Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 267: Join hands

"It's useless to let go, his magic weapon is too weird, so let's swallow it together and see how much power he has to spur the magic weapon.!" Xiao Qi didn't want to continue the stalemate. He has already killed a loli beast, Da Qiao. He and Gu Yuexue are also dying.

The butterfly girl nodded quickly. Although the starry sky female insects are powerful, they are actually the most afraid of death.

There is no way, inherited, their race is usually able to do nothing on their own, never show up, they all send their soldiers out to fight and block the enemy.


Xiao Qi pulled out the thorny tail inserted on the butterfly woman's chest.

Seeing this scene, Huang Teng's expression changed, and he understood something, the two proud beings at the pinnacle of the universe were about to join hands.

"Come on, who is afraid of whom? I..."


After Xiaoqi's thorn tail was pulled out, it instantly penetrated Huang Teng's throat.

At such a close distance, her thorny tail can easily break through the extreme speed. Among the stars, few people attack faster than her spur.

"Puff~" "Puff~"

The two tentacles on the butterfly girl's head also stretched out like lightning, and they suddenly penetrated Huang Teng's chest.

The throat and chest are pierced, and it is not fatal to the star power. They do not need to breathe, and can even regenerate the broken heart.

Comprehending the law, the power of the law bestowed by the universe has transformed their bodies, giving the original living body the ability to regenerate.

However, before the star, the laws of the universe did not help regenerate the lost body parts. This requires the strong to continue to be promoted to complete the gene chain so that the body can have complete regeneration capabilities.

"Hey, it's late, it's too late for you guys!" Huang Teng smiled coldly after being surprised, and the whip suddenly broke free of Xiao Qi and Butterfly Girl's hair.

"Qiang!" "Qiang!"

Forked whip. Restricted tightly the jade necks of Xiaoqi and Butterfly Girl respectively, the flames burned, and the lightning flashed in the fire.

Xiao Qi and Butterfly Girl pressed their mouths tightly, their cheeks bulged, and their eyes widened.

The three stalemate again.

However, Huang Teng was obviously at a disadvantage, just clenching his teeth and insisting on it.

Xiao Qi and Butterfly Girl glanced at each other and scanned the surrounding sea.

Looking at Huang Teng's situation, there is no doubt that he will die, but. He was not scared at all, it seemed that he still had a back hand.

This had to make Xiao Qi and Butterfly Girl vigilant.


The situation below was very bad, and Fang Que was once again passed through the body by the iron hook of the biochemical giant.

"Don't want to hurt my Yuexue!" Fang Que's eyes were red, his flesh and blood trembled, and he clamped the iron hook on his body. Prevent the iron hook from completely piercing his body and hurting Gu Yuexue on his back.

Seeing Fang Que hurt so badly. Also desperately protect her sister. Gu Yingxue cried and fought to death.

Daning has only one arm left, and his eyes are red. I don't know if he killed the red eyes or cried, and pressed his mouth tightly.

He wanted Fang Que to break through and take Gu Yuexue away.

But he also knows. This is impossible.

What is a comrade-in-arms?

Comrades in arms, just never leave.

A comrade-in-arms is to live and die together.

The biochemical giants died one after another. But one team after another joined in, it was desperate.

Everyone understood that the rebels had been waiting for Qin Lin's giant army and the starry sky female giant beast army to gather, and then they all caught up.

The normal giants of the giant family also came, blocking the sea monster army on the periphery.

Floating corpses in the sea of ​​blood, drifting for thousands of miles, in front of giants with hundreds of thousands of physical strength, there is no imperial army of sea monsters, they only come to death.

The star worm is the **** of sea monsters. For the sake of god, the sea monster army is crazy, hundreds of millions of them, crazy.

The giants of the giant family were so weak that they were killed, and this sea area became the Asura Sea, bleeding thousands of miles, and wailing constantly.

Siruo has crossed the North American continent directly with the rain sculpture into the Pacific Ocean

Yu Diao also fought his life, carrying Si Ruo all the way swiftly, and in a few moments, the fit giant returned to the Pacific battlefield one step at a time.

Before reaching the center of the battlefield, her eyes jumped in thought. She also saw that the corpses of countless sea monsters were washed away by the battle storm in the center of the battlefield.

Looking at the battlefield, members of the giant family on the periphery were slaughtering sea monsters, while in the center, the biochemical giant even attacked Qin Lin's giant army.


The rain carving continued to carry thinking, rushing into the center of the battlefield like a fleeting wind.

"The instructor is back!"

Everyone in the Qin Lin Giant Legion, seeing Siruo return, a glimmer of hope arose in their hearts.

"Puff~" "Puff~" "Puff~"......

Siruo, who had just returned, was in a better state than everyone in the field, and the sword flew out, killing five or six biochemical giants one after another.

Along the way, she has been recovering with all her strength on the back of the rain carving, waiting for the battle.

And because the rain carving was injured before, and then desperately rushed, there was not much combat power left.

"Yu Diao, take Da Qiao and Gu Yuexue away!" Without a word, Si Ruo rescued Da Qiao and Gu Yuexue and put them on Yu Diao's back.

The Rain Sculpture is the only imperial bird in the battlefield. It can attack and defend.

Moreover, the current state of the rain sculpture is also extremely poor, unable to fight anymore.

A partner died in battle. Although sad and angry, her temperament was very similar to thinking, and her head was calm, and she flew away with Da Qiao and Gu Yuexue.


Si Ruo is very murderous, and there are two pseudo-fascinations.

No one expected that the decisive battle would break out so quickly.

No one thought that the hidden strength of the rebels was so deep and so powerful that they would wipe out the Qin Lin camp and the Star Sky Mother Insect camp in one fell swoop.

Si Ruo's face was extremely cold, and the rebels headed by Li Liang still had some humanity.

However, Huang Teng was in the top position, frantic, and out of Qin Lin's expectations.

During the period of the Republic of China, the Chinese Civil War encountered foreign invasion, and the two sides still stopped and jointly attacked the enemy before continuing the civil war.

But the rebels...


Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

The fit giant finally arrived on the battlefield, and the power of the law permeated his body, causing the situation to change along the way.

Suddenly, a mecha appeared, blocking the way of the fit giant.

The three-hundred-meter-high mecha has a peculiar shape, with barbeds all over the body, and a giant pattern printed on the chest.

What is even more surprising is that this mech is permeated with the power of laws.

The mecha blocked the way, and the fit giant roared and did not stop, but rushed all the way to the mecha. The body quickly grew bigger, soaring from 100 meters to 300 meters.


The arms of the fit giant carried various visions, and the fists resembled a huge round disc, and fists that jumped out of the images of various birds and behemoths slammed into one piece like the arms of the mecha.

The sky broke and the earth broke, and a huge hole appeared in the sea on the battlefield, which became a vacuum, and then closed again, and the vortex flew around.

The two sides separated as soon as they touched, and each went back a few steps.


Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, a figure rushed, shining light all over, its trajectory was not a straight line, but twisted like a snake in the water, traveling in a s-line.

This is the magical power of escape-movie serpentine.

The air density, the energy distribution of the five elements in the sky, and the earth are not uniform, resulting in the non-optimal straight forward movement and the fastest speed.

Just like there is a high mountain ahead, instead of climbing desperately and going down, it is better to bypass it. Qin Lin's goal is not to conquer this high mountain, but to go to the back of the mountain.

"I don't know what happened to Chi Wu and the others?" Qin Lin was anxious. Until now, Xiao Qi didn't have a letter, and the battle must have been tragic.

After such a long time, even if I persisted, I would definitely be exhausted.

Qin Lin is most worried about someone having an accident, these people are the hope of the earth, and the five elements have all the physiques.

In the future, people like them will be the ones who fight against the invading lives of the universe.

According to the old **** stick, this generation of the earth's reincarnation was very successful and far exceeded God's expectations. Therefore, there may be some five element physiques on the earth.

However, there is not much time left for the earth.

Qin Lin still didn't know that his Giant Legion was not fighting the Star Mother Worm camp. On the contrary, the two sides had already joined forces to fight against the rebels' biochemical giants.


Suddenly In the sea area in front of Qin Lin, a mech climbed out of it, which was three hundred meters high, with a very strange shape. The whole body was covered with barbs and the figure of a giant was printed on the chest.

This mecha is almost exactly the same shape as the mecha that intercepts the combined giant.

However, the face of the mecha that intercepts the fit giant is feminine.

The face of the mecha that blocked Qin Lin was masculine.

Qin Lin's heart jumped, when did this kind of mecha appear on the earth?

No, this is definitely not a mech made by humans on earth!

This kind of mecha can already be regarded as a starry mecha.


The light of the mecha circulates, and the power of the law overflows.

Qin Lin's expression changed, and it was indeed a Star Mecha!

.(To be continued...)

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