Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 275: Surfaced

Although the number of cities on both sides of the Pacific has decreased drastically after the start of the genetic era, the population has not decreased much. Several or a dozen cities have merged into one. m

In the face of the power of nature, even people whose physique has strengthened several times are still weak.

This huge tsunami will take away hundreds of millions of human lives, especially those in slums.

"Hundreds of millions!" Qin Lin walked out of his body and faced the aqua blue mecha. The deity jumped high into the sky, his body shining brightly, and a beam of light fell from the distant outer space and enveloped him.

The Pacific plate was impacted and the earth's crust began to move. The ocean in a radius of thousands of miles shook violently. Hundreds of water jets spurted up to several thousand meters, and the underground magma spurted...

The seawater surging in the epicenter was irregular, and the huge waves that rushed into the sky could reach up to kilometer, the rumbling sound triggered a chain reaction, and the sky continuously heard the sound of air explosion.

Everyone's expressions changed. The star-level battles and the movements were very scary. The star-level light cannons directly hit the bottom of the sea, causing a major earthquake and the scene was out of control.

"Hurry up!" Qin Lin, who stood high in the sky, urged Chi Wu and the others, because the few people and the giant beasts hadn't been far away, they were shocked by the movement, and were at a loss for a while.

The deity grew rapidly, one thousand meters, two kilometers... five kilometers, six kilometers!

The majestic giant stands upright, swallows the sky, ****, and the power of the law of light covers hundreds of miles of sea.

The safety of hundreds of millions of human lives is in his own hands, and Qin Lin desperately urges his divine power to use the power of the sun to overcome the Pacific turbulence.

Fa Xiang fights against the water blue mecha, dragging the opponent.

"If you don't want to hurt Qin Lin, just leave!"

Si Ruo had always been calm, seeing Chi Wu and Chi Ying reluctant to leave Qin Lin alone, froze for a moment, and led the crowds and beasts away.

"Chi Wu, you stay and help Qin Lin, we can go by ourselves." Chi Ying was worried about Qin Lin.

Chi Wu looked at Qin Lin, and then at the people and the beasts in front of Si Ruo, gritted his teeth, pulled up the red shadow, and continued to evacuate. Without her protection, they would meet the starry sky mecha. Si Ruo would surely meet the whole army. Annihilated.

"Sister, don't you listen to your sister?" Chi Ying was dragged away by Chi Wu, and she was anxious. She saw Qin Lin's mouth with bloodshot eyes, cracked, and while fighting the powerful starry sky mecha, he calmed down. The burden on him is heavy.

What's more, Xiaoqi and Butterfly Girl are also fighting the Starry Sky Mecha, and the disturbances are not small, but Qin Lin alone will take care of the aftermath.

It's not that Chi Wu didn't see it, but she couldn't ignore the safety of her sister and the instructor.

Qin Lin had a great body and was promoted to a star again, becoming more and more like a big man instead of the little boy and little man before. He now understands the responsibilities on his shoulders better.

Chi Wu also struggled in her heart, and finally decided to follow Qin Lin's words.

Suddenly, another rainbow light flew, and the fifth Star Mecha arrived.

"Chi Wu, you don't stay, I will stay!" Seeing this scene, Chi Ying struggled.

"No, the starry sky mother bug has already solved the two mechas and can free up his hands." Chi Wu remained unmoved, dragging Chi Ying away.

The two starry sky mechas that dealt with the starry sky female insects were not very powerful. After a fight, they were swallowed by her two mouthfuls and sucked into the outside world inside her body.

For her, metals are the easiest to digest.

The black mech that came was also as high as 800 meters, and its combat power was not low.

The butterfly girl gathered her wings and turned into a human form, pinching the French seal with her hand, and a phantom of a giant female with horns on her head emerged, quickly formed, and ran towards the black mecha.

"The law of water!" Chi Ying looked back, startled, letting Chi Wu drag her, her autumn eyes were like water, jumping and lustrous.

The Star Mother Worm was indeed promoted to the stars based on the law of water, but before the battle with Xiaoqi had begun, it entered a stalemate. Later, Huang Teng joined, and it was also a tripartite.

Even when fighting the Starry Sky Mecha, her power of the law of water is very restrained, just covering the whole body and fighting in close quarters, the power of the law of water does not fluctuate very much.

Now, the starry sky female worm fights the enemy with the law, and the power of the law fluctuates greatly.

As a body of water, he would step into the star-shaped red shadow at any time, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

In silence, the void cracked, and a clear and transparent water column descended.

Before Chi Wu could react, she was shocked by this water column, first surprised, then ecstatic.

My sister has also been promoted to star!

The law of water that encompasses everything is pervasive. It is shocking and at the same time it feels wonderful, such as near a cold pool in the summer, such as a warm brazier in the cold winter...

"Huh?" In ecstasy, Chi Wu suddenly looked up, and there was also an abnormal movement in front of him.

Siruo, who was leading the people and the beasts away, was also bathed in the beam of light formed by the power of the law of light, with a holy expression and her beautiful eyes closed slightly.

Qin Lin wanted to arouse the power of the law of light, which touched Siruo.

"The instructor also broke through!"

Chi Wu was so happy that tears flickered in her beautiful eyes. During the troubled times, Qin Lin's giant army broke through the imperial limit one by one and stepped into a new world.

"let's go!"

Chi Wu didn't hesitate anymore, leading everyone and the beasts away.

Just two hundred miles away from the battlefield, the hearts of everyone and the beasts jumped, and the sense of crisis was very strong.

Suddenly, a giant hand with a radius of one thousand meters protruded from the emptiness and grabbed everyone and the beasts.

Under the giant hand, time and space seem to be frozen, no one can move, even Chi Wu can't move a bit.

"What's wrong?"

"It's over!"

The people and the beasts shouted from the bottom of their hearts, the people who shot, the strength is too strong, time and space are frozen.

The speed of the giant hand was very fast, and it held everyone and the beasts in the blink of an eye, without missing one.

As soon as the giant hand holding the people and the beasts was raised, a towering mecha rushed out from under the sea where the people and the beasts passed.

"You are waiting!"

An old voice resounded through the world, and the giant hand was a friend but not an enemy. He did not treat Chi Wu and the others and the beasts, but was saving them.

The people and the beasts were dizzy, and they were thrown thousands of miles away when they were thrown by the giant hands.

The Star Giant has appeared again!

"I don't die, do my good deeds!" An angry voice came from the interstellar giant.

As he said, the sound of the sound of the fuselage was audible, and the interstellar giant deformed in a small area, with barbeds drilled out of its body, engraved with runes, and a circle of gods suspended on the head of the mecha, shed light.

"The Taco clan is just a middle force in the Kwu Shuangxiu race. They dare to get involved with the gods, and they don't know the height of the sky." An old man wearing a mysterious white robe with a dragon's tail behind him appeared high in the sky, looking down on the interstellar giant. .

The Star Giant appeared, and the Old God Club also appeared.

"I don't have it. I just want to get the starry sky mother worm. I have been on the earth for millennia and brought rapid development to the earth's science and technology. There is no credit and hard work. I only need an egg of the star sky mother worm. She is not a life on earth. Why do you Want to obstruct it in every possible way?" The owner of the interstellar giant roared, listening to its voice like a young man.

The old **** stick was unmoved, and said lightly: "Don't think that I don't know what you are doing secretly. What is the frequency of the signal that has been sent to the universe on the moon? Don't think that pure-practice monks know nothing about technology~www.wuxiaspot. com~Also, what's the matter with the cosmic life that has arrived in the solar system in collusion over the past thousand years? If you only want the starry sky mother worm, tell me earlier, and I won’t you ask me if I don’t give it. If you don’t ask, how do I know? Do you want, do you want me to force it? Thousands of years ago, you were just a child, and now you are an old monster to life on earth, and you don’t understand the truth..."

"Shut up!" The roar of the master of the interstellar giant came out, seemingly very sad and indignant: "It's nothing to do a long story, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, whispering and crooked, thinking that back then, there was a generation of cosmic arrogances, I who broke into the solar system all my life, I was fooled by you. It takes a bucket of brain mud before being knocked down on the earth. It's hit it now?"

The old **** stick snorted coldly. The most obvious thing is that young people don't respect the old, and they cover it with a slap. Time and space are blocked, and light energy condenses into the hand of time.

"I'm draining you!" Facing the hand of time, the interstellar giant was very difficult to move. Suo's surname did not move, and he urged the power of the law with all his strength. The golden light formed countless horses and quickly circled around the fuselage.

The specific situation of the old **** stick is not clear to the interstellar giant, but he understands one thing very well, the old guy must not be able to shoot at will. Otherwise, I didn't need to play tricks to hurt myself seriously.

.(To be continued.) q

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