Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 286: Happy event again and again

The coercion of Henggu shocked nine heavens and ten earths, and no one can beat it.

Qin Lin, who was still lying naked on Da Qiao, was immediately shaken away by this unmatched force.

The law of the wooden dimension is opened, and the power of the law of the wooden is poured out.

After froze for 0.2 seconds, Qin Lin's first reaction was that Da Qiao had realized the law of wood.

The second reaction is: Damn, he is still naked.

Of course Da Qiao was also naked, but under the power of the turquoise wooden law, outsiders could not see much, at most a vague outline could be seen.

"Dad, you are pressing us down." Qin Lin, who was shaken off and fell seven or eight hundred meters away, heard the voice of Xiao Qi's milky milk, and the voice of the little fairy humming.


Qin Lin immediately got up, and his body quickly shrank from more than ninety meters to a normal body shape.

"Sister Da Qiao has been promoted to a star, but why I feel something is wrong. Dad, why are you running around without clothes?" Xiao Qi and Little Fairy crawled out of the ground, looking at Da Qiao with big eyes, and then again. He looked at Qin Lin, who was holding his crotch.

"This..." Qin Lin was embarrassed, Xiao Qi and Little Fairy were big human beings, and they might have to guess something.

Under normal circumstances, when a monk is promoted to the realm, the power of the law of the dimensional law world is lowered, and it will only shock the people around him, but it will not hurt the other party.

Therefore, if Qin Lin just sat next to Da Qiao and was shocked by the power of the law of the dimensional law world, there would be no clothes being shattered.

Unless he had to forcibly contact Da Qiao, he would anger the world of Dimensional Law.

"You two. Who will lend me the coat first... No need, that's it. Xiao Qi, give me the coat." Qin Lin said, going up and pulling Xiao Qi's clothes.

"Dad, how can you be like this?" Xiao Qi wanted to resist, but didn't dare, so she was so wronged that she would cry.

"In the future, Dad will have a lot of rewards." Qin Lin took off Xiao Qi's clothes and put them on in a hurry, shrinking to the size of Xiao Zhengtai.

There was so much movement on Da Qiao's side. Everyone on Jura Island will definitely be alarmed.

Chi Wu and the fairies are sure to come out. With their shrewdness, if they were to see it, Qin Lin would be finished.

Fortunately, Xiao Qi's shirt is a relatively long T-shirt, which Qin Lin wears after shrinking can block his butt.

The little fairy looked at Qin Lin curiously, wondering why. Qin Lin was bare buttocks just now. She didn't want to look at the stick. Now she was wearing clothes, but she couldn't help but stared at Qin Lin's place, wanting to see it.

"Qin Lin."

Sure enough, Qin Lin's giant army was all disturbed by the movement made by Da Qiao. Chi Wu came out of the training ground and approached Qin Lin with a suspicious expression on his face.

"Why are you going back more and more alive, still wearing Xiaoqi's clothes?" Chi Ying also came over, seeing Qin Lin's "petite" appearance. Can't help but ask.

"Mama Ying, Dad thinks I am cute. My clothes are good-looking, so I borrowed them." Little Seven Ghost Elf, probably guessed that Dad secretly found a little mother for her again.

This little mother is Da Qiao, and Mama Ying and Mama Wu don't like their father to look for her mother, so she takes cover for Qin Lin.

It’s not his own life is better than his own. Qin Lin was very happy, and smiled awkwardly at the Chi Ying sisters: "Ha, Xiao Qi said that I was playing with her and the little fairy, and it’s always boring to practice. Combine it. It’s better to return to the life of a normal person, otherwise I can use the power of the law to transform the clothes."

With that, Qin Lin floated a suit of battle clothes on his body, took off Xiao Qi's clothes, and his figure began to change back to a normal person.

When I was anxious just now, I could spur the power of the law to transform clothes at will if I forgot the star rating. Qin Lin was speechless to himself, too uncomfortable.

"Hehe, change it back to me. It was how you were when you were a kid, right? It's pretty cute." The goblin beamed his eyes and picked up Qin Lin's collar.

Qin Lin shuddered, he saw the bad water in the belly of the fairy, did she have another bad idea?

"Why not change?" The fairy stared at Xingyan: "It would be nice if you didn't turn you into a woman."

Qin Lin shuddered: "I change, I change..."

He really changed back to Xiao Zhengtai's appearance.

The goblin raised Qin Lin and held it in his arms, her beautiful eyes shining.

Qin Lin just did something bad and felt guilty, so he was very obedient, but he could see the look in the eyes of the goblin, the secret way was not good, the goblin held his head with a jade hand, and intentionally or unintentionally gave him milk.

Of course, give it through the clothes.

"Damn!" Qin Lin was very depressed, extremely unwilling, so many people were there.

Chi Wu didn't notice her sister's wicked taste, but thought that her sister's childlike innocence was also aroused, and said a little bit strangely: "Sister, don't tease Qin Lin."

Chi Ying dragged Qin Lin out of her arms and threw it to the ground, and said generously: "Seeing you are so obedient, I will give you some face and stop teasing you."

Fang Que, Daning and others also came over and saw Qin Lin being "abused" by Chi Ying, with a strange expression.

"What are you looking at? Fang Que, come here!" The fairy hooked his finger towards Fang Que.

Fang Que immediately cried and said, "Sister Ying, can't I go there?"

The fairy's femininity is getting more and more full, and the person is beautiful. If you want to make a normal man embarrassed, you can turn on a power and put down a large area.

So in extraordinary times, Fang Que didn't dare to look at the fairy at all.

"Why, I think my sister is not good-looking, so I don't even look at my sister?" Chi Ying chuckled lightly.

Some women can turn sentient beings upside down with a smile, and the voice of a fairy has that kind of charm.

Fang Que languished, and Gu Yuexue did not dare to speak out.

The little monkey had been summoned by Fang Que a few days ago. Although the other party was angry and indisputable, he did not dare to offend the fairy, pouting his mouth and not talking.

Gu Yingxue hurriedly pulled Daning, who had been reborn from her broken arm, and walked away, worried that her man was being bullied.

Bathed in the power of the law of wood, Da Qiao's body quickly grew to a height of more than 5,000 meters, then returned to his original height, and finally became a normal person, wearing the green clothes transformed by the power of the law.


Everyone came forward and congratulated them heartily.

Qin Lin's giant army has one more general.

Da Qiao blushed, afraid to look at Qin Lin.

Her character is just like this, and everyone feels nothing unusual.

Only Si Ruo and Qin Lin knew what they thought, maybe Xiao Qi and Little Fairy also understood something.

Fortunately, Xiao Qi is very sensible, and the little fairy is looking forward to Xiao Qi's horse, so naturally she won't talk nonsense.

"I can solve Da Qiao's problem in one shot, is it worth it or is it a loss?" Qin Lin muttered to himself.

The happy events followed one after another. Soon after Da Qiao was promoted to the star, the Chinese government sent a transportation team to bring the equipment Qin Lin and Si Ruo needed.

This is a set of focused light energy panels, through a series of sunlight focusing and reflection, so that the temperature of the light reaches millions of degrees.

In this way, Qin Lin and Siruo can practice the Divine Body Secret Technique to the ninth level without going to the sun.

After busying for a long time, a small set of special mirrors were set up on each of the eight hills to reflect the sunlight, and the eight beams of light converge and shoot obliquely toward the sky.

After that, Qin Lin and Si Ruo hung cross-legged in the air and began to practice the Divine Body Secret Art.

The two had already practiced the Divine Body Secret Technique to the third level before, but it was Earth Fire, and the effect was not the best.

Now, through the pure sunlight, the two of them performed the first three levels of mystery once again, re-training the divine body.

Within half an hour, the two of them walked through it again and began to practice the fourth level of the Divine Body Secret Art.

To practice the fourth level of the Divine Body Secret Technique, only a temperature of 50,000 is required.

The blazing light beam, like the force of the law, enveloped Qin Lin and Siruo from all directions.

The two became normal people, naked and naked.

In this area, no one came again, only Xiao Qi and Little Fairy stood by.

Everyone now has a strong sense of urgency. The universe life on the moon will come down at any time. Without the power of a star, the opponent can destroy them with a few strokes.

"Nine days...Oh, the thirty-three heavenly Profound Girl, I want to make a star warrior, you should guard it first." After guarding for more than half an hour, the little fairy said to Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi waved her hand and said proudly: "This thirty-three heavenly Profound Girl will be guarded, little fairy, you can create a human with peace of mind."

The little fairy devours so much sea monster flesh and The energy in her body is enough to support her to create two star warriors.

In the last war, the fit giant was killed by Xu Hui, and there was no star warrior in the little fairy's camp.

Qin Lin and Si Ruo only began to practice Divine Body Secret Art. On the second day, a vision appeared on Jura Island.

The world of dimensional law opens, and the power of the golden law comes.

Fang Que is a gold body, everyone thought he was promoted to star at first, but when he came out to see it, it was not.

It's an emperor-level behemoth from the sea monster.

A huge oriental dragon-like behemoth-Creature One.

"Huh? No. One is promising, staying by my side for many years in vain." The little fairy is very happy, and there is a general in her camp.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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