Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 285: Cheng Quan Da Qiao

Da Qiao is shy and has a pretty face. m

Qin Lin was also embarrassed, showing no self-confidence. The instructor was here for real.

Regardless of her mentality, Qin Lin wanted to run now anyway.

"Qin Lin, if you want to run, you and me, including Chi Ying, I will tell Chi Wu one to five ten." Siruo's pure white face still has the aftermath of the battle, but her voice is cold. Said coldly.

When it comes to Chi Wu, Qin Lin seems to have been trampled on his little tail and loses his temper at all.

At the beginning, Chi Wu was his true girlfriend, and at that time he was still a little virgin, but he was carrying Chi Wu and Si Ruo together.

If Si Ruo "raped" him, it would be fine. The problem was that he could not control his lower body and forced Si Ruo into force.

Of course, Si Ruo did not resist at the time, and if he resisted, he would not succeed.

But anyway, the main responsibility lies with him.

Especially the first time with Chi Wu's bridal chamber, he had just finished with Si Ruo, and within ten minutes, he entered Chi Wu's body with the body fluid of Si Ruo.

And Chi Wu, until now, still thinks she is Qin Lin's first woman...

Whenever he thinks of this, Qin Lin feels ashamed to face Chi Wu.

Later, he even took care of Chi Wu's sister.

Now, walking among the three women, Chi Wu knows nothing, making Qin Lin very guilty.

Now the instructor asked him to have a kick with Da Qiao again, and he really didn't want to.

Besides, is Da Qiao willingly?

"Instructor, can you...give me some more time. I'm not ready yet." Qin Lin begged, procrastinating if possible.

Si Ruo glanced at Qin Lin coldly, "I have given you a lot of time."

Qin Lin was speechless. Si Ruo had indeed told him about this very early.

"Da Qiao, would you like it?" Si Ruo asked again to Da Qiao who was fidgeting over there.

Da Qiao's skin was red, and he lowered his head, almost buried his head on the towering twin peaks, and did not answer.

How could this kind of thing be answered by her character.

"Okay, don't speak. I will take it as your default." Si Ruo made the decision for Da Qiao.

Hearing thoughtfully, Da Qiao still lowered his head, but his Jiao body trembled visibly.

"Time is running out, Qin Lin, go there." Si Ruo said to Qin Lin again.

Qin Lin twisted, not in the past, nor in the past.

finally. He gritted his teeth: "Instructor, won't you go out?"

Thinking if the eyes are cold.

Qin Lin immediately ran over, came to Da Qiao, and said more, the witch was about to transform.

Qin Lin is only a normal person now, while Da Qiao is ninety meters tall. After a glance at Siruo, he had to start to transform.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters...

Qin Lin didn't stop transforming until more than ninety meters high. Sit down beside Da Qiao with a grimace.

Da Qiao's delicate body trembled slightly, as if frozen. He didn't dare to look at Qin Lin at all.

Even if Qin Lin was wearing clothes, she did not dare to look at it, not to mention Qin Lin was naked now.

"Instructor, I really can't." Qin Lin wanted to cry without tears. He didn't know why. He smelled Da Qiao's body scent and looked at Da Qiao's shy and charming attitude, but the little brother couldn't get up.

Siruo glanced at Qin Lin's place and turned his back: "It's all right, let's start."

Qin Lin was at a loss, how could he succeed?

Da Qiao was embarrassed and wanted to escape several times, but she was a woman and wanted to taste what it was like to be a woman. Before she turned into a giant, she was taken astray by an older sister, and she learned how to solve it by herself.

It can only be described as the burning of desire, and it is extremely appropriate and not an exaggeration at all.

Si Ruo knew Qin Lin and Da Qiao, so he didn't leave.

Otherwise, even if Qin Lin didn't run away, it is estimated that Da Qiao would run away because of shame.

It seemed that if Si was determined to fulfill Da Qiao, Qin Lin began to calm down.

Qin Lin had experienced the pain that Da Qiao endured before he completely transformed, and he was also very painful in the two months after his transformation. Had it not been for the loss of some memories and the taste of the marrow, he would have been more uncomfortable in those two months.

And Da Qiao insisted till now, probably about to collapse.

Si Ruo said before that Da Qiao showed signs that he could no longer hold on to it.

Da Qiao has received the most genetic modification from Xiao Qiao, and her qualifications are higher than Fang Que, Daning, and Gu Jia Shuang Xue, but until now, she has been unable to understand the law.

Siruo inferred that it might be due to the sequelae of the Giant Clan's exercises.

Daning has Gu Yingxue and Fangque has Gu Yuexue. The sequelae of the four giants' exercises can be solved.

But Da Qiao has always been alone.

"Da Qiao, are you willing?" Qin Lin asked in a low voice.

Da Qiao's face is red, and of course he won't answer anything.

Qin Lin glanced at Siruo's back, then whispered to Da Qiao, "Da Qiao, you can lie down."

Da Qiao's body trembled more severely, but he lay down obediently, his eyes closed tightly.

The red roses in full bloom are gorgeous, and this is what Da Qiao looks like now.

She is the gentlest girl Qin Lin has ever seen.

This kind of girl is the most exciting and can make the protection of boys stronger.

Looking at the shy Da Qiao, Qin Lin rubbed his hands and comforted himself secretly: "The sky is up, I am here to save people... Well, save lives and win the seventh level of the Buddha... Da Qiao will insist on not. To live, for the earth, for the sake of mankind, I have to sacrifice my life for justice. Of course, I am not Liu Xiahui, I am not chaotic, and I am not a person who does not hold an inch. Such a delicate beauty is still very attractive to me. of……"

Qin Lin confessed and repented, and slowly began to react, pressing his hands down, and the two groups started softly.

Da Qiao was attacked by Qin Lin. If he was struck by lightning, his whole body was electrocuted, and his body was instantly stiff, with small bumps floating on his skin.

Qin Lin's hands were gently rubbed and pressed, and Da Qiao quickly slumped down, and Qin Lin's beastly screams suddenly appeared with his gentle cry.

There are countless beauties in the world, and the groans of these countless beauties are different.

Obviously, the voice of Da Qiao's bed is not worse than that of Fairy and Siruo, Chi Wu, and has her own unique charm.

Qin Lin forgot everything when he heard Da Qiao's groan.

If there are beautiful women who don't want to send them to the door, then this man must have a problem.

Qin Lin peeled off Da Qiao's clothes piece by piece like a white rabbit.

Not long after, a white and tender ketone body was exposed in front of him. It trembles constantly, panting heavily.

Qin Lin separated those long legs and looked at Da Qiao's mysterious area. He was surprised. The color there was darker, not as pink as Si Ruo's, but he was not surprised.


A lot of water!

A woman is water, and she shows it vividly in Da Qiao.

"His hiss..."

Finally, Qin Lin entered, without any foreplay.

With foreign bodies in his body, Da Qiao straightened up abruptly, hugged Qin Lin tightly, crying.

Qin Lin suddenly felt that Da Qiao was so pitiful.

Perhaps, she has no feelings for herself, but her physical needs can make her desperate.

It has to be strong and strong again. Qin Lin is very worried that he will not be able to hold Siruo waiting for a woman in the future.

If you are too weak, you are not allowed to cheat them.

"His hiss..."

Qin Lin was not serious, but just after a few moves, he felt warm and warm under him, and a stream of liquid was erupting.

Da Qiao screamed, released Qin Lin, and lay down suddenly, her body trembling violently and twitching constantly.

Qin Lin stayed in a daze, so sensitive and so much water.

While shaking, Da Qiao instinctively wanted to push Qin Lin away, but Qin Lin couldn't let her succeed. He didn't know what to do, so he could only stay still.

Suddenly, Qin Lin saw Da Qiao crying, and didn't know why he was crying.

But there is one thing Qin Lin can be sure of, psychological, physical, and Da Qiao have been satisfied for a while, perhaps, happiness came too suddenly.

Qin Lin suddenly thought of Si Ruo, and turned around to see that Si Ruo had disappeared and was not in the cave.

At this time, Qin Lin let go.

After that, every few minutes, he could see a magical scene, the tide was raging, the real flooding under the two people, the flood flooded the cave hall.

After the gene door is opened, the body's hematopoietic function is very strong, and water making...not weak.

However, girls who have reached the realm of Da Qiao are very rare, no less than those with regular physique.

"Big...Big brother, I can't do it..." I don't know how long it took, Da Qiao's hair was soaked, and his face was pale with flushing, and he begged Qin Lin for mercy.

Although she is below, the physical exertion is too great.

The yin and yang of men and women mate with each other, and women's bodies are constantly tightened. In fact, they consume more physical energy than men.

This time, it is estimated that Da Qiao will not suffer from the sequelae of the Giant Clan's exercises for a long time, and Qin Lin will start to end the battle.

In the violent storm, Qin Lin finally lay on Da Qiao's soft and white body amid the screams of Da Qiao.


At the end of the battle, Siruo's Dongfu instantly turned into powder, and an unrivaled force descended.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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