Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 268: Mysterious Mecha

After a great battle, just after recovering, he encountered the Starry Sky Mecha. Qin Lin's face was ugly, and he had a very bad premonition. M

How could the opponent predict his route in advance and then intercept it?

Xiaoqi still has no news. How far has the battle situation on the Pacific battlefield developed?

"South China Sea Rebels? Tuck Interplanetary Giant?" Qin Lin's face was uncertain, and probably only Tuck Interplanetary Giant could dispatch the Star Mecha.

The Interstellar Giant, located between the A-level and the B-level, is a combination of technology and law runes.

This kind of space warship carries on cosmic adventure, it is naturally impossible not to be equipped with other equipment.

For example, the current Starry Sky Mecha should be the equipment carried by the Interstellar Giant.

Adventure in the universe, some places need pioneers to find their way.

Regardless of whether it is a Class A space battleship, or a space battleship of Class B, C, etc., it will be equipped with forerunners, which are similar to the starry sky mecha in front of Qin Lin.

If Qin Lin is taking a space adventure and driving a space battleship, he will definitely be equipped with some pioneers. When encountering a star ball or a region, he will send the pioneers on the battleship to explore the way in advance.

Otherwise, if you immerse yourself in it, you will be out of luck and you don't know how you died.


The starry sky mecha with the power of law circulating on the body, step by step towards Qin Lin, like a big mountain pressing against him.

Qin Lin's face was solemn, this starry sky mecha may be driven by intelligent life, it is not an immortal life and a fit giant, there is a problem with intelligence.

Qin Lin had been in contact with Jijit, and knew the perversion of intelligent life, driving the starry sky mecha by them would definitely have amazing combat power, at least the calculation and reaction abilities of ordinary people were far inferior to them.

However, according to the civilization of Tuckstar, the intelligent life that drives the starry sky mecha of this level should not be very powerful.

even. These intelligent beings can't practice, they can only fight in close combat, relying on the runes on the mechas, and simply use the power of the law to attack.

The heavenly gods created the mechanical clan, and Qin Lin's inheritance memory contains information about the mechanical protoss, one of the four clan of the starry sky gods.

In the universe, except for the purebred and powerful mechanical races. There is almost no intelligent life capable of cultivation in the technological civilization of other races.

The Star Mecha didn't respond, and pulled out the big sword behind it.

However, after approaching Qin Lin, it didn't move anymore, just confronted Qin Lin.

After a one-minute standoff, Qin Lin finally couldn't help it.

The other party is holding him. The situation on the Pacific battlefield must be very bad.

Without any weapons on his body and his hands are empty, how do you fight against the Starry Sky Mecha?

Go around?

The movie serpentine technique is definitely not good, as soon as it is displayed, the starry sky mech is cut off with a sword, and the energy of the world is chaotic, and this escape technique will be destroyed.

The opponent's realm is high. There will be its own domain, which can interrupt most of the magical powers displayed by others. It is estimated that Qin Lin's movie serpentine can only be used in front of enemies of the same realm.

In front of the starry sky mecha, it is okay to use the magical powers of the streamer escape technique, this set of magical powers is essentially different from the movie serpentine technique.

The former mainly relies on its own origin, while the latter mainly relies on external forces.

However, after casting the magical power of the streamer escape technique. What if you get rid of the Star Mecha? At that time, what else could Qin Lin, who had only half his life left, rushed to the Pacific battlefield?


There is only one battle!

Qin Lin gave a long whistle, his left hand used the Heavenly Demon's hand, and his right hand used his bare hand.

Two big hands pressed forward, and on the way forward, the demon hand was desperately devouring the energy of heaven and earth. The pitch-black five-fingered hands are becoming more and more realistic.

The bare hands became more and more brilliant, dazzling and gorgeous, and faint shadows of ancient beasts appeared around.

This indicates. Qin Lin already had the embryonic form of light in his soul, and the immortal will of the ancient supreme was awakened.


Every **** was once a arrogant god, stood out, became the supreme of a generation, and ascended to the altar.

After the gods have fallen, their will is immortal, and they are with the universe. Later generations will use the secret techniques they have used to awaken their fighting spirits that were branded by the universe.

In the face of Qin Lin's two sets of mystical attacks, the arm of the Starry Sky Mecha shook, the giant sword glowed, the runes on the arm and the sword were mobilized, and the power of the law ran wildly.


Cut down with a sword, a giant with a metal mask on his face emerged from the sword, and an invincible starry aura appeared from his body.

Qin Lin's heart jumped, the fallen **** was from the mechanical clan.

Before the great sword was cut, the harsh metal collision, friction, cutting and other sounds burst out, like a kind of sonic attack, Qin Lin's hand was shaken, and there was a tendency to collapse.

The power of the law is too powerful!


The hand of the sky demon was like a real palm, cut in half by the giant sword, fell into the air, and then fell apart and dissipated abruptly.

Compared with the beginning, Qin Lin's spirit is now more powerful, and the power of the hand of the demon is gradually increasing. With a divine power of 600,000, the use of the hand of the demon can also cause a life threat to the peak of the emperor.

However, in front of the Star Mecha, it was still not enough.

Destroyed with one sword!

As the Heavenly Demon's hand suddenly dissipated, the bare hand also attacked.


The Starry Sky Mecha shook all over, and the power of the law on the fuselage was disillusioned, but only for a moment, it revived and the golden light flowed.

Qin Lin was panting. These two blows were his strongest two blows.

There is only real way, no false way.

The attack power of the bare hand is weaker than that of the sky demon hand, but in terms of attack speed and weirdness, it is better than the sky demon hand.

As a result, the starry sky mecha can only choose to manually handle the demon, but, looking like this, even if it is hit by the demon's hand, it will still be as stable as a mountain.

Although Qin Lin sighed secretly in his heart, his eyes were staring at the Star Mecha warily.

To his surprise, the Starry Sky Mecha was only a defense, and after a sword was cut, it stood still on the spot.

Could it be that this iron lump is not a pioneer of the Tucker Giant, but an immortal life, deliberately unable to live with him?

Qin Lin was puzzled and didn't want to think about it anymore. He flashed to the side, trying to go around.

As expected, the Star Mecha moved across and stopped him.

"Who are you?" Qin Lin was annoyed, like an enemy but not an enemy, what kind of fame.

The Star Mecha was still like a mountain, motionless, and did not answer, his pupilless eyes were cold and expressionless.

Qin Lin gritted his teeth, he couldn't beat the opponent at all, so he could only pass through with his physical strength and speed.

"Movie Serpentine!"

Qin Lin turned into a serpentine lightning, and wanted to rush over.


The starry sky mecha slashed towards Qin Lin, and the beasts roared together, with a metallic sound, which was very ear-piercing.

Suddenly, Qin Lin fell out of the movie serpentine state.

The great sword was still cut down, the power of the law was permeated, and a small piece of the world appeared, as if it were real.

Qin Lin had a feeling that it was the world and life of the gods, the fairy mist was lingering, the sacred mountains rose into the clouds, the pavilions and halls stood on the sacred mountain, the ancient trees towered to the sky, and the fragrant grasses...

The omnipotent **** will also fall.

Qin Lin felt sentimental for a while, but he didn't have time to think about it and backed away quickly.


The huge sword smashed down, and countless sea water evaporated as the foam world was annihilated, and a vacuum appeared, then it was filled with the surrounding sea water, crashed into a piece, and set off a thousand-foot huge wave.

"Light, light, light..."

Qin Lin's eyes widened, the sword of the Starry Sky Battle Armor, the pervasive power of the law, is the power of the law of light.

Suddenly, Qin Lin rushed towards the Star Mecha by suicide.

He was about to grasp the law of light, just a little bit short of it.

The Star Mecha was taken aback for a moment, and probably did not expect Qin Lin would dare to come close to fight it.

Just for a moment, Qin Lin rushed to its eyes, fisted, and a group of white light flickered.

The starry sky mecha glows all over, and the power of the law is permeated, including the power of the law of gold and light.


Fists hit the Qin Lin's fists and arms were numb, but the mecha's figure only shook, and he did not take a step back.

"Come again!" Qin Lin's eyes shined, it was the force of the law, he opened the curtains, opened the doors and windows, and he could see another piece of the world.

Now Qin Lin had already opened the curtains and almost opened the window.

"Drive me!"

Qin Lin yelled excitedly, then punched again, with a "boom", the force of the law on the starry sky mecha spreads around like water ripples, slowly and regularly...

At this time, the Star Mecha finally moved, and he reached out his other hand and slapped the "weak" Qin Lin with a "bang".

Qin Lin coughed up blood when he was shot in the air, but laughed wildly.

"The vast starry sky, here I am!"

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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