Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 274: Alien invasion

Hundreds of miles away in the Pacific battlefield, Qin Lin, with his upper body and a bronze body exposed, wrapped in an animal skin skirt, finally hurried back. m

Divine power sweeps, seeing Chi Wu and others in the field, Qin Lin breathed a sigh of relief, especially after seeing that Chi Wu was actually promoted to star.


"Da Qiao, Gu Yuexue, where's Yu Diao?" A closer look revealed that these three were not found. Qin Lin's face was ugly. He didn't know that Yu Diao had taken away the seriously injured Da Qiao and Gu Yuexue.

"Miss Sister, I'm back." Qin Lin spoke to Chi Ying.

Chi Ying's eyes lit up and she looked around. She was still an emperor-level spirit, unable to find Qin Lin, and unable to communicate with Qin Lin's spirit, unless the two were close and could be seen with the naked eye.

Otherwise, she couldn't locate it, and transmitted the divine power frequency to Qin Lin's mind to communicate with Qin Lin.

"Qin Lin is okay, he is back." Chi Ying hurriedly reported to everyone.

Everyone was always worried about him. At that time, he was chased by a fit giant for thousands of miles.

"Big brother is okay!"

The big guy is even more excited, sweeping away the decadence.

"You leave here and go back to Jura Island. When Chi Wu is promoted, I will let her **** you away." Qin Lin spoke to Chi Ying and the others at the same time. He also saw the starry sky machine coming down from the moon. A.

The first target of these Starry Sky Mechas must be the Starry Sky Mother Worm and Xiao Qi, and then him and the star's Chi Wu. It is very inappropriate for Chi Ying to stay here.

Chi Ying was anxious, knowing that even if she could not see Qin Lin, Qin Lin could hear what she said now as long as she was interested in listening, and said hurriedly: "Qin Lin, are you not leaving? There are already several cosmic racers. Starry Mechas invade the earth. All mechas are star-rated."

Qin Lin said: "Don't worry, I am no longer at the emperor rank. I am one step ahead of Chi Wu to enter the star."

"Really?" Chi Ying was taken aback.

At this time, Chi Wu finally finished his promotion, and his body that was several kilometers tall retracted.


After retraction. Just stepping into the star-star Chi Wu, with a wave of her hand, a sea of ​​fire appeared, overwhelming the sky, and the Vermillion Bird flew out of it, and the fire phoenix was reborn. The Golden Crow turned into a round of tomorrow, and half of the sky was burned.

"Pump puff puff......"

The sea of ​​fire rolled like a huge wave, sweeping forward, and swept one of the two Starry Sky Mechas fighting against the Starry Sky Mother.

The fuselage of this starry mecha flickered, and the power of the law of ocher gushed out, impacting with the power of the law of fire. As the firewood is lit, the crackling sound is endless.

Chi Wu returned to a normal human body, and the fiery red dress formed by the power of law was extremely bright, like a fire fairy, full of enthusiasm.

Yushou fluttered, and the fire sword Xiao Qi snatched from Huang Teng hung over his head and quickly zoomed in. From a few meters long to more than three hundred meters, the flames burst and the surrounding air twisted.


Chi Wu waved his hand, and the huge fire sword above his head turned into a flame, shooting through the air, leaving only this huge sword in the world, and the world was eclipsed.

Magic weapon magic weapon, the treasure for monks to win by fighting the law.

Magic weapons are like weapons in the hands of mortals. Unarmed people have a huge difference in combat power from those who hold weapons.


The speed of the fire sword is no less than the star cannon. The earth-yellow starry sky mecha was trapped by the sea of ​​fire again, unable to dodge. Most of the more than 300-meter-long war sword was inserted into its fuselage, stabbing it through.

Suddenly, the power of law on the mecha disappeared. Dark green liquid dripped from the wound of the sword.

The mecha fighter inside was injured.

The blood is dark green, flowing into the sea, like sulfuric acid poured into the water, gurgling bubbles.


The Fire Sword flew back, and the Starry Sky Mecha staggered and didn't fall down, but it was obviously hit hard and its combat power dropped sharply.

Suddenly, a bare hand fell from the sky, at a very strange speed, and slammed fiercely at the wounded mecha.


The injured mech was shot hundreds of meters away, and it couldn't even be driven by the force of the law. It swayed, almost falling apart, and one arm was broken.

Qin Lin has arrived!

"Qin Lin!"

Seeing Qin Lin appear, Chi Wu didn't care about anything, her eyes were red, and she threw herself at him.

Not dying in catastrophe, the feelings towards loved ones and loved ones are indescribable, I can only say that I cherish it very much.

Qin Lin is also a normal person. You don't need to look at the bare hands just now to know that he has exceeded one million stamina and has been promoted to a star.

"It's all right, it's all right..." Qin Lin hugged Chi Wu who plunged into his arms, feeling the softness in his arms, eyes full of excitement.

Stumbled all the way, and after many twists and turns, the thing that worried me the most did not happen.

Chi Wu is still there, Siruo is there, and Chi Ying is okay...

After rushing into Qin Lin's arms, Fairy Huo was crying, his nose was red, and the feeling of being lost was very cherished.

Before that, everyone present could die at any time.

Chi Wu was not afraid of death, but she was afraid that she would not even be able to die by Qin Lin's side.

It's all right now, even if the sky falls, she is not afraid anymore.

Daning and the others also surrounded them, tears shining in their eyes, and they showed their true feelings even more in times of disaster.

Qin Lin glanced at the people, his eyes were a little lost, Chi Ying saw something, and comforted: "Da Qiao and Da Xue should be fine, but the injuries were serious, and the rain carving took them away."

Hearing this, Qin Lin was overjoyed, but quickly calmed down and said to everyone: "If you leave here with Chi Wu, the other Star Mechas will come over immediately, and there will be a fierce battle."

Chi Wu looked at Qin Lin courteously, not wanting to leave him, but wanted to fight with him.

Qin Lin ignored it, and solemnly said to Chi Wu: "Chi Wu, your task is very difficult. Be careful on the way. Maybe some Star Mechas will attack you...get away!"

Before finishing talking, a ball of lightning blasted towards the crowd on Qin Lin's side.

Qin Lin had been paying attention to his surroundings, and immediately noticed that the hand of the demon that was condensed by the power of the law of light with one palm was forty meters in size, shining with brilliance, and the nails were clearly visible.


The star cannon collided with the hand of the demon, and the sea water evaporated for several meters in a radius of tens of miles, and the central area like a sponge was squeezed down by an invisible force.

An 800-meter-high starry sky mecha stood hundreds of miles away, with a barrel inlaid on its arm, pointing directly to Qin Lin's side.

"Chi Wu, hurry, take everyone away." Qin Lin pushed Chi Wu away, spitting out a flash of lightning because the other party fired another cannon.

The power of the law is terrifying, at least now Chi Ying and others feel uncomfortable when they are on the edge of the star battlefield, as if they are near a fire.

The eight-hundred-meter-high starry sky mechas seem to be much stronger than those four-hundred-meter-high starry sky mechas.

After pushing away the Chi Wu, Qin Lin rushed towards the eight-hundred-meter-high starry sky mecha like a 100-meter sprint, jumping up steadily while running.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters...

After he grew to 800 meters in height, he was already in front of the starry sky mecha covered in water blue.

One star with nine sons!

A lightsaber seemed to have drilled out of the void and shot towards the aqua-blue mecha. In mid-air, nine flying swords jumped out of the mother sword, rotated around the mother sword, and shot forward together.

Facing the ten swords, the aqua-blue mecha moved quickly. As soon as the arm raised and the barrel faced the lightsaber, it also knew the horror of the lightsaber.

With a soft sound, the star shells of spherical lightning flew out of the barrel. There was no law, but the energy was compressed to the extreme light cannon.

Quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes.

The lowest level of science and technology, in exchange for large demand in small quantities; the higher level of science and technology, is the development of science and technology to a certain extreme, the road has been broken, and began to study quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes.

The power of the law, a road that leads to the sky, has been pursuing the smallest amount and exerting the greatest function from beginning to end.


The spherical light cannon and the ten swords crashed into one, and the tsunami happened again, and the huge waves were hundreds of meters high.

Qin Lin crossed the sky of huge waves, flashed in front of the water blue mecha, and blasted out with a punch, forming a world of light, which was more dazzling than the sun.

The water-blue mecha flashed with runes, covered by the power of the law, and the giant metal hand pushed out.


The fist hit the metal giant's hand, and the dull metal crash sounded.

Qin Lin withdrew his but also threw another fist at the same time. The power of the law of light diffused, covering the fist, forming a pair of gloves.


The light fist hit the 800-high mecha, the mecha slid back, and the barrel pointed at Qin Lin.

Qin Lin raised his eyebrows, slapped his palm, and patted the arm of the mecha with the barrel.


Two star shells fired in a row, blasting into the depths of the sea.

Qin Lin's face changed slightly, a cannon of this level, blasting into the earth, could at least cause several twelve-magnitude earthquakes.

An earthquake of this level in the ocean caused a terrifying tsunami. Even if it occurred in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, people on the coastlines of Asia and North America would suffer.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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