Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 273: Bustling


Chi Ying took the lead, leading everyone and the giant beasts to kill the giant family. M

There is no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties.

Nowadays, giant families feel that many betrayed their relatives and are abandoned by the world.

If the human government did not recognize them before, and the sea monsters were also hostile to them, they would not care, but now...

The Interstellar Giant abandoned them, the humans abandoned them, and the sea monsters wanted to peel them off and throw them into a pan to torment.

"Don't kill us, we have decided to betray the Taco clan."

Seeing Chi Ying and the others slaying aggressively, the giants of the giant family gathered together, and a giant full of beast blood said hurriedly.

"Everything is a misunderstanding. We are all victims. We make peace. Everyone is life on earth and should be in the same boat." Another giant hurriedly added, his face full of grief and indignation.

The two star leaders of the giant family, the eldest brother was imprisoned by their wrong hands, and the second brother was pitted to death by the Interstellar Giant, making them completely give up and decide to betray.

What mother star, even if it is not a scam, they don't have such a mother star.

The faces of Chi Ying and others were cold, and the emperor-level behemoth roared low, hating the giant family to the extreme.

"Do you think it is possible to resolve this enmity?" Chi Ying's charm disappeared completely, replacing the endless hatred.

Siruo's eyes were very cold, as if it could be frozen for thousands of miles.

"Can't resolve, kill them all!" Fang Que's eyes were red, and Gu Yuexue and Da Qiao were taken away by the rain carving, and now it is unknown whether they are alive or dead.

"You must kill!" The few loli beasts that came out of Isla God Realm roared, and the two partners died in battle, and they were more saddened than Chi Ying and the others.

The fifteen giant beasts belonging to the butterfly girl's camp also roared lowly. I really want to pounce on it immediately and tear the dozen giants from the giant family to pieces.

However, two stars appeared in Qin Lin's camp, Xiao Qi and Chi Wu, which the mother goddess had just ordered. To form an alliance with Qin Lin's camp, and to act with Chi Ying and the others.

Therefore, Chi Ying and the others did not act. Although the fifteen giant beasts wanted to do it, they did not dare to act first.

Seeing the attitude of the Qin Lin camp and the mother emperor camp was so tough, the faces of the members of the giant family changed.

The biggest loss is the mother emperor's camp. Hundreds of imperial beasts died in battle, and hundreds of millions of sea monsters were slaughtered.

Among the members of the giant family, only three have more than 800,000 combat power, and the rest of the weaker ones have less than half a million. How can they fight Chi Ying and the others?

The biggest heritage of the rebels is the biochemical giant. Of course, it should have been the Interstellar Giant.

Unfortunately, the Interstellar Giant completely abandoned them.

Because they are useless, the biochemical giants are all dead.

"Do you also know that you are a life on earth? Take a good look around you. Are these creatures slaughtered by you a life on earth? When you start, don’t you feel a sense of guilt?" Chi Ying looked at the blood in the sea. The undulating corpse mountain. His eyes were full of sadness.

Not only her, but everyone and the beast felt a sorrow.

Before the life in the universe came, the nest fights you to death and life.

Now, the alien race in outer space has awakened everyone and the beasts.

It was born from the same root, so why is it too anxious to fry each other.

Only when there is competition, there is progress. But there is no need to go to the point where you will never die, and both lose and lose, and let the aliens take advantage of the emptiness to enter.

now. Even the members of the giant family have expressions of remorse, committing a lot of sins, and they are too numerous to write about.

"This is the end of the matter, brothers. I will take one step first." A giant from the giant family roared sadly, with a war sword placed on his neck, and with a hard stroke, the huge head fell into the sea without a head. The body collapsed and sank into the Pacific Ocean.





The giant of the giant family yelled, with tears on his face.

"I can't live without a woman. Brothers and brothers, don't be giants in your next life. You won't even be able to find a girlfriend." Another giant yelled, his head fell and he succumbed to death. column.

The remaining giants of the giant family have a sad expression and tears.

"Why do you want to force us, why do you have to kill us?" Another giant crying bitterly, along the way, gains less and more, and loses more and more.

Dreams are emptiness, thinking is nothingness, and dreams are emptiness.


This giant followed the two behind him, ending his dreams, throwing his life into the long river of ancient years, eternally rushing, without beginning and end.

"Why is this? Why..."


Another giant from the giant family’s family was in tears, questioning the world, and came to help each other, and the brothers left, right and wrong, gratitude and grievances, only under the sword, living and dying together.

"Woo, mother star, where did we come from?" A giantess held a headless giant's body, cut herself with a sword, and the two sank into the Pacific Ocean together.

The faces of Chi Ying and others remain unchanged, the universe has no rules of destiny, and no one can change their destiny.

There are only two rules in the path of spiritual practice, the rules of time and the rules of space. The nine rules are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning, light, and darkness. There are no laws or rules of fate.

The end of the giant family's family cannot be changed, and the cycle of cause and effect.

There is no previous life, only this life.

The cause and effect of this life is in this life, and the cause planted by the giant family, Chi Ying and others and the giant beasts cannot save the effect for the "after life" that even the gods questioned.

"The clouds gather and the clouds are scattered, the prosperous ending..."

It's not that the giants of the giant family don't want to live, but the road ahead is broken, and the enemy is too strong, caught in the gap, can only be squeezed into pieces of meat.

As a last resort, one by one, one by one, embarked on a dark journey, and everything ended.

In the end, eighteen giants of the giant family, male and female, hand in hand, fell into the Pacific Ocean.

The brilliance never appeared, and almost all the giant family fell, leaving only Li Liang who was imprisoned somewhere.

Chi Ying and others are not sad or happy, away from the battlefield, slowly recovering.

This battle was no easier than the guard battle on Zawwa Island that day.

In the field, Xiaoqi and the mother emperor joined forces, and the power of the law surged wildly.

A dark alien beast threw a long thorny tail and entangled an arm of the starry sky mecha. The sound of metal cutting was harsh and sparks flew.

The mother emperor's wings flickered, swiftly stunned, a wing cut, a large piece of metal fell from the starry sky mecha, and a string of sparks spewed out.

A starry sky mecha is not enough for Xiaoqi and Mother Emperor.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a rainbow light burst through the air.

The faces of Chi Ying and others changed slightly, and another star mecha.


The rainbow light that had just plunged into the battlefield revealed its body, like a huge streamlined fighter, rapidly transforming.


Xiaoqi's spiked tail snapped abruptly, tearing off one of the arms of the starry sky mecha, and the four claws stepped on the sea, with a "boom" like a cannonball fired, jumping towards the mecha that had just arrived and was deforming.


The starry sky mecha that had just been transformed was slapped flying by Xiao Qiyi, causing a string of sparks to appear on the fuselage.

Just as Xiao Qi was about to rush up again, her heart jumped and she quickly jumped aside.


A group of light with a diameter of more than ten meters flashed like a ball of lightning.

Star cannon!

A hot weapon that can kill stars!

Everyone's complexion changed. They turned their heads and looked at it. A hundred nautical miles away, a 400-meter-high starry sky mech carried a cannon on its shoulder, and its muzzle pointed towards the battlefield.

"I'll leave it to you here!" Xiao Qi said to the butterfly girl, moving her body, jumping in the air, and rushing to the starry sky mecha carrying the star cannon on the S-shaped route.

"Everyone spread out!"

After being stunned, Chi Ying hurriedly ordered the crowds and beasts gathered together.

Just now, if the Star Cannon hit them, it is estimated that half of those present would die.

Thinking of this everyone and the beasts are all in a cold sweat.

It is indeed a starry mecha, even Xiao Qi dare not swallow their star cannon energy directly.

"Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!"...

The starry sky mecha carrying a star cannon on its shoulders fired several cannons in succession without storing energy at all, making everyone pale.

This is the extraterrestrial technology, the star's thermal weapon.

"call out!"

Xiaoqi opened her mouth and spit out a ball of black light, flashing runes, she could not completely escape the bombardment of the star cannons, she could only fight against each other.


The loud and loud noises were earth-shaking. At the place of the explosion, the sea tens of miles around was flattened, the sea water evaporated, and the carcass of the sea monster on it also instantly evaporated under the impact of the aftermath of energy.

Everyone was stunned.

.(To be continued...)

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