Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 971 - Eyes of the Starry Sky

The robots were sent in again, and this time the robot performing data collection wore the protective clothing currently worn by the soldiers.

Judging from the data sent back by the robot, these layers of protective clothing can last up to thirty minutes if exposed to a storm area.

In these thirty minutes, if the soldiers can find a safe place, they have a chance of survival.

Xixiu asked Qing Zhixun: "How can we obtain the relatively safe coordinates at the center of the storm?"

Qing Zhixun tapped the light screen quickly with his fingers and replied: "The robot hasn't reached the innermost part yet. I need to get the threshold of the center of the storm to make an estimate."

He didn't have an answer yet.

The Modar people are also waiting for the data from the robot to be sent back.

Wu Jingyang can still get in touch with them, and Qing Zhixun sent them a copy of the acquired data, which can be used to archive modeling.

The appearance with closed eyes suddenly opened them, and the ebony hair that had been coiled in Xixiu's hair was also a little restless.

It suddenly stretched out its vines and waved them in the direction of the starry sky.

Xixiu has fought with it for so many years and is very familiar with its plant language.

This reminded her to pay attention to the large energy fluctuations ahead, and it was difficult to predict where this energy would hit.

Xixiu stared at the display screen. Only one piece of data from the monitoring instrument was abnormal.

Qing Zhixun gave Xixiu a gesture and asked her to direct the starship to turn right quickly to avoid this energy.

Xixiu did as he was told.

After their starship left the coordinates just now, an invisible energy shock wave swept past.

It can be seen from the surveillance screen that if they had not escaped in time, their starship would definitely be missing a corner at this moment.

The damage of starships is very detrimental to the execution of missions. They need to spend time repairing, which will delay their time to reach the optimal position.

A Xian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

The two people cooperated very well, and Xixiu trusted Qing Zhixun's judgment very much.

And Qing Zhixun can always give Xixi the latest data as soon as possible.

In the center of the storm, the starship is currently relatively unimpeded.

Although sometimes they sail to some star fields that look peaceful but hide dangers, the combination of Xixiu and Qing Zhixun can always avert danger.

In addition, they would encounter some energy shock waves and traps from time to time, but they had not encountered any other dangers for the time being.

The same goes for Anwil's starship.

Everyone felt somewhat relaxed.

Xixiu also let out a long breath. In the past few years, there have been many dangers. If she is not careful, she will be broken into pieces. This area is the most dangerous road she has walked in so many years.

The starship has been moving forward rapidly, and time seems to have stopped.

Judging from the data collected by the external visual capture device, the environment in the storm was very strange.

Sometimes you can even see winding "gullies" and some linear objects.

It is completely different from the ordinary starry sky.

The information sent back by the capture device showed that these things were not stars.

Qing Zhixun also didn't understand the composition of these things. Moda people speculated that these things might be the embodiment of some abstract things.

As for what, they don't have an answer yet.

There's not much they can do about it, as long as these things don't hinder their progress or suddenly become dangerous.

After a quiet starry journey, there were suddenly more objects in front of us.

This also means that they are close to the center of the storm.

Xixiu's heart was twisted into a knot. The outermost layer of protection of the starship had collapsed. They rushed to replace the extra layer they had set up urgently before the second layer was destroyed.

Although A-Xian was quietly at the side, her mental power had already reached a place much further away than where the starship was.

It's close to the center point.

Li Xianfeng is also observing the environment here, looking for a safe spot where he can leave after the mission is completed.

Su Jinbao and Buhete stayed by his side obediently, not even daring to move the protective cabin.

I just checked the current situation of the starship through the display screen. Fortunately, it was still safe.

They just need to stick to their posts.

As for the origin of this powerful robot beside him, Su Jinbao didn't dare to guess.

Buhot didn't dare either.

He felt that this robot was too terrifying, and only Boss Xixiu and Qing Zhixun could compete with him.

No, that Wu Jingxian can do it too.

The closer we get to the center, the more nervous everyone becomes.

After a while, the terminal's light screen popped up and turned into snowflakes. Finally, they completely lost contact with the alliance.

The heartbeats of the soldiers accelerated a lot.

From now on, they have to rely on themselves, with no reinforcements and no retreat.

Life or death depends on who the God of the Starry Sky favors.

They actually don't quite believe that they can return to the alliance alive.

It's just that since I submitted the application and died before completing the task, I can't help but feel sorry for the name that will be engraved on the monument in the future.

Everyone mobilized their mental power and did not dare to miss any instructions.

At the same time, they can also detect changes in the starship most quickly.

If the outside of the starship is destroyed, the mental power will be able to detect the changes in the surroundings immediately.

Qing Zhixun's fingers haven't stopped since the communication was cut off. Ah Xian has already sat beside him to help. Qing Sansui's machine alone can't handle the data sorting.

The data is too much and too huge.

Xixiu could see the beads of sweat on his forehead through the protective shield. Because of the air circulation system, those beads of sweat just passed by in a flash.

And her fingers were trembling slightly.

As long as Qing Zhixun's data comes out, she will have all positions launch weapons immediately.

Until the cracks are blown.

It is very likely that the task will not be completed in one sitting.

The Hu Jing Beast on the other side of the crack will detect the movement here when they fire their weapons, thus speeding up their crossing.

They only have three chances.

Everyone’s palms were wet with sweat, even though the mission had not yet started.

The starship arrived in a very strange position, because inside the center of the storm, their terminal was unusable and time was chaotic.

Xixiu could only rely on his experience of sailing in the starry sky to judge that about four hours had passed since they entered the center of the storm.

And there was a flickering black area in front of them, which looked like the eyes of a giant beast. When they opened their eyes, they flashed with strange light when they closed their eyes.

The soldiers can see this area through the display screen, and there is always a cold feeling on the back of the head, as if being stared at by a huge, all-devouring eye.

Xixiu and A-Xian also felt the same, but they were less afraid than the soldiers.

Anweil ​​gave an accurate coordinate, and the result Qing Zhixun just calculated was almost the same as theirs.

After a joint discussion, everyone decided to launch the weapon based on the result of the neutralization of these two data.

Quick victory.

If they fail to seize the opportunity, they will be counterattacked by the Hu Jing Beast.

This is something no one wants to face.

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