Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 287: Secrets of the Milky Way

The overall strength of Qin Lin's Giant Legion is flourishing. m

Qin Lin and Si Ruo were naturally shocked when they were promoted to the first star. After looking at each other, they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Qin Lin's giant army includes humans such as Siruo, the loli beasts of the Isra God Realm, and the twenty-odd emperor-level behemoths.

The ambitions of the entire legion are no longer limited to the earth, and have already stretched out to the vast starry sky.

So now everyone can live together peacefully, although not as close as a family, but it can be regarded as a group of qualified comrades in arms, a united team.

No matter which faction has a star powerhouse, it is a thing to celebrate.

"The power of the golden rule? It doesn't make sense. The old guy said that I am a gold body, but I haven't realized the golden rule until now. Isn't it a lie to me?" Speaking of Qin Lin's giant army, see Fangque is the only one who breaks through and is not so happy.

He was confirmed as a gold body by the old **** stick, but a gold body was not as good as an ordinary beast, which made him extremely frustrated.

"Little Sparrow, why don't you cry because you are so useless? How cute you are when you cry." Little Monkey Lolita agitated beside Fang Que.

Fang Que was anxious, so how could he have such a damaging partner, but he didn't dare to provoke this fight to defeat the Buddha. He was beaten up by the opponent a few days ago.

And everyone is not easy to fight, because it was after fighting and defeating the Buddha knowing that two of the partners of the Ethra God Realm died in battle, the other party Que shot, crying while beating Fang Que to the skin, blame him for not being early. Call her out.

At that time, the other loli beast was crying.

"Wait for me to be promoted to star. Suppress you a hundred times." Fang Que muttered to himself, not worrying about the little monkey. Staring at the golden light and number one under the golden light, looking for opportunities.

In the dark, look for the golden light, split the sky and the earth, and reappear the light.

Fang Que had reached the edge of the stars, only a step away.

The little monkey likes to play with Fang Que when he has nothing to do. Seeing Fang Que being so serious, he seems to be gaining momentum. He stopped talking.

It is rare that there is the power of the golden law to make Fang Que realize that it is still the purest golden law of the golden dimension law world. The people and the beasts intentionally converge their voices, worrying about disturbing Fang Que.

In a short while, the transformation of No.1 was completed and turned into a young man with sword eyebrow and dragon horn. It looks very domineering.

The little fairy had already come from Qin Lin and Si Ruo, waved to the boy, and the boy hurried forward.

"Master Mother!" The young man was very respectful to the little fairy. He had seen the little fairy magically create a starry sky warrior.

"What mother goddess is terrible. You will call me Little Fairy from now on." The little fairy was very upset and liked the name Qin Lin gave her.

The boy responded quickly, "Yes. Little fairy."

The little fairy furrowed her brows again: "How old are you, don't call it'adult', just call it'little fairy'."

"Yes, yes, little fairy." The young man was frightened and frightened.

The little fairy nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, keep on working hard. Your law is the most powerful of the five elements, even following the wind and thunder. It is also the strongest."

"I will never lose sight of my mother... Little Fairy's expectations." The domineering boy resolutely assured.

Qin Lin also came over, congratulating the boy.

The young man just thanked him politely and was not very friendly to Qin Lin and others.

How could the gap between the two camps be made up at once, Qin Lin didn't care.

Suddenly, the sky cracked again, the golden light of the golden dimension opened again.

Everyone was startled, and then they were overjoyed.

I saw Fang Que standing silently in the distance, suddenly opened his eyes, opened his arms, and showed a bright smile on his face.

Observing the power of the golden dimension law world, he finally took the most important step in his life.

He has the potential to practice and can step into the stars.

How many people are trapped in the imperial class, unable to make a single step, and stop here in their entire lives.

As long as you can be promoted to the stars, there is hope that you will continue to comprehend other laws.

Gu Yuexue's face was full of joy, even happier than Fang Que.

"Fang Que has also been promoted to a star, and Fang Que has also been promoted to a star..." Gu Yuexue held her sister Gu Yingxue's jade hand, repeating these words repeatedly.

Gu Yingxue looked envious, envious of her elder sister, envious of her sister's man, and said happily: "Well, elder sister, brother-in-law and younger brother-in-law have been promoted to star."

"Haha, the younger brother really is a golden body." Qin Lin also came over, looking at Fang Que bathed in golden light, with joy.

At the same time, he stepped into the star according to the golden rule. Compared with the momentum and vision of the promotion of Biological One, Fang Que's promotion to the star is even greater.

The vast golden light has a wide range of sub-laws opened.

Every time the law physique is promoted to a realm, the momentum will be greater than the ordinary physique, and the coercion of the dimensional law world is even greater.

"There is no problem with the soul, it will be a matter of time for the law to set foot on the star." At this time, the old **** stick also appeared, and he was promoted to two stars in succession, which made him very happy.

Then, he sighed again: "Unfortunately, there are no treasures of perception for you, otherwise, your laws and physiques have already realized the laws and promoted to the stars. Now they have almost realized it, but don't be too happy too early. The Cosmos Tianjiao has seen and comprehend the treasures of the family engraved rules since childhood. They want to realize that the first three levels of the rules are relatively easy, but you have nothing, and you need to fight for it yourself. Relying on your own insight, the realm of the rules is difficult It's hard to improve."

Qin Lin is also very worried, they are no different from the natives, starting from scratch.

"Old man, doesn't God leave anything to the earth? I mean the calligraphy, paintings, statues and other treasures of the law of perception." Qin Lin asked.

"Yes!" The old **** stick affirmed: "But it's not in the Tongtian Tower, but in outer space. There should be a family on the moon. Their mission is to protect those treasures and wait for you to get through the barriers. The star of the stars is what you usually call it. There is also a family of Mars in the underground world, guarding a bunch of treasures. The treasures in these two places are one of the roots of the rise of the earth. Even the purple star and the Big Dipper have various laws left by the gods. Practice secrets and treasures..."

Qin Linton felt that something was wrong and stroked it carefully.

Purple Star is about 400 light-years away from the earth, and the distance between Big Dipper and the earth is about 124 light-years from Tianshu star, about 79 light-years from Tianxuan star, about 84 light-years from Tianji star, and about 81 light-years from Tianquan star. Hengxing Star is about 81 light-years away, Shaking Star is about 101 light-years away, and Kaiyang Star is about 78 light-years away.

Just leave the treasures needed for the rise of the earth on the moon and the planet, but they can also be kept as far away as Ziweixing and the Big Dipper, which is obviously unrealistic.

Today, the Earth line is not capable of interstellar travel, the outer space has begun to stabilize, and cosmic races have entered...

"Could it be that this is due to the divine omission?" After Qin Lin told the old divine stick of his calculation, he also raised his doubts.

He and the old **** stick no longer regard everything as a dream or a duplicated destiny, it is too painful, and they simply follow the guidance of the old **** stick to deal with various emergencies.

The old **** stick pondered for a moment, and said: "Maybe not necessarily, maybe the treasures on the moon and the star are the roots, the treasures on the purple star and the big dipper are not very important, or maybe the purple star and the big dipper have been covered up, and the cosmic race has come in. It’s hard to find them, or even impossible. You don’t need to think too much now, the main task is to take back control of the moon and the planet."

Qin Lin wondered: "Old The Taksin people and those cosmic beings are now on the moon, can't they find the treasure of the gods? Maybe they have dug them away, what kind of fire sword or god? The whip may be one of the treasures in the gods."

The old **** stick vowed and promised: "I can't find it. In my memory, the moon is actually a powerful magic weapon. No one can recognize the lord except the life of the earth. Is it so easy to get the gods? In the universe, most people cannot approach the treasures left by fallen gods. There are either dangerous places or requirements. For example, people who are not from the gods cannot use the treasures of gods. Of course, there are still some boring gods. Or deliberately leave some treasures somewhere, waiting for someone who is predestined, whoever owns these treasures. The treasures left by the gods in the galaxy, in my memory, nine out of ten outsiders can’t use them, they need the earth. People consecrate..."

"Well, I don't want that much anymore." Qin Lin shook his head, just as Fang Que had also completed the transformation and returned to a normal person.

After congratulating him, Qin Lin continued to return to Sirona to practice the Divine Body Secret Art.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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