Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 189 Macrocosmic Heaven! Reward for Destruction Agreement?

Linkama cluster.

In the Eternal Fleet garrison area, which was officially renamed the First War Zone, Qingyang looked at the massive amount of documents at an extremely fast speed.

Because of the large number of civilizations in the Evergreen Star Territory, and the establishment of diplomatic relations with some "grassroots" civilizations in Linkamo, Qingyang has a lot of things to deal with every day.

Even relying on the strength of the T5 mental threshold will take an hour to process.

Two months have passed since the activation of the Destruction Protocol terminal, and the original standby area has expanded from a galaxy to a range of more than a thousand light years.

Thousands of industrial giants, resource giants and surveillance giants are scattered throughout the first theater.

If viewed from thousands of light-years away, only one-third of the twinkling light is the light of stars, and the rest is all the brilliance emitted by giant structures.

In the first battle zone covering thousands of light-years, all planets and meteorites except stars were decomposed.

Millions of planets have become excellent construction resources for these giant structures.

Densely packed mechanical warships formed patrol teams, sailing on the route planned by Lilith.

Lilith's mechanical army, which was already quite powerful, has become even more powerful with the help of scientific research giants.

Many of Linkamo's psychic technologies were cracked and updated by hundreds of thousands of researchers, and temporarily installed on mechanical battleships.

The center of the first theater of war.

A large star port built around the star ring channel, where the Eternal Fleet is anchored.

"Huh, done. How is the Destruction Agreement handling the objects of destruction?" Qingyang finished his work and looked up at Chang Xi.

The latter nodded immediately: "Seventeen objects of destruction and more than four hundred people contaminated by destruction have been successively eliminated by the army of the Destruction Agreement.

There are still five objects of destruction and eighty-five objects of destruction and contamination that have not yet been discovered. "

Qingyang suddenly frowned. The object of destruction could not be locked by most detection methods, and could only be scanned using specific technologies.

As for remote observation of combat, the object of destruction in the video is just a blank and nothingness, unless the recording method specifically involves high-dimensional observation technology.

Although these things are difficult, they are not difficult for a protocol that requires at least a level 10 psychic omnic civilization to start, right?

Haven't dealt with it for two months?

"If it weren't for the destruction agreement, Linkamo would have been gone long ago!" Qingyang said helplessly.

As a seventh-level civilization, the Linkamo Sect must have many resources that can be used to synthesize materials for star battleships.

With the support of an entire star cluster, Lilith's omnics can mature quickly.

It can be said that capturing the Linkama Star Cluster is the first priority for the Eternal Fleet.

With a large scope, many resources, and a weak civilization, it would be difficult to encounter such a good thing again.

Is it really not possible to directly send the coordinates of the remaining destroyed objects to the Destruction Protocol?

Qingyang hesitated. If it attracted the attention of the Destruction Agreement, the gain would outweigh the loss.

However, according to the Star of Truth and the template intelligence, it seems that the Destruction Protocol only cares about the results of the mission and will never pay attention to the process of the mission?

After thinking seriously for a while, Qingyang looked at the endless ocean of mechanical battleships outside the bridge and made up his mind.

"The Star of Truth shows the detailed coordinates of the remaining destroyed objects and contaminated ones!"

[Consumption of two hundred truth points, shown:]

As expected of destruction, the Star of Truth also needs to use its strength to find its position.

Enduring the heartache, Qingyang sent the message in clear code to the entire star cluster.

There is no way, although two hundred truth points are expensive, rapid development and exploration of different universes are the most important thing.

Moreover, Qingyang could not guarantee that if an object of destruction appeared in his war zone, the Destruction Agreement would wipe him out as well.

Not to mention the T5 fleet, the T4 fleet cannot face the attack of the main army of the tenth-level psychic civilization!

As for destruction, many of those infected by destruction can compete with the gold medal T5 fleet, and objects of destruction will definitely start with a higher combat power than T5.

There is at least no record in the alliance records of a T5 fleet defeating the Ruined Thing.

When going out alone, you must be cautious first. If you insist on knowing that you are losing, it is purely a brain problem.

"I hope the destruction protocol can be more efficient."

[The information has been received. According to item 1 of the contribution agreement, please select two rewards, Eternal Omnic Civilization]

Eternal omnic civilization?

Is this an ‘ID card’ fabricated by LAN Star Network?

In comparison, Qingyang is more interested in rewards: "As expected, he is the agent of the will of the universe, and there are rewards."

[One: Nine-level civilization breakthrough technology one—preliminary application theory of rules]

[2: Coordinates of Level 9 Lost Empire Scientific Research Relics]

[Three: Five hundred people in the universe's macro-heaven realm - the chosen ones (affects the offspring who are born)]

[Four: Fifty thousand light-year territory of the central constellation (many benefits)]

[5: Two opportunities to be exempted from the screening agreement]

The first item is eliminated directly. The technical theoretical system of the ninth-level civilization is too huge and the current equipment cannot support it. Moreover, with the alliance, he does not need the technology.

The unified database can even apply for causality technology, provided you have the ability to understand it thoroughly and use it.

Qingyang is very interested in the second item.

"The second term and the fourth term"

[Collaborators, please choose the third option if possible]

[The core heaven covering the entire universe is judged to be the place where the rules of the universe gather and manifest. The Star of Truth can use these quotas to disguise itself as a new life and enter it to copy the rule structure]

[If there is a chance, the Star of Truth will find a way to extract some regular polymers, but the number cannot be determined, it may be zero or a lot]

[In addition, the Star of Truth will be given to collaborators, 10,000 truth points, high-quality truth knowledge x 2, and the hall of truth drawing·real object x 1]


Qingyang decisively changed his words: "The second and third items!"

Since it was the Star of Truth who spoke, he had to choose the third option even if there was no reward.

After all, the Star of Truth has basically been helping him for free from the beginning to now. The truth points are really no different from the things he has obtained.

[Confirmation completed, reward has been issued]

Putting away the two small crystal balls that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Qingyang smiled and said: "Star of Truth, you don't take the initiative to speak often."

[The Star of Truth only requires rule-level or similar things]

The Star of Truth answered sternly.

Qingyang suddenly smiled helplessly. Although the Star of Truth had a will, its behavior was more like a program and an omnic.


"It turns out that this cosmic energy and cosmic will program can directly exchange contributions for technology and other rewards." Qingyang suddenly thought.

These five rewards, except for the third one, are simply worthless transactions to the universe.

The technologies possessed by civilizations that have perished or existed in history, or even future civilizations, and the universe rules system itself should be able to be accessed at will.

Unless you can transcend the universe, even if you can develop technology in the future, the universe can master it at will.

According to the pattern of the heavenly realm, it is not impossible that the macroscopic heavenly realm of the universe has this function.

He took out the crystal ball that represented the 500 places in the universe and said: "I leave the truth to you. If there are no rules, polymerization and some technology will do."

【no problem】

Chang Xi suddenly whispered: "Commander, the mechanical fleet that destroyed the agreement appeared two million to three thousand light years away."

Qingyang, who was still expecting what the Star of Truth could do, was shocked in his heart, and immediately said: "Use the Harmony of Stars and see what happens."

The Star Harmony with high-dimensional observation technology was launched immediately.

Everyone in the control room immediately appeared in an endless starry sky.

The three-dimensional spectator mode has the function of projecting a full range of virtual images of the surveillance area.

Qingyang looked forward and saw millions of prism war stars, flashing with dense high-dimensional circuits, and several powerful high-dimensional fluctuations spreading everywhere.

The terrifying power made Qingyang's scalp numb slightly.

"The multi-structure high-dimensional battle star, with a scale of one million, is already comparable to most of the wealth of a ninth-level civilization."

Seeing this, the core crew members who were busy with other things all put down what they were doing to watch the fun.

In the center of the majestic prismatic battle star encirclement, gray-white mist spreading tens of thousands of kilometers surged, with streaks of pale lightning flashing from time to time.

Tens of thousands of white illusory tentacles are looming in the gray mist.

The next moment, millions of prism war stars launched an attack together!

The 100% attributeless high-dimensional energy light spear is superimposed with 100% annihilation characteristics, 100% sacred characteristics and purification characteristics!

This is only the fluctuation that Qingyang can currently detect!

High-dimensional characteristic over-limit superposition technology, a cutting-edge technology only available to advanced ninth-level civilizations or peak civilizations!

"Is this the core function of attributeless high-dimensional energy?" Qingyang suddenly wondered.

Unlimited superposition of high-dimensional features is indeed very powerful.

The attack unfolded, and hundreds of millions of million-level killings instantly drowned the objects of destruction within it. The extremely powerful concentrated fire directly formed a majestic high-dimensional tide at the high-dimensional level.

It surged and spread in all directions.

Although there were no terrifying visions from the high-dimensional level in the display, Qingyang was still frightened by the stars extinguishing and the planets disappearing in an instant.

It was as if the real planet had been erased with an eraser. There was no explosion or aftermath, and it disappeared into thin air.

And this anomaly spreads out to millions of light-years in the blink of an eye.

There are no signs of weakening.

Before Qingyang could react, he saw hundreds of huge fortresses destroying the agreement emerging above the first battle zone.

A layer of light shone out, covering the entire first battle zone, and then everything, including the Eternal Fleet, gradually became illusory.

The terrifying high-dimensional tide swept directly through the first battle zone without causing any impact.

On the other hand, in the hundreds of thousands of light-years surrounding the first battle zone, there is not a single planet.

[The agreement will protect contributors whose strength is not up to standard and will not be interfered by the power of destruction]

Qingyang's heart suddenly dropped, and his expression was a little strange.

The other core crew members, including Gu Xing, also felt awkward.

Why does Destruction Agreement have a faint sense of Star Network déjà vu and a sense of security?

As the aftermath dissipated, everything that was still being destroyed completely disappeared, leaving only a large area of ​​broken space.

Qingyang was not surprised by this. Destruction was very dangerous. The Destruction Agreement would definitely ensure a one-hit kill against Destruction that entered his home to prevent greater damage.

Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the Legion of Destruction teleport away through the macroscopic realm.

"Looking at this situation, the troops who destroyed the agreement will soon withdraw and prepare to arrange a military attack on the Linkama sect and their reinforcements."

Qingyang turned off the three-dimensional observation mode, turned around and said seriously.


Seeing that everyone was preparing for war, Qingyang opened the general information about the ninth-level civilization's scientific research ruins.

This is the information sent along with the Destruction Agreement.

The status is almost adjusted, and it will start from tomorrow for a period of time [Third update]

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