Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 187 Activated Data Terminal—Destruction Protocol

"What's the current situation of the unknown enemy support?"

The Eternal is sailing in the starry sky.

Qingyang looked at Chang Xi.

Except for the Eternal, the rest of the starry sky warships are still on standby to clear out the remaining Linkamo fleet.

Wang Zilan has not yet returned, and she needs to destroy the last batch of planets of the Kajiao Empire.

Therefore, Qingyang needs to keep an eye on the unknown enemy forces that suddenly descended to ensure that Wang Zilan's formation, which has left the main force, does not encounter any unexpected situations.

Chang Xi quickly said: "According to the established exploration megastructure, the space delivery from unknown sources is still continuing, and there will be no attack in the short term."

Qingyang turned around as expected and looked at the data terminal planet that was very close in the star map.

Somewhere in the starry sky.

The space ripples splashed, and the Eternal suddenly appeared in the real universe.

In front of it was an ordinary small galaxy, with only dozens of stars located within a radius of dozens of light years, and not many planets surrounding it.

"The environment of the Linkamo star cluster is not the same as that of the Changqing star field. There is no substantial ownerless psychic environment." Qingyang suddenly said.

He noticed it when he first came to this star cluster, but because he discovered the pan-human civilization, Qingyang did not think about it further.

Now it seems that the environment of the Evergreen Star Region is not an exception, right?

Qingyang recorded this incident in the memory block, and planned to compare it after seeing more large celestial bodies in the alien universe.

Now the most important goal is the huge data terminal in front of him.

As the Eternal moved forward slowly, Qingyang finally saw the data terminal of this star cluster.

Although it is a star cluster with a diameter of more than 100 million light years, the data terminal in front of him is not much larger than that of the Evergreen Star Region.

The diameter is only about 30,000 kilometers, and it is also covered with a layer of rock shell on the outside, disguising itself as an ordinary planet.

Of course, although the size has not changed greatly, its strength is extremely terrifying.

Qingyang casually threw out a Star of Truth to explore, and the data function strength displayed was more than ten thousand times that of the one in the Evergreen Star Region!

The data calculation speed and processing power are even more terrifyingly different by hundreds of thousands of times, just like the difference between personal computers and scientific computing equipment.

The powerful data structure strength makes this data terminal enough to build a data network that fully covers the entire Linkamo star cluster.

As for the mechanical warships that were controlled in advance, even if they sailed out of 100 billion light years, they could complete the command interaction of this data terminal within one millisecond!

Seeing this data, Qingyang's first thought was to take this data terminal for himself and replace the components that Lilith is currently using.

The data terminal in front of him is really too powerful.

Even if all the conventional computing devices and megastructures of the Eternal Fleet are added together, I am afraid that they are not even one percent of the functional strength of this data terminal!

It has completely reached the computing strength of the central core optical computer of the eighth-level peak civilization.

If it can be controlled, the efficiency of controlling the mechanical army, several scientific research bases and megastructures can be greatly improved.

[Detected confidential information]

Qingyang was refreshed. It turned out that the previous one could not detect any intelligence. Unexpectedly, this one only detected the template a few hundred times and it took effect.

Qingyang and others have been curious about this kind of mechanical planet-style data terminal for a long time.

[Data Terminal: Official name - Destruction Protocol/Purification Protocol/Rectification Protocol/Screening Protocol (all four are highly recognized names in this universe)]

[Description: Originated from an extremely powerful psychic technology civilization in an alien universe, it once topped the throne of the strongest civilization in the universe, and then collapsed due to the destruction from outside the universe

Finally, in order to ensure the continuation of the universe of survival, they used the most advanced technology to build a psychic data mechanical core and then died one after another

Currently, under the subtle influence of the rules of the universe, this core has become a means of screening civilizations and the main force to fight against the external enemy - destruction]

[Specific data (incomplete):.]

[Division: Central Data Terminal, Level 1 Terminal, Level 2 Terminal, Nebula Terminal, Star Cluster Terminal, Galaxy Terminal]


Qingyang frowned and looked at the description in surprise.


Noticing this word, Qingyang couldn't help but recall the Waterloo he had encountered.

That was one of the few guys who made him run away directly.

Hundreds of pale illusory tentacles swayed in the thick gray fog of nothingness, as if nothingness, without any energy, matter, waveform and high-dimensional characteristics.

It seemed that it was the "nothing" that represented all nothingness.

Only high-dimensional attacks could hurt it, and to really kill and injure it, at least it needed to have 100% high-dimensional killing characteristics.

And it couldn't be ordinary characteristics, it must be a series of high-level characteristics such as life, holiness, annihilation, darkness, chaos, etc.

Otherwise, the effect of the attack would be greatly weakened.

No one knew the meaning of their existence, and no one knew why they wanted to destroy all "existing" things.

All they knew was that they were born from the remaining ruins after the destruction of the universe, and they rushed through the wasteland with the instinct to destroy and devour everything!

To be honest, Qingyang had never seen a real thing of destruction, and the one he had seen was just a thing of destruction contamination.

Even so, that thing of destruction contamination almost crushed the fleet of eternal truth at that time!

Although this destruction protocol sounds powerful, can it really block the attack of a large number of destruction objects?

Should we ask for help?

Based on the time of transmission, it would take at least a year or longer for the Alliance to send a large-scale army to arrive.

If we ask for help now, we have to wait almost a year.

Qingyang shook his head: "Forget it, there is currently no danger that requires the Alliance to take action. As long as the eighth-level peak civilization does not attack on a large scale, the Eternal Fleet can handle most situations."

"Star of Truth, prepare to transform this data terminal."

[Please note that the data signal is detected to be active and the device is currently starting up]

[Estimated startup time required: 5, 42, 1]


Qingyang was stunned when he was about to say something.

Without hesitation, the Eternal entered the starry space instantly and quickly flew towards the area where the fleet was located.

With the Destruction Protocol equipped with the tenth-level civilization technology module, Qingyang does not think that the Eternal Fleet is an opponent of the activated data terminal.

Fortunately, Star of Truth can transform terminals that have not been activated, and terminals that have been activated have been associated with the central terminal.

Even if it can be forcibly converted into something of its own, the number of truth points consumed is absolutely astronomical.

"What's going on? Didn't it say that the screening mechanism will be activated only when the standards are met?"

Gu Xue noticed this scene and couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

A mere seven-level civilization with medium combat power is far from saturated for a star cluster that is hundreds of millions of light years away.

Why is the screening mechanism turned on in advance? Or is it not a screening mechanism?

Could it be because of myself? It's impossible. Unless the disguised alien universe of the local star network is carefully investigated, there will be no flaws at all.

Qingyang thought quickly and smiled at Gu Xue: "I don't know, maybe something caused it to react?"

The third-level human civilization must be evacuated as soon as possible. If something goes wrong, the losses will be huge.

Thinking of this, the Eternal immediately changed its course and flew straight towards the meta-human territory where the coordinates of the southern galaxy had been determined.

Destruction Protocol·Data Terminal.

As the terminal was fully activated, dense silver-white light doors appeared one after another around it.

Violent fluctuations flickered, and millions of prism war stars flew out of it. In just a few dozen minutes, the originally empty and dark universe was filled with the silver brilliance of the prism war stars.

There are also terrifying fortresses with a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers.

From time to time, neutron battle stars with a diameter of a thousand kilometers can be seen, appearing in this star cluster like horizontal sand.

There are no mechanical battleships and no densely packed mechanical soldiers.

The most basic combat unit is the battle star!

Not to mention the seventh-level civilization, even the ninth-level civilization would be frightened when seeing the expanding Protocol of Destruction army.

The size of the army in front of them completely exceeded the standard for selecting a star cluster with a diameter of more than 100 million light years.

[Confirmed, data updated]

[The current probability of a destroyed object in this area is - 100%]

[According to the combat procedures of the Destruction Agreement, prepare to forcefully mediate all wars and assist in the search for destruction related matters of the Agreement]


As the data spread, all civilizations in the Linkamo Star Cluster received the information as soon as possible.

Among them are the Linkamo Sect and Lilith's mechanical army.

They were originally preparing to happily welcome the support - members of Linkamo, a seventh-level peak psychic technology civilization of the same faith.

They couldn't help but be stunned.

As a civilization that has survived two screenings, they naturally know who issued the order.

Suddenly, the door in front of him opened, and the military leader who came to support walked in with a serious expression.

"It's not a screening agreement, it's a purification agreement. It's broken and entered this star cluster."

Different protocols correspond to different situations. This is the behavior pattern of the strongest force in the universe.

The Solemnization Agreement targets areas contaminated by destruction, the Purification Agreement targets all external dangers that enter the interior of the universe, and the Destruction Agreement specifically deals with destruction.

As for the screening protocol, it is naturally used to screen elite civilizations.

The Lincamo sect gritted its teeth and finally withdrew all combat orders.

Qingyang also stopped attacking just in case, so it was better to be cautious when going out. It would not be too late to wait until the data terminal went to sleep again to continue playing.

Qingyang was thoughtful after analyzing the data information released by the destruction protocol.

"There are four agreements, two of which are specifically related to Destruction. It seems that the scale of the different universes and Destruction is not small."

Judging from this, it is still a question whether the major forces in the different universe can stabilize the front line in the deserted area.

I don’t know how big the difference is in the scale of destruction when attacking different universes and when attacking the big universe.

or more?

[Has arrived in the area of ​​Shenyun human civilization]

The prompt from the local star network immediately made Qingyang withdraw his attention and released hundreds of dreadnoughts, sailing directly to the Deep Cloud Territory.

It is also the sphere of influence of the Kajiao Empire, if it still exists.

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