Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 188 Did I bring the Japanese here?

There are not many obstacles and disturbances in accepting the trillions of people of Deep Cloud Civilization.

Relying on the attraction of the Alliance humans to their fellow civilizations and their sense of superiority, the Deep Cloud Civilization was completely persuaded within a few hours.

And I am excited to have a strong backer of my own race.

Having been the source of slaves for a powerful civilization for tens of thousands of years, Shen Yun Civilization did not think much about Qingyang's persuasion.

Declare your consent directly.

How bad can it be?

As trillions of deep cloud humans were solidified into a star space, the Eternal immediately accelerated away.

"Huh, it only took eight hours, two hours earlier than expected." Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he called up the regional star network panel and calculated the average will and spirit of Shenyun humans.

The Lilith data clone next to her looked at it curiously: "In the slave state, I didn't expect that the will and spirit were unexpectedly high."

"I don't think it's surprising. It has been harvested as a source of slaves for tens of thousands of years. Now it is still resisting on a large scale in the face of regular harvesting by the Kajiao civilization, with no intention of giving up.

For this alone, the will and spirit can be called tough. " Qingyang smiled.

Lilith suddenly realized and was quite amazed.

“In addition, in the Evergreen Star District, an area is planned for the use of Shen Yun Civilization.

Lilith is responsible for solving infrastructure and industrial construction problems. "

Facing Qingyang's instructions, Lilith immediately said: "No problem. It is estimated that with a population of more than 130 billion, two to three thousand living planets can perfectly solve the problem."

If you place any area in the Evergreen Star Territory on Linkamo, it will be a high-density resource area and a high ecological area.

The most indispensable thing is life planets. Any star is surrounded by two or three high-quality life planets, and a considerable part of them are in primitive spiritual energy ecology.

The environment is almost equivalent to the residential star area of ​​the High Elites.

You know, that is an engineered environment, not a natural environment.

The Eternal soon arrived at the galaxy where the rings were located.

The star's light was covered by hundreds of mechanical battle stars, including dozens of huge mechanical fortresses.

Just in terms of surface energy level strength, it is not even weaker than the dreadnought!

Then came tens of millions of mechanical battleships with good strength, whose strength and quality were vaguely better than the first batch of mechanical battleships.

They are densely packed and spread throughout the galaxy.

The Shanhai Battle Star and the starry sky fleet that had been waiting here for a long time were located in the star waiting for the return of the Eternal.

Seeing the Eternal appear, Warren, Wang Zilan, Li Qing and Mia immediately entered the Eternal control room, along with hundreds of captains.

During the assembly of the Eternal Fleet, other star warships basically left no personnel to prevent various accidents during large-scale operations.

"Commander!" Li Qing and others immediately responded.

Qingyang nodded and smiled: "Well done, the task was completed very efficiently."

Qingyang then turned and looked at the edge of the galaxy, where more surveillance structures were being rapidly formed: "Apart from the stars, have all the other dozen or so planets been demolished?"

Lilith's clone immediately replied: "Yes, all the resources after the demolition have been invested in the construction of the surveillance giant."

"Mobilize as many resources as possible to expand the scope of Xingzhimu's monitoring."


Xingzhimu monitoring terminal, as the name suggests, is just a terminal device and requires more external connecting equipment to be truly effective.

Otherwise, the detailed monitoring of a mere millions of light-years in diameter will have no monitoring effect at all from the macroscopic perspective of the universe.

Only with enough monitoring giants can the scope of detailed monitoring be expanded.

As for rough scanning and alert, the local star network combined with the scanning of star battleships is enough.

"The most important thing now is to destroy the agreement. The situation is a bit out of control." Qingyang said solemnly.

Normally, a star cluster that is hundreds of millions of light-years away should have multiple seventh-level advanced or even peak civilizations, but now we encounter a star cluster with only one seventh-level civilization.

I thought I got a bargain.

Unexpectedly, the difficulty was still to come, the accident came so suddenly.

The Agreement of Destruction and the Thing of Destruction are neither characters that the current Eternal Fleet can easily compete with.

Chang Xi suggested: "Commander, is it really not possible to find other galaxies or star clusters to mine resources?"

The core crew members around him had the same idea, only Gu Xing looked hesitant.

Qingyang noticed Gu Xing's expression and immediately said: "Gu Xing, if you have any ideas, just tell me and listen."

"It's not an idea, but my subconscious tells me that staying here may have unexpected benefits?

It's just a feeling, and opportunities come with dangers, it's up to the commander to decide. "Gu Xing said after seeing this.

Unexpected benefit?

Qingyang raised his eyebrows with a somewhat surprised expression.

After pondering for a moment, he finally said: "Open the star ring at all times and send the Deep Cloud humans to the Evergreen Star Territory first. If the situation goes wrong, destroy the star ring immediately and evacuate through the star dome space!"

The rest of the core crew immediately responded: "Yes!"

Star Sea Human Alliance.

The capital star of Kyushu is among the blue clouds.

Two men with elegant and mysterious temperaments were talking to each other. If Qingyang were here, he would definitely recognize them. They were Feng Xiao and Qingyundao.

"How far is the area of ​​the universe where Qingyang is located from the larger universe?"

Qingyundao picked up the tea cup and asked.

Feng Xiao smiled and said: "Using the Core Desolation Gate is expected to take more than a year to arrive normally, and it will only take a few days for the Starry Sky Fleet.

It would take several months to return, and it would be very close to the big universe. "

Then a compass floated in front of him, and he said again: "It only takes one month for me to deliver a large-scale force in the starry space, so don't worry.

The universe where little brother Qingyang lives does not have a high upper limit of strength. A mere tenth level civilization can dominate a place, and the overlord level can be counted on one hand.

It is not as strong as the civilizations of some super star clusters. As long as it is not so reckless, the probability of something happening is low. "

Qingyundao nodded slightly: "The situation in the alien universe is full of strange things. I hope he can grow even more."

"So what's the matter with your visit this time?"

Hearing this, Feng Xiao suddenly smiled and said: "Dad, something went wrong while I was building a high-speed channel in the desert area to connect to other universes.

I need my father's Blue Book. "

Qingyundao was surprised: "What situation can stump you?"

"A branch of the Azure Sky appears in front of the planned engineering route. Forcibly defeating it will cause the tide of the Azure Sky, which will cause some negative interference to the T4 and 3 fleets in the deserted battlefield."

Feng Xiao couldn't help but complain: "Dad, aren't you the manager of the blue sky? Don't let the tributaries wander around in the desolation."

"There is no way, my strength is not enough. After all, the blue sky is a mysterious wonder in a deserted area, and I cannot control it deeply."

Qingyundao was equally helpless.

Then he took out a blue book and handed it to Feng Xiao: "However, a certain degree of control can still be achieved. The authority is given to you."

Feng Xiao held back the words he wanted to complain about. After all, he didn't even have deep control over the starry space, so he was not qualified to complain about his father.

After chatting again for a while, Feng Xiao quickly left.

The development of the alliance has further accelerated since the fifth era, and he is the busiest person in the alliance now.

When it comes to exploring the wilderness, no one is better than him. He is even the only commander who can build a fixed webway in the wilderness.

The Gate of Desolation is just copying and imitating his technology.

"Wang Hao, dispatch a starry sky engineering fleet to the alien universe where Qingyang is located to build a high-speed starry skyway."

Feng Xiao, who was about to get into work, remembered something and told Wang Hao, who was far away in the deserted area, to immediately start mobilizing the engineering fleet.

"I understand, my brother's safety must be at the forefront, but it will probably take more than fifty years."

There is no way, project construction is definitely different from simply rushing.

This is still a universe that is not far from the big universe, otherwise it would not be surprising even if it were calculated in ten thousand years.

Two weeks later.

Because the concepts of space, time and existence appeared in the desolate realm, the space and time flow rates of basically all universes gradually returned to unity and were not much different.

Therefore, Qingyang has always used the alliance's timing method.

On this day, Qingyang, who had been conducting large-scale and high-frequency exploration, finally got the information about the destruction.

However, Qingyang's expression gradually became strange after seeing the information.

[The object of destruction: strength - none (there is no energy level for destruction, and the specific strength needs to be determined by collecting data from actual battles)]

[Current scale: Linkama Star Cluster currently has seventeen objects of destruction and four hundred and thirty-three objects of destruction and contamination]

[Source: Commander Qingyang passed through the Gate of Desolation and broke through the law network of the universe, attracting them, causing them to follow the passage of the Eternal Truth Fleet and arrive in the nearby area.

At present, the passage has disappeared, and all the destruction entering through the passage is concentrated in this star cluster (the nearby star cluster is the largest celestial body)]


We've been making trouble for a long time. Did I introduce the Japanese?

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