Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 970 - Go to the center of the storm

At that time, there is no need to care about friendship. This is cruel, and the soldiers all know it.

So, before entering the storm, they left messages for their family, friends, and partners.

If they can come back, they will definitely be reunited with their families. If they cannot come back, their names will be engraved on the monument and they will always be with their families.

There were actually many people that Xixiu could say goodbye to, but she did not choose to leave messages one by one.

I only left one sentence for Wei Lanshan: Thank you Aunt Lan, the sea of ​​​​stars is huge, I hope we can see you again.

When Wei Lanshan saw it, the corners of her eyes moistened with water. She didn't expect to experience farewell again here in Xixiu.

The only thing she could do was to give her all her blessings.

And luck.

Hope Xixiu can come back.

Just come back.

By the time she comes back, Jingsu will be at peace and the sea will be clear.

Then this ghost and monster will definitely disappear, and Jingsu will return to the peaceful time before.

Qing Wenxu and the others watched the soldiers leave, their hearts twitching.

This time, it's probably goodbye forever.

Xixiu did not ask Nan and Jia to follow them. Only Su Jinbao and Buhete were stubborn about going. Xixiu could not persuade them no matter how hard he tried.

They can only be careful themselves.

Because it was difficult for her to care about them in the storm.

Li Xianfeng took over the task, and he will follow Su Jinbao and Bu Hete closely.

Xixiu was helpless when she heard what he said.

She originally planned to go alone, so she didn't even bring Wu Yuan and Qi Mang, but only Si Xi, because Si Xi refused to stay no matter what.

She said that she had taken care of Xixiu since she was born, and there was no reason to die without taking her with her.

This was the first time that Xixiu found that Sixi was so eloquent and she couldn't refute.

I had to bring Sixi.

As for the others, their arrangements have been made, and even if they are gone, they will have a good future.

This is the only thing she can do for them as a leader.

Iminda and Alivik were left behind, and their hearts were very complicated, because Xixiu had arranged their future well in a short period of time.

Maybe she had been preparing for it a long time ago, otherwise, how could the central brain have made the order in such a short period of time.

After the storm completely subsides, they will go their separate ways and continue to shine in new positions.

Everyone's position is almost what they want. Over the years, Xixiu has seen them clearly and understands where their strength and ability lies.

But she herself chose such a path, a path of no return.

Although they firmly believe that Information Embroidery can come back safely, what if?

They didn't even have time to say goodbye to Xixiu before she set foot on the starry sky with the volunteer soldiers.

They could only pray silently in their hearts, praying that the God of the Starry Sky would place all their luck on Xixiu, and pray that she would return safely one day, even if it would take a long, long time to meet again.

As long as there is hope, that's fine.

After the current volunteer soldiers leave, the elders will have the starships staying in Mingning stationed at various strategic points to prevent any accidents.

Qin Hongjun's remaining forces have gone into hiding, and they have to wait until the crisis of the storm is resolved before dealing with them.

The remaining remnants are already grasshoppers after autumn, and they won't be able to jump around for long.

There is also good news from Gaia.

Qin Hongjun and Qin Hongjun's consciousness copy have been escorted to the designated location by Wei Lanshan and Fang Jinyu.

When the crisis in the alliance is resolved, the elders will discuss how to deal with Qin Hongjun and the accomplices in his alliance base.

Xixiu on the starship is fully armed like other soldiers, and she is responsible for commanding the starship.

The central brain will lose its signal after entering the center of the storm, and all operations will have to be done using the starship's own system.

In addition, the data can only be monitored using the starship system, so it becomes difficult to launch weapons at what time and from which location.

It's all a judgment call.

At that time, it will depend on Qing Zhixun.

In terms of data, without a central intelligence brain, he should be the most proficient.

The soldiers sent by Anvil did not have a starship with them, but before setting sail, their starship had its internal communication system replaced.

This is done by the alliance based on past starry sky storm data, and the signal is fairly stable.

It is just to be useful at such a moment. Although they do not hope to have the opportunity to use it, the alliance will work hard to study it.

at all costs.

Because once a critical situation like this occurs, these technologies and weapons will be very useful and can even save the lives of soldiers.

After entering the starry sky, the starship travels very fast.

They only had six hours.

The Hu Jingmon will arrive at the crack in six hours, and even if they throw all of Jingsu's weapons into it, it won't help.

This is where the power of the Hu Jing Beast lies.

In the past, they could not easily cross the starry sky to the alliance because of the barrier of the starry sky.

But now, the starry sky has become unstable because of Qin Hongjun's people, allowing them to smell an opportunity.

Xixiu looked at the console. The data on it kept beating. Qing Zhixun was recording with a storage device. The video chat with Anweil ​​was always on. Moda also sent people into the center of the storm, as well as some soldiers who were proficient in data. .

It can be said that only a small number of elites came to this mission. Everyone hoped to calm down the crisis and did not consider life or death.

Qing Zhixun uploaded the data he monitored, and after combining it with Anweil, he obtained new data.

This will be more comprehensive.

Xixiu was observing that there was no change in the status of the soldiers.

Everything is quiet.

On the way to the center of the storm, the starship's sound capture device transmitted the sound of the storm into everyone's headsets from time to time.

Howling, noisy, and a very depressing sound.

If it were not for the blessing of spiritual power, the warriors would probably collapse.

Xixiu asked the system to shut down the soldiers' external sound acquisition channels, leaving only the console.

A Xian has been closing her eyes to rest her mind. She does not have a starship on Anweil's side.

She wanted to stay by Xixiu's side.

Sixi has become a ring, quietly living or dying with Xixiu.

Sailing is a very boring thing, and everyone's mood at this moment is actually not beautiful.

Xixiu was not idle for a moment. After the data was collected, they began to simulate when it would be the best time to launch the weapon.

Although they have used data to simulate the situation at the center of the storm, every storm is different.

They have to enter the target mission and find the point calculated by Qing Zhixun before they can take further action.

Before that, they must ensure that the starship can arrive safely.

The starship soon arrived in front of the mouth of the storm, and Xixiu asked the starship to stop temporarily.

A robot was sent in to collect data, but the robot only entered less than one-third of the way before the signal was completely lost.

The shell of the robot that entered this time had three layers of protection, which seemed obviously not enough.

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