Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 265: Ghost girl

"Death, death, death..." The irritable fit giant made a metal-throwing sound in his mouth. The language is the universal lingua franca, but it seems to have just learned to speak, which is very non-standard. M

Immediately, the majestic power of the law rushed crazily from the body of the fit giant, Qin Lin seemed to be facing an ancient beast, his heart was awe-inspiring, his hair was standing upright, and his back was cold. the real star!


Qin Lin no longer had the slightest thought of confronting the fit giant, and he turned around and ran away just like when he met the star-like human in the Isla God Realm that day.

While escaping, Qin Lin flew out of a pseudo-dharma image, rushing in the opposite direction, that is, killing in the direction of the combined giant.

This pseudo-dharma image is no longer a ghostly form, but very real, another lively Qin Lin, with black hair dancing in a wild, sharp faces and sharp eyes.

The fit giant roared, as if mad, and slapped Qin Lin's pseudo-method with a palm, the power of the golden rule covered the palm, golden glow.

Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets everything.

The palm of the combined giant drew the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, and it was automatically sequenced to form the power of the law, not only the power of the golden law, but also the power of the other four elements, and even the power of wind, thunder and lightning, and the law of light.

Of course, the power of the golden rule is the main force.

The ancient mythical beasts, the ancient ancestors, and the prehistoric fierce beasts are all legal physiques, unparalleled in combat strength, and have ever crisscrossed the endless starry sky. The universe has their images imprinted everywhere, causing practitioners to perform legal attacks or secret arts. Most Will spur the supreme image imprinted by the universe, and become the helper and combat power of the caster.

The palm of the combined giant simply mobilizes the power of the laws in the body, but it makes the visions of divine beasts, ancestors, and fierce beasts appear.

The majesty of the divine beast, the war spirit of the ancestors, and the anger of the fierce beast poured out one after another. Booming towards Qin Lin's false law.


Destroyed and rotten, unstoppable, the giant metal palm that carried all things, split Qin Lin's pseudo-dharma into fly ash on the spot.


Qin Lin's face was pale, but it was a fake image containing a few drops of his blood.

A drop of essence. Ten drops of blood.

A drop of blood... priceless.

For a cultivator, all the essence of life is extracted, but there are only 30 or 40 drops of essence and blood.

Blood is the liquid tissue in the circulatory system of humans or higher animals, dark red or bright red, and smelly. Composed of plasma, blood cells and platelets, it plays an important role in maintaining life.

People can live well without breaking their arms and legs. If there is less blood in the body, the body's functions will be exhausted and various undesirable symptoms will appear.

Without blood, then... you can only die.

This is the blood science before the genetic age.

After the genetic era, blood is still a vital part of blood.

The energy and the power of the law in the flesh and blood practitioner. Most of them are stored in the blood.

The more vigorous the blood, the stronger the strength of the practitioner.

And Jing, Huaxia has had a drop of Jing and ten drops of blood in ancient medicine since ancient times.

This ancient medical theory is not alarmist.

However, Western medicine does not approve it. It analyzes the components of Yang Jing, saying that it is composed of spermatozoa and **** plasma, of which spermatozoa account for 10%. The rest is seminal plasma.

From a medical and scientific point of view, this is indeed the case.

The main component of refined pulp is water, which accounts for more than 90%. Other components include fat, protein particles, pigment particles, phospholipids, amines, free amino acids, inorganic salts, enzymes, sugars, etc., with very few solid components. , Except for a small amount of protein, the rest is water.

The composition of the essence. The composition is similar to that of plasma, but the source, form of existence and function are different.

This is the analysis and research of western medicine on the components of Yang Jing.

However, Western medicine seriously ignored the information stored in Yang Jing.

For example, an optical disc is composed of polycarbonate. Organic dyes such as cyanine or phthalocyanine, azo, pure silver metal with a purity of 99.99%, light-curable acrylics, etc. However, how can the information in the CD, such as text, pictures, videos, etc., be ignored?

Every day, each male can produce tens of millions to hundreds of millions of sperm. Even if these sperms are not excreted from the body, they will age, die, and finally be digested by enzymes.

However, it should be noted that digestion is also digested in the human body.

Therefore, Western medicine studies the ingredients of Yang Jing, but fails to study the information contained in Yang Jing.

Young people do not know the essence of preciousness, and old age hopes to cry.

Si Ruo and Qin Lin have been pursuing the Chinese ancient medicine concept of one drop of essence and ten drops of blood, and they will never waste it.

"I suffered a big loss today. I guess I won't be able to pay the instructors and them in a few days." Qin Lin was in pain, but at the critical moment, there was no other way.

Not to mention ten drops of essence, ten drops of essence and blood, which are more precious than essence, have to be squandered. Suddenly, Qin Lin once again rushed out of his body.

Although the pseudo-dhamma image was vulnerable to the present-day combined giant, Qin Lin really couldn't help it.

A few drops of essence and blood turned into a pseudo-fascinator holding a giant sword, and with a loud roar, the giant sword was swung out, and various ancient beasts appeared, lifelike, spreading their wings for nine days, stepping on the void...


Two beams of light shot out from the eyes of the combined giant without pupils, and several puffs, all the ancient beasts around the giant sword held by the pseudo-dharma phase were annihilated.

At the same time, the big hand of the combined giant was slapped again, and the visions were numerous. Before the hand arrived, Qin Lin's pseudo-fascination was shattered, cut off in one piece, and collapsed suddenly.


The only gain is that the giant sword struck the fit giant, which caused the fit giant to stagnate.

Qin Lin took this opportunity to escape.

"I'll cut the grass!"

Qin Lin has actually performed the movie serpentine technique for dozens of times without success.

Bad luck to the extreme.

The speed of the fit giant far surpassed Qin Lin.

Before the hand arrived, Qin Linguang felt the image of the ancient giant beast around the big hand, and his body was cracked, unable to withstand the pressure.

The cosmic battle armor had long been shattered, leaving only the Fang family's special battle suit for the Qinlin Giant Legion. Under the cover of the big metal hand, the battle suit instantly burned and turned into fly ash.

Being slapped by this palm, Qin Lin suspected that he would be killed on the spot.

Thinking of the Star Elephant Man encountered by Isla God Realm, Qin Lin felt that the Star Elephant Man was weak. It is estimated that he had just been promoted to the Star in less than a day, and he was far from being able to compare with the fit giant.

The huge sword fell into the sea, and there was nothing on him-running naked.

Qin Lingan had 600,000 supernatural powers, and he couldn't even get off the ground.

In fact, it can be lifted into the air, and it can also be combined with a giant, and the speed is faster than him.

How to do?

Qin Lin gritted his teeth, and Tianlinggai suddenly filled the sky with blood and energy-the light body talent escape technique supernatural power.


Immediately, silently, a ray of light disappeared in front of the combined giant.


The combined giant slapped his hands in the air, the sea parted, a large crack hundreds of meters wide and several kilometers deep appeared, and huge waves on both sides surged into the sky.

The so-called overwhelming nature is nothing more than this.

Qin Lin flees without a trace, the speed is the best in the world.

The fit giant stared at the rolling sea and was stunned. Obviously, with its wisdom, Qin Lin couldn't explain clearly to it.

After a moment of stunned, golden light flashed in the eyes of the fit giant, turned around abruptly, and ran towards the Pacific.

Even the power of the law is used, and the whole person is like a golden light, running on the sea, one step hundreds of meters, ten steps per second.

The fit giant has to rush back to rescue the mother emperor!

At this time, Qin Lin was in a nervous state and looked drunk. Walking on the sea, he staggered, and from time to time he fell into the sea with a thump, like a streaking drunk.

Exerting the light body talent escape technique supernatural powers, it consumes a lot, all the essence, life essence, and blood have gone seven or eight, and the divine power has been seriously exhausted. This has caused Qin Lin to have hallucinations in front of his eyes, regardless of the north, south, east and west. Auditory hallucinations occur.

"You...who? Why are you so sad, don't cry, what is there to cry. Come, turn around and come to see me. Wearing such a beautiful black dress, compares with my little sister~www However, your hair seems to be longer and more beautiful than Miss Sister’s hair. Haha, pure natural beauty, Miss Sister is too charming, so her long hair looks more charming, I don’t like it very much. It's okay to be bad to me alone. I'm so pretty and seductive all day, I'm jealous." Qin Lin shook his body and pointed to somewhere in front of him.

There seems to be someone in the empty place.

"Huh? Why are you still crying? I kindly persuade you for a long time, you don't pay attention to me. If you don't pay attention to me, forget it, I will sleep for a while and talk about it. I am sleepy." As he said, Qin Lin fell on the sea. The body and spirit all relaxed, but they didn't sink.

Qin Lin didn't know that at this time, he had already arrived in Bermuda on the Atlantic Ocean.

After Qin Lin fell asleep, where he was pointing, a ghostly figure of a woman sitting on the ground with her back turned to him, holding her knees, weeping, appeared.

The woman was wearing a black dress with black hair like a waterfall, hanging down on the floor, sobbing: "Where are they all..."

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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