Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 960 - The first line of defense

59's firepower was very intense, and she wanted to quickly capture the first line of defense.

Although Qin Hongjun's weapon research and development speed has kept up with the alliance's pace in recent years, because the alliance has blocked his various news channels and removed the nails, the power of his weapons lags behind Jingsu's.

Alivik and Wang Zichun were not afraid of each other's attacks and easily received hundreds of attacks from each other.

Every interception was spot on.

Not a single shell was missed.

59 frowned and looked at her battlefield. This data made her very suspicious.

Everything she had learned before told her that the battlefield was not like this.

She should definitely win this round.

However, 24 hours have passed since she arrived on the battlefield, and she has not yet captured the first line of defense of Mingning Fortress.

The time Qin Hongjun gave her was running out. Before coming, she had been tasked with capturing Mingning in seven days.

So she planned to capture the first line of defense in ten hours, but the opponent's weapons and data seemed to exceed theirs.

A smile appeared on Alivik's lips.

I have been dealing with Qin Hongjun's people for so many years, and I have some understanding of the people he trained. Basically, they all think highly of themselves.


They didn't even take Li Xianfeng seriously.

So, you will definitely suffer some losses.

Xixiu's tactics have always been changeable, and he never plays cards according to reason. Even if Qin Hongjun has thought about it systematically, it is difficult for him to be accurate every time.

What's more, the various weapon configurations of Mingning Fortress appear to be in the middle of the league. In fact, Mingning has had the technical support of Nine Stars in recent years.

During the years when Xixiu took over Jiuxing, he did not just let it go, but attached great importance to the cultivation of talents.

Jiuxing has its own equipment research laboratory, and the ANBU cooperates to obtain various data from Qin Hongjun, and then uses this data to crack their weapons in a targeted manner.

They had already calculated the attack of 59 clearly, and it would not be that easy to capture Ming Ning.

The nine-star support team on the periphery will soon surround 59 and the others. 59 has already seen the black dot on the display screen, thinking deeply.

Then, she quickly slid her fingers on the light screen and entered a long list of instructions.

Five minutes later, the clones who went out to perform attack missions returned to the starship.

After returning to the starship, these people went to various locations on the starship.

These positions seem to be specially created for them, because these positions can only accommodate one body, and there are many metal tentacles on the head.

After these people entered the position, these metal tentacles suddenly moved.

It was like they suddenly came to life.

Stretching out its slender and soft tentacles, it quietly entered the replicant's brain.


However, these replicants seem to have become accustomed to this kind of intrusion.

They closed their eyes, completely relaxed themselves, did not use their mental power to resist, and allowed the tentacles to enter their mental power area.

After these tentacles entered the brain, the originally transparent metal pipes emitted a subtle light, flickering. These tentacles seemed to be absorbing their mental power and then transferring it to the designated memory.

59 looked at the data coming from various locations on the screen and found that everything was ready. She pressed a button on the console.

Suddenly, their starship hit Alivik and Wang Zichun at a weird speed.

59 Although the number of starships brought out this time cannot be compared with Ming Ning's configuration, it is still a lot.

Arivik and Wang Zichun's starship systems quickly calculated their flight speeds. At their current starship speeds, they could not avoid it even if they turned on the short-term fast transmission channel.

Jiuxing's rescue starship was too late to get here. No matter how fast their starship was, it was still limited.

Arivik didn't know how the other party achieved this speed, so he could only order to open all protective shields.

Starships not far apart gathered together, so that the effect of the protective shield could be maximized.

This picture was sent back to Xixiu's command room, and she also saw this incredible scene.

Even after comprehensive calculations, she did not find that the starship could use external force to achieve this speed.


She thought of her extraordinary speed when she used her mental power to command weapons. If the other party also used strong mental power to support it, he might be able to achieve this weird speed.

But in this way, these people will inevitably suffer great harm after the starship stops.

In order to win this battle, Qin Hongjun no longer cared about the life and death of his own soldiers.

For him, 59 they are all tools and nothing else.

59 pursed her lips tightly, these clones were just copies of her, and the only value left now was their mental power.

She was confident that she could use this method to break through the first line of defense and then successfully break through the second line of defense.

They spent all their mental energy to capture the Mingning Fortress for their creator. This was their honor.

Arivik and Wang Zichun knew that they could no longer resist. The damage to the starship exceeded that of any other battle. It was the most serious battle for them in the past ten years.

59's starship smashed open the protective shield of their starship and made a hole in the shell of the starship. They needed to find a place to repair it. At this moment, they could only give up the starship and choose fighter planes to fight.

The protective measures of fighter planes are not as good as those of starships, and the injuries will only be more serious.

Seeing this, Xi Xiu asked Alivik and Wang Zichun to follow behind 59 and not to attack head-on.

Their fighter planes could not get close to 59's starship at all, because the starship was shrouded by a layer of powerful force. Even with the most powerful weapons they currently had, they could not blast through this layer of protection.

Alivik and Wang Zichun understood this instantly, and Xi Xiu then gave the mental power levels of these people, which made the two dumbfounded.

Alivik said sullenly and unwillingly: "If the people with such a level of mental power were our soldiers, this situation would not have happened today."

Even if they had such mental power, Xi Xiu would not let them sacrifice like this.

The damage caused by using mental power in this way is irreversible.

Even if the war is won, these soldiers will become vegetative, and such a victory is meaningless to the Jingsu Alliance.

Wang Zichun heard Alivik's words in the video, and what he thought in his heart was actually not far from what he said.

They all yearn to be strong.

Especially in the past ten years of fighting, they have seen all kinds of strange creatures, fought many manufactured creatures, robots, and immortal robots, and these enemies are very powerful.

This is a strength that can be achieved without talent, which somewhat impacts the hearts of the soldiers and makes them feel frustrated.

Fortunately, Xi Xiu is an extremely perceptive leader. She gives the soldiers time to rest and relax after each battle, and also uses other motivational methods. Only then did they survive one difficulty after another.

Wang Zichun's voice was a little hoarse: "Although they are such powerful warriors, their lives are almost meaningless."

Alivik understood this truth.

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