I would like to climb up and explain the updates to all readers. I have been updating intermittently since February because the author is pregnant.

The reaction during the first trimester was a bit beyond what I had imagined, so I slowed down the update.

If I have the energy, I will write some. Basically, I just keep updating. Plus I have work and all kinds of trivial matters. Sometimes I really don’t feel like writing...

If it is not possible to update every day in May, it should be fine in June. Now that the early reaction has passed, but there will still be some discomfort, so I will try my best to update. Thank you all book friends for your support.

The author of this book is already arranging how to finish it, so you won’t keep everyone waiting for too long.

Sorry, everyone who is waiting for the update, I wish you all good health and delicious food^^!

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