Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 282: Prepare for war

In the past few days, Qin Lin’s Giant Legion is very busy, busy recovering and practicing, not only because there are extraterrestrial life such as the Interstellar Giant on the moon that threaten them all the time, but there is also a more serious problem. m

The space of the solar system began to stabilize, the divine formation opened, and it became a realm of its own.

This divine formation was laid by God hundreds of millions of years ago. The space is stable, and the divine formation is triggered and resumes operation.

According to the old **** stick, this sacred formation is incomplete and cannot survive in the world. After the gene age is opened, its function is triggered, and it can exist for at most a hundred years.

Of course, if there is a powerful existence that insists on destroying, the time for the existence of the gods will be shorter.

If it is true as the old **** stick said, there was once a **** who created the earth, the solar system and all of this to create the **** race. Well, this **** is indeed terrifying, almost countless.

Because this sacred formation will not protect the Protoss for a long time, and it can even allow more and more powerful monks to enter and pass step by step.

"Big brother, big brother..." Somewhere on the Jura Island, a mountain collapsed, and a tall giant rushed out with joy.

This person is Daning.

Qin Lin, who was cultivating the soul and feeling the pulse of the earth, opened his eyes and looked up to the sky.

Daning is stable and never reckless, but looking at his current appearance, there is no trace of calmness?

"Big Brother..." Daning looked excited, and fell in front of Qin Lin, with a body of more than ninety meters, huge as a mountain.

Qin Lin is now of a normal body shape, and looks very weak and weak in front of Daning.

"Da Ning, what's the matter?" Qin Lin looked puzzled, what's the happy event for Daning?

Promotion star?

This is obviously impossible. Once the law is realized, the dimensional law world will be opened immediately.

Look at the weather. There is no abnormality in the sky.

Daning couldn’t get smaller, so he lay down in front of Qin Lin, grinning with white teeth, and pointed at the broken arm with one arm: "Big brother. Look, look carefully, my broken arm is being reborn, although it is very slow. Slow, but if you look closely, you will see it in a moment."

Fang Que and others were also alarmed. One after another came over.

Qin Lin stared at Daning's broken arm carefully, half-hit, and he was delighted.

Daning's broken arm really began to grow sprouts, growing at this speed. After one night, his broken arm could grow back.

"Haha, Brother Second, I can see that it is growing." Fang Que also stared for a while, and then very excited, Daning severed his arm. It was broken because of saving him.

"It's true!" Gu Yingxue cried with joy, her man is about to return to normal.

Qin Lin said that as long as you feel the pulse of the earth and cultivate the soul, the broken arm is expected to be reborn in front of the star.

This is a gene that cave-level warriors all admire. Genes are born to reach the rebirth level of cosmic life, there are, but not many. It only occupies a small part.

"Where is Da Qiao?" At this time, Qin Lin thought of Da Qiao who had also broken his arm.

Da Qiao stood in the distance, looking to this side, his expression excited.

What Qin Lin said is true.

Daning can be reborn from the front broken arm of the star star, so can she.

A generation of beauty. It is a pity to lose an arm.

On the contrary, people like Daning have a one-armed look very tragic and strong, with a unique masculinity.

"Da Qiao, if you continue to practice, you can also be like Daning. Perhaps, in these two days, your genes will evolve to the point where the gene chain is perfect." Qin Lin walked towards Da Qiao, in a few miles, and soon arrived at Da Qiao. before.

Da Qiao nodded, his pretty face flushed, not knowing whether it was agitated or shy.

"Master sister blushes more beautifully." Gu Yingxue said with a smile.

Da Qiao turned thin and fled.

"Da Ning, Fang Que, Gu Yuexue, Gu Yingxue, the four of you don't need to practice spirits now. Realize that the law is the king as soon as possible." After Da Qiao left, Qin Lin said to Daning and the others.

Fang Que hesitated, just about to say something.

Suddenly, the sky cracked, the dimensional law world appeared, a thick thunder and lightning came down, and a mountain was chopped into fly ash.

Everyone was stunned, then overjoyed.

Someone has been promoted to star!

who is it?

Looking along the thunder and lightning, under the thunder and lightning, I saw a large black eagle with its wings spread hundreds of meters, bathed in the thunder and lightning.

It is Yudiao, Siruo's partner.

"Yu Diao has also been promoted to star."

At this time, everyone and Lolimon were shocked.

"Xiao Hei is promoted!"

All the loli beasts ran out from their respective retreats, cheering for joy, but soon became quiet again.

Among them, two sisters will never see this scene.

Siruo's beautiful eyes flickered, and there was a rare joy on his face.

Chi Ying stood beside A Spider, patted A Spider's iron arm lightly, Qiu's eyes were like water, looking at Yu Diao's side.

After being surpassed by Siruo, his partner was still an emperor, and the demon was very unconvinced in his meticulous care, but he didn't say anything.

"Sister Ying, I am coming soon, too. It won't be too long." A spider is very clear about the relationship between Chi Ying and Si Ruo, and while guilty, he comforts Chi Ying softly.

Chi Ying shook his head: "Can't be anxious... She is a light body and can use light. As long as there is light in the universe, I have the same realm as her and the same level of law and perception. Method."

A spider was silent. She actually knew that Chi Ying was very strong, and saying these words was just to comfort her and let her not worry.

The rain eagle bathed in thunder and lightning, and the body began to swell, growing to more than 5,000 meters high, and then quickly became smaller, turning into a large eagle more than one meter high, and finally transformed into a human form, and a little loli less than one meter tall appeared. Wearing a one-piece dress made of the power of the law of thunder and lightning.

"Sister Si." There was thunder and lightning on the silver-white one-piece dress, little Lolita turned around and jumped to Si Ruo's side.

Si Ruo took a set of clothes and put it on Yu Diao.

The clothes that the power of the law turns into require more or less my energy.

Nowadays, on the Jura Island, there are many clothes and styles for normal people.

The day before yesterday, the Fang family's air transport team came again and sent a lot of supplies, and then picked up Xi Yu and Gu Jingjing who had just started to become giants.

These two people are too weak for Qin Lin and the others. They don't have the energy to train them now, so they have to send them away.

Xi Yu and Gu Jingjing also probably knew the current state of the earth. They were already content to become giants, and they didn't dare to make any more requests.

Therefore, Qin Lin said that he would send them away, and Gu Jingjing did not dare to say no matter how much she wanted to stay on Jura Island.

"Little rain."

The other four loli beasts leaned forward, both happy and envious.

"Xiao Hong and Xiao Yu have both been promoted to stars. We have to work hard and go back and continue to practice." After a few loli beasts whispered, Xiao Bai spoke, and everyone continued to retreat.

Qin Lin and the others were about to leave, Fang Que gritted his teeth and said to Qin Lin, "Big brother, wait."

Qin Lin stopped and said in doubt, "Fang Que, what's the matter?"

Fang Que lowered his head, poked the dirt with his toes, and whispered: "Big brother, I want to take Xiao Hong over."

Qin Lin was surprised, Xiao Hong was a little monkey, Fang Que's partner.

"Fang Que, with your current realm of spirit and soul, it is difficult to summon Xiaohong by drawing a blood map," Qin Lin said.

"My feelings with Xiaohong are much clearer than before, and I think it should be fine." Fang Que said firmly.

Qin Lin thought a little, and Fang Que felt very guilty now. If he summoned Xiao Hong, two of the eight loli beasts would probably not have died in the last battle.

Therefore, Fang Que is very anxious now and does not want to wait any longer.

"In that case, you can start, and I will stand by." Qin Lin certainly didn't know Fang Que's response to the summoned beast, but since Fang Que insisted, Qin Lin wouldn't say anything.

Immediately, Fang Que cut his wrist and began to draw blood, Qin Lin guided by.

"Da Ning and Xiaoxue go to practice ~ I am here. If Daxue doesn't worry about Fang Que, he can stay." Qin Lin said to Daning and others beside him.

Time was really tight, and Daning and Xiaoxue were unambiguous and went to practice immediately.

Fang Que is serious about drawing blood pictures, like a believer, doing things piously.

Gu Yuexue didn't want to leave, looking at Fang Que, she felt distressed, and Fang Que practiced very seriously these days.

Serious and attentive men are very attractive.

After the blood drawing, Fang Que was sitting outside the blood drawing, religiously chanting the mantra: "Heaven, earth, my heart, the universe, my mound, the decree is supreme, the great God Isra, your pious people Fangque, pious to the Tao... …"

Suddenly, the blood map burned, and a strange force penetrated into the void and stretched to the distant dimension.

Not long after, above the burning blood map, following Fang Que's spell, a crack suddenly opened, and a little pink loli poked out her head, her eyes writhing squirmingly.

.(To be continued...)

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