Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 266: Where did they go

"Where did they all go..." The woman in the black dress was like a little girl who was abandoned, fell to the end of the world, crying sadly.

Qin Lin slept for half an hour, and the woman in the black dress cried for half an hour. He couldn't help it anymore, turned over, and hummed, "Please don't cry, I'm so sleepy..."


His body tensed, his soul recovered from nothingness, Qin Lin could no longer float on the surface of the sea, and sank abruptly.

When he got up, Qin Lin looked at the black dress woman in front of him in a daze.

His back was slender and looked pitiful, and that hair, tender and tender, fell for nine days, and looked so soft and couldn't bear to hurt.

"Miss Sister, why did you come here?" Qin Lin was half awake and mistook the black dress woman for a red shadow.

The beautiful body of the woman in the black dress was still trembling, crying sadly: "Where are they all..."

"It turned out not to be a young lady, no wonder, I ignored me and still loves to cry." Qin Lin seemed to be sober, but the next sentence proved that he was still in a trance: "You can't use the magical power of the streamer escape technique casually. It's terrible to be drunk, dreaming of messy dreams."

Then, Qin Lin sat behind the woman in the black dress, staring at the back of the woman in the black dress, and muttered to himself: "How do I feel that you don't look like a person..."

As he said, Qin Lin laughed himself: "This is a dream. Alas, girl, did you break into my dream, or did you pull me into your dream? Anyway, sit beside you. , It’s really comfortable. I feel better. I feel that this dream is becoming more and more real, just like the real thing. When I wake up, I should be able to recover. Don’t cry, life is like this, dream a dream. What’s so good about Sad? Ever since I recognized the essence of the second world, I have often thought that the people inside were instilled with memories that didn’t exist, but they didn’t know it. For example, my'mum and dad' inside. They have only appeared for less than a year, but they have memories of 20 or 30 years ago, as if they really lived for more than 20 years. In fact, they have only lived in that world for less than a year. On the other hand, will we also be instilled with memory, but we have lived for less than a few days? A day? A few hours... Also, the ancient spells, with magical powers, will this universe actually be A super-super-super-optical brain with voice control function. If the sound and meaning are correct, you can give instructions to it and get the corresponding needs..."

The woman in the black dress was still crying, sad and sad. As Qin Lin was talking, she seemed to be affected, and she couldn't help but shed tears: "Don't cry, you cry again, I want to cry... I don't want to be a leader, complete God What is my last wish, I just want to go back to ten years ago, when the family was reunited, no matter how painful and tired, no matter how scared, as long as the family is together, it is the greatest happiness..."

Suddenly, the crying woman in the black dress disappeared and turned into a little bit of starlight, coming and going without a trace.

Qin Lin shuddered all over, opened his mouth wide, and finally woke up completely.

"I had a dream just now?" Now Qin Lin, energetic, stood up, his bones crackling.

Shaking his head, Qin Lin looked down, his gaze was like a torch, his gaze traversed hundreds of miles.

"Fuck it!" At this glance, Qin Lin's face was pale and a cold sweat fell.

On the deep seabed, a corner of the pyramid lay quietly there. It was silent for an unknown number of years, and the desolation breath permeated, as if it was telling the immortal past.

Actually ran to the mysterious Bermuda!

This is a place of chaos in time and space, the passage of the Tongtian Tower, leading to an unknown area.

Divine Soul has realized the law, Qin Lin's perception of heaven and earth far exceeds that of ordinary people, and he feels an unstoppable force.

That is the power of time!

The sky and the earth are mysterious and yellow, and the universe is prehistoric, talking about space and matter, and there is an end in the end.

The years, without beginning and end, are everywhere. It carved its mark on the annual ring, and left its mark on the smiling face of youth...

The ancient times are immortal.

"Walk around..." Qin Lin yelled from the bottom of his heart, but his feet had taken root and he couldn't move at all.

Paralysis, what's the situation, Qin Lin's body didn't listen to it.

Suddenly, a red flower emerged from the top of Qin Lin's head, swaying lightly, shining stars.

"The other shore flower blooms for a thousand years, and falls for a thousand years. The flowers and leaves will never meet. Love is not a cause and effect, and fate is doomed to life and death. It is better to be happy than to be sad, but to remember is worse than to forget. How can right and wrong be distinguished?" The woman's sigh came.

Qin Lin's heart was shocked, his eyes seemed to travel through endless time and space, and he saw a woman in a red dress with a slender back, beautiful hair and shawl, walking lonely on an unknown distant road. The red dress turned into a black dress at some point. , The surrounding Yueyue Rivers and rivers pass away, and the small worlds are like dreamy shadows, shattering one after another...

The stars disappeared and the safflower disappeared. Qin Lin was finally able to regain control of his body, but his heart jumped suddenly, as if a huge crisis was about to come.


Qin Lin immediately let go of his feet and ran wildly.

Almost at the same time, silently, a yin wind swept out of the void behind him, as if trying to **** Qin Lin in.

Qin Lin's souls are all dead, and he has never been so close to death. He roared and rushed forward desperately.

The old **** stick said that the time and space tunnels of Bermuda popped up from time to time, and the Tongtian Tower couldn't help it.

The power of space is nothing. The power of time can wipe out people in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

What Qin Lin worries most is the power of time.

Silently, the yin wind swept across the body and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Qin Lin gasped, got up, continued to run naked, and ran for thousands of miles in one breath.

"Fortunately, I didn't realize the law. The old man said that the mysterious power in Bermuda likes to target practitioners who have the power of law." Qin Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief and entered an island, looking for clothes.

This dress was naturally on the monster, culling a king-level monster, Qin Lin stripped off the skin of the animal, quickly sewed a simple animal skin skirt, put it on, and then drove towards the Pacific Ocean.

He didn't contact Xiao Qi in advance to ask about the current situation there.

Xiao Qi is very sensible, and will contact him as soon as possible if she can spare her hands.

However, up to now, the little guy has no information to pass, and Qin Lin is very anxious.

He didn't dare to use the streamer escape technique, but the movie serpentine technique was frequently used.

The success rate is very high, and it succeeded only three times.

Believe that the promotion to the star, with the power of the law, it will be a thousand times easier to cast this magical power, and there will be no more chance of failure.

The movie Serpentine was originally a magical power that only started after the star. Qin Lin is now just drawing a gourd, barely exerting the power of this magical power.

On the Pacific Ocean.

The battle was fierce, and blood stained the sea.

Daning, Fang Que and others fought **** battles.

Fang Que was crying and fighting. Gu Yuexue's summoned beast died in the battle because he saved her. Gu Yuexue's current situation is also very bad, bleeding everywhere, and the blood holes in his body are shocking.

"Why can't I summon a little monkey?" Fang Que had an iron hook on his shoulder, blood was gurgling, but he ignored him, carrying Gu Yuexue on his back, crying and killing...

Daning and Gu Yingxue stood by Fang Que's side.

Chi Ying carried the dying Da Qiao on his back, and said nothing, fighting side by side with the wounded spider beside him.

Up to now, the three-way battle has become a two-sided battle.

Qin Lin's camp and the sea monster teamed up to deal with the biochemical giants of the rebels.

These biochemical giants are all dead men, fighting madmen.

No, they are not human at all. As long as they have their hands and feet left, they will continue to fight, which is heart palpitating.

In addition, biochemical giants continue to come from the South China Sea and join the battlefield.

In order to destroy the Qin Lin camp and the Star Sky Mother Insect camp, the rebels went out.

"It's time to let go!" The butterfly girl has a fairy-like face and a girlish moving beauty. At this time, she anxiously communicated to Xiaoqi: "Don't let go, both of us The members are going to die."

In the air, Xiao Qi, butterfly girl, flame giant, three legs stand together.

The strength of the flame giant is nothing in front of the two women, but he has a magic whip.

The Taksin are very insidious, and I probably expected this scene.

The divine whip given to the flame giant was actually a cave-level magic weapon, engraved with two kinds of law runes.

The flame giant, the rebel's second child Huang Teng, only needs to hook the law rune on the whip, the fire and thunder law power within the whip will be activated, and the fire and thunder energy in the world will be swallowed to form The power of the law output.

Xiao Qi and Butterfly Girl are just stars, and it is very difficult to swallow the power of two laws at the same time, not to mention the power of the laws that are being driven desperately by people.

As a result, the three of them are now in a state of restraining each other, and no one can withdraw alone unless they are seriously injured.

.(To be continued.) q

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