no longer be called yours. There is no comparison at all."

In order to make these consciousnesses more obedient and less convoluted, Qin Hongjun deleted all memories of their being intelligent creatures in the later stage.

When they become immortal robots, they are destined to be machines in the future.

Even if Qin Hongjun makes a blank body and can stuff these consciousnesses into the body, they will no longer be them.

Li Xianfeng nodded: "It seems that I was lucky before and my memory was not erased by him."

Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to break through so many shackles and regain his freedom.

Qing Zhixun frowned: "In this case, the next battle will be easy to fight."

No matter how much backup consciousness Qin Hongjun had, he still couldn't withstand such excitement.

What's more, something is lost every time these consciousnesses are uploaded.

As for what will be lost, it is not fixed, it is very random.

It's just that the alliance's manpower is limited, and the soldiers will get sleepy, which is why they are not as good as the immortal robots.

After dealing with the remnants in the starry sky and the wreckage of the starship, Xixiu and the others returned to Liuning Fortress.

After nearly two people's time, Liu Ning's battle was won.

But everyone knew very well that the next battle would be cruel.

Li Fengfeng and Wan Youlin stopped in the starry sky. They would leave Liuning for a while to support other galaxies.

After Xixiu sent them away, he asked his team to retreat for training.

All other trivial matters were put aside, and they could only take advantage of the calm period to carry out targeted training.

Alivik, who came back, took the Western District fighters to rest for only six hours a day, and spent the rest of their time training.

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