Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 281: Life is a dream

Earth, Jura. m.

"Little Qi, you and Little Fairy clean up the battlefield, and give you one day. One day later, I want to see a clean Pacific Ocean." After Qin Lin settled down with everyone, he looked at the sea off the island and spoke to Xiao Qi. The little mother emperor ordered.

The little mother has an unparalleled appearance and can afford the word "fairy", but she looks too small, so Qin Lin called her a little fairy.

At present, the enemy's grievances with the starry sky female insects can only be put aside for the time being.

What's more, Qin Lin and the others have no direct grievances with the Star Sky Mother Worm, but they have different positions, and their destiny is just a matter of fate.

"Little fairy? Are you calling me?" The little mother emperor asked in doubt.

Qin Lin nodded slightly.

Suddenly, the little mother was elated, as if a child had gotten candy, she was overjoyed: "I am a little fairy, I am a little fairy, I am very beautiful..."

Qin Lin has a black line, neuropathy has broad thinking, and mentally handicapped children are happy.

Every child is "mentally handicapped".

Xiao Qi pursed her mouth: "Dad is eccentric. I am also very beautiful. I want to change my name to Qi Tian Xuan Nu. No, I am called Jiu Tian Xuan Nu."

"Thirty-three Heavenly Profound Girls will do. Clean up the battlefield. There are too many corpses of monsters." Qin Lin urged.

Xiao Qi quickly took the little fairy's hand and flew away from the island: "Little girl, you will call me the 33-day Profound Girl from now on, and I will call you the Little Fairy, okay?"

"No, your name is too long and it's troublesome to call it. Or should it be called Qiqi or Xiaoqi?"

"Qiqi, Haw? Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi?" Xiaoqi was very dissatisfied: "I don't have any more chirps. I am a girl."

"You are not a girl, you are a male." The little fairy said.

"Nonsense, my mother said that I am a girl's house, and I can't chirp."

"It's not necessarily a man who has a chir, and it's not necessarily a girl who doesn't have a chir."


The two children, both male and female, contended seriously while devouring the dead monsters floating in the sea.

Everyone was healed and rested, leaving Qin Lin alone on the beach.

He is already a star warrior, and he is a normal person in a normal state.

This feeling is like returning to the hometown from a distant foreign land, with a solid heart and a warm body.

The sequelae caused by the giants have been basically eliminated.

Before that, sometimes even if he saw a man, Qin Lin was not honest, so, as a result, he himself was nauseous and wanted to vomit, but underneath he was optimistic.

It's alright now, as long as he is not fucked, asleep, or wanting, there will be no uncontrollable situations.

Returning to the beginning again, giving Qin Lin a trace of comfort in the troubled world.

Suddenly, an old **** stick in a mysterious white robe, dragging a golden scale tail, appeared in front of Qin Lin.

Qin Lin was taken aback, sat down on the beach, grabbed a handful of sand, and squeezed it firmly. The fine sand was flowing between his fingers, and he just stared at the passing sand without saying a word.

In this world, everything that the eyes see and everything that the ears hear is not all true.

Some people say that life is nothing more than the moon in the mirror, the flowers in the water, and the various consciousness projections of a great existence. Anything that happens during this period is not real, and the end is already doomed.

Or it can be said that the universe is a super light brain, and all characters, things, creatures, etc. are just a bunch of data. The setting of this bunch of data has been planned, all the trajectories, left to right, forward and backward...

The figure of the old **** stick is very unreal, probably the battle with the interstellar giant was too exhausting, and now the energy is exhausted.

"Actually, the master has also suspected that everyone is a piece of data and will never be able to break free from the dominance of the server of the universe. However, seeing the birth of intelligent life allows the master and their kind of existence to see the light. Find the way and find the solution. The method, maybe they can jump out of the dominance of this server and become the body of the **. What is **, like you now, the current earth, is not **, you are always threatened by the races of the universe, even from They don’t have the ability to protect them; like the masters and others, they watched all over the world, walked through the wilds, and the starry sky, but couldn’t find the sex, just like trapped in a cage, they are not the sex... well, of course. Now you are like a newly born little ant who hasn't even walked over a mountain, so don't think about the other side of the ocean, thinking too far." The old **** stick also sat down beside Qin Lin and said to himself.

Xiao Qi and the little fairy were cleaning the battlefield, causing the sea to churn. The waves rushed across the beach and wet the beach under Qin Lin. He squeezed the damp fine sand, and concentrated on the Great Wall earnestly.

"I would rather believe the things that exist in my memory than believe that they are not. I don't want to bet. Therefore, I will still be loyal to the things planted in my memory, whether it is true or not." The old **** stick does not care about Qin Lin. If you’re listening, continue to say: “What I want to say is, don’t think too much, just keep it simple. If you must treat this as a copy of memory, then choose to forget the last name. For example, if one day , Your teacher died in battle, you will be heartbroken. Instead of doing this, forget it, just remember a little, keep moving forward, and do what you should do the most..."

Qin Lin's face changed slightly, and he only cared about the part where the old **** stick said the words.

How can she be regarded as a life course that is copied, fabricated, and has no life at all?

However, the most important people in life are really just people and memories that don't exist at all. What about?

"Stop talking!" Qin Lin's face was gloomy and his mind was messed up, he didn't dare to think about it.

If you wake up one day and suddenly find that what you have experienced is just a dream, then...this is terrible!

Qin Lin was suddenly sad, he didn't want this to be a dream.

Cold and frosty, thinking like a glamorous goddess, the first woman in her life, the strength in the bed, and the sweetness of her daughter have long been imprinted in the depths of the soul and are indelible.

Hot and enthusiastic, Yu Jie Fan's red dance, after becoming her girlfriend, is as cute as a kitten, and will never be remembered forever.

There are many kinds of amorous and charming red shadows, there is always a variety of tricks, like a woman like water, penetrates into the depths of every cell of his body.

Big Joe, Little Joe...

Qin Lin couldn't let go of the entire giant army. If this was a dream, Qin Lin would rather never wake up.

"Very well, I think you should know how to choose." The old **** stick stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Qin Lin nodded: "To be loyal to my dreams and to the people around me, even in the eyes of outsiders, I am one of the evil forces, and I will not hesitate. Besides, there is no absolute right or wrong, good or bad in this world. I continue to choose this path, even if my body is broken."

Speaking of this, Qin Lin smiled bitterly. It was obvious that he continued to decide to fight with the Star Giants on the moon, but Xu Hui and Huang Feiyong were members of that camp.

"Just as the people on earth said, the first love who has cultivated Zhengguo is too low and too low, looking at the entire universe, it is the same." The old **** stick is so good, and he knows Qin Lin well, he can naturally see what Qin Lin is thinking.

Xu Hui was Qin Lin's first love, and it was over before it started.

"Old God Cudgel, next time you fight, if you can intercept Xu Hui, please help me to intercept it. I will try to pull her people and heart into our side." Qin Lin begged.

The old **** stick nodded: "This is naturally If you are just a small chess piece, then I will be a chess piece slightly larger than you, and I can only help each other in the same boat."

Qin Lin suddenly let go, suddenly enlightened, this world, this universe, is still so lingering.

The vast starry sky is like a sea of ​​stars. Every soldier is born to conquer and wander the sea of ​​stars.

"I carefully understand the star realm and consolidate it. Next time, maybe I can put the battlefield on the moon and take out the buried treasure by the way. In this case, I won't have the Interstellar Giant." Qin Lin stood up and stretched out. A lazy waist.

After stretching his waist, Qin Lin moved in his heart and said to the old **** stick: "Old **** stick, do you still need a big baby? If you don't need it, I summon her over. I always feel that she is unfathomable. She is there, maybe The earth’s crisis can be resolved."

The old **** stick shook his head: "The current crisis of the earth depends on you to solve it. The eldest baby cannot be summoned. The two of us are working hard to refine the jade crystal and bring her back. Moreover, it is not connected to the second world, but directly. To the universe."

.(To be continued.) q

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