Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 52 Prevention and Treatment Bureau (asking for monthly pass)

Eagle Star.

Happy Home Community.

There was a flash of silver light, and Fang Xing's figure appeared with a long sword on his back and a package at the end of the scabbard.

After setting the plan, he did some final shopping, left Qinglinfang City without looking back, returned to the temporary camp, and then shuttled back.

Only then did he finally find his breath and think about counting the loot.

"Spiritual stones and sundries are not included...a storage bag, a blood refining weapon, a low-grade magic weapon, a flying knife, a high-grade magic robe..."

"This plagued Chen Yi can't even get enough gold coins to spend..."

"Thank you for dying, but even if you die, I won't let you go... If Hua Feiyue and the others don't do a good job, I will send drones to put up big-character posters... I will definitely mess up this matter. As everyone knows, watching the excitement is not a big deal.”

Fang Xing sighed and picked up the top-grade robe. The robe was dark green and was woven with spiritual silk. The stitches were densely packed with stitches. There was a flash of spiritual light hidden in it. It had the functions of being able to be comfortable in size, warm in winter and cool in summer, and have protective spells. However, …

"I have absolutely no magic power... A high-grade magic robe is theoretically more expensive than an ordinary high-grade magic weapon, but it's useless to me!"

A warrior cannot refine the robe, and cannot even make it as large or small as desired. However, when worn on the body, it has the function of being warm in winter and cool in summer. It can also be used as a piece of soft armor. Of course, it relies on the material of the robe itself to resist attacks. It is impossible to activate the body protection spell.

This top-grade robe has only one function for Fang Xing, and that is to use it to sell stolen goods and spiritual stones!

"And this storage bag...there must be good things in it, but I can't open it..."

Fang Xing looked at the dusty storage bag in his hand, his expression even more frantic.

"The storage bag is difficult to damage by ordinary magic weapons. Even if I fire a shot at it and it is really broken, the items will not explode, but will be scattered into the turbulent flow of space and disappear..."

Precisely because he has no use for many immortal cultivators' treasures, he really doesn't have much interest in Chen Yi.

But the other party insists on seeking death!

"Strictly speaking, when I lived next door to Meng Yi and his wife...and later came into contact with Hua Feiyue, was I targeted?"

"That's all. No matter what conspiracy this person has prepared, death is the most important thing. I forgive you."

Fang Xing sighed, grabbed the flying knife and looked at it.

This flying knife, a low-grade magic weapon, is very heavy to hold in the hand. There is a blood groove in the middle of the blade. It is a serious low-grade magic weapon, and it is difficult to activate it even with the innate Qi.

If placed here by Fang Xing, it is still just a decoration.

On the other hand, the 'Ink Pattern Sword' is a magic weapon made from blood. Not only can the innate true energy be activated, but even acquired warriors can exert some power through blood sacrifice!

But Fang Xing obviously didn't believe in Chen Yi's character. Before, he had only used the sharpness of the sword to fight against the enemy.

When I got here, I was even more prepared to use various means to check it carefully.

Items from the realm of immortality should not be leaked and can be brought to this realm.

As for the technological means here?

In fact, there is still a certain risk, but it is more likely to be regarded as an alien item or an unknown alloy.

"For safety reasons, maybe you can buy a piece of equipment and take it to the temporary camp for testing... But it will cost a lot of stars, and you might even have to go to the black market..."

Fang Xing sighed.

He actively participated in off-campus internships. In fact, he wanted to know more about official methods, so he deliberately avoided them!

"But even if you don't need to sacrifice your own essence and blood, this blood refining tool is a rare magic weapon... enough for me at the moment."

Fang Xing put away the harvest one by one and opened the package that Jian was carrying.

Inside the package was a jade bottle that exuded a faint aroma of wine.

These jade bottles were either large or small. The large ones contained 'tiger bone wine', which was made from the bones of demonic tigers. In addition to Fang Xing's own brew, he also bought a lot from the market.

In addition, it is the body-refining elixir recommended by Qingdanfang Xiaorui-Tiger Marrow Pill!

It is said that refining this kind of elixir requires the bone marrow of the demon tiger, so it can best improve the body and is suitable for physical training in the middle stage of Qi training.

For acquired warriors, it is a bit of a waste.

But what Fang Xing is least afraid of is waste!

He came to the specially opened training room next to him and took a sip of tiger bone wine first: "Huh... so spicy, so strong... underage drinking, I am violating federal laws, right? It's great! How can I practice martial arts? Don’t drink?”

After drinking the tiger bone wine, Fang Xing felt warm inside his belly, and strands of energy and blood flowed out, and he began to forge his bones and cleanse his marrow.

"Well...tiger bone wine has mild medicinal effects and is suitable for drinking in moderation every day. It goes well with spiritual rice..."

"Other than that, it's Tiger Marrow Pill!"

He poured out a black tiger marrow pill and stuffed it into his mouth.


The next moment, Fang Xing turned his hands into claws and lunged forward, taking the posture of 'crouching on the tiger's post'.

In a daze, he seemed to be transformed into a demon tiger, walking through the mountains and forests.

Every time you breathe, there is a strong wind accompanying you!

The clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger!

Half an hour later, Fang Xing wiped away the smelly sweat and glanced at the attribute panel:

[Second Stage: Muscles and Bones (Refining Muscles: 77/100)]

[Fuhu Stake: 15/100 (skilled)]

"Hmm? Fuhuzhuang is progressing so fast?"

In fact, Fang Xing has also discovered in the past few days that he can increase his proficiency by several points every time he practices Fuhu Zhuang, which can be said to be a rapid progress.

This is naturally because he has the foundation of Dalong Zhuan and he has stepped out of the muscle and bone realm.

But today, a combination of medicinal wine and elixir made Fuhuzhuang jump from beginner to proficient.

It's a bit unimaginable to even get a little out of the proficiency stage.

"Good stuff!"

"With these, I'm afraid I will soon be able to brush the Tiger Fu Zhuang to the 'Mastery' stage...and then the fourth stage of 'Tiger Concept'!"

Fang Xing even felt that the medicinal power of these medicinal wines and elixirs had not been fully exerted, but had settled in the bones.

By the time I temper my bones, my progress will probably be even faster!

"After all, it's just the acquired realm...a little resource is enough to pile it up."

After finishing practicing the Fu Hu Zhuang, he grabbed the Black Pattern Sword and started practicing the 'Extreme Sword' move.


He made a casual stroke, and the black light flashed on the blade of the ink pattern sword, immediately leaving a deep mark on the wall.

"A good sword, a really good sword!"

He has long known that this sword is sharp, and has even killed people with this sword.

At this time, I briefly tried a few sword techniques, and I felt that they were running smoothly. Even the sword light seemed to be smoother and sharper than ordinary swords.

"In the Blue Star Federation, there are of course weapons specially made for warriors. They are all made of various alloys... very precious."

"But now it seems that the black-marked sword in my hand is definitely extraordinary..."

"If it is will most likely be used as smuggled items from other planets..."

After all, even in the interstellar age, not everyone is thinking about time travel.

When encountering something, you must still make a judgment based on your own experience and knowledge.

The material of the Black Pattern Sword is unknown, and it will probably be regarded as a special metal from other planets. As for the forging method, it could also be some kind of technology from an alien race!

In the vast universe, there are all kinds of races and strange things, so this situation is very likely to happen!

"Even so, I still can't be too ostentatious..."

"After all, the origin of this sword is really hard to explain."

Fang Xing stroked the black-marked sword and sighed slightly: "Fellow Daoist Chen is unjust, why don't you send me another blood-refining magic weapon-level sword?"

In the following period, Fang Xing reduced the number of trips to other worlds.

Going back and forth between school and dormitory every day, studying and practicing hard every day, made the level of martial arts and Fuhu Zhuang rise rapidly.

Occasionally, he would go to Huihuangjiang Mansion to compete with Gu Yun.

It has to be said that martial arts requires actual combat to make progress. Gu Yun happens to be somewhat similar to him, but lags behind in all aspects, making him an excellent target.

This day.

Fang Xing and Gu Yun stood side by side and came to a towering silver-white building.

This building seems to be made entirely of metal, with no gaps, door frames, or windows.

"This is the Prevention and Control Bureau?"

Fang Xing glanced at the silver-white building, feeling a little awe-inspiring.

The Prevention and Control Bureau is a giant in the Blue Star Federation, with branches on every planet and in every city.

It can be said that the areas where ordinary people may interact with evil gods from outside the realm on a daily basis are under their control!

"Well, today is the first day of off-campus internship. Aunt Bai will come to pick us up."

Gu Yun dialed someone's contact information. Not long after, Fang Xing discovered that the silver-white metal wall in front of him seemed to have melted, and a circular door appeared.

And through this round door, you can see more round arches inside, overlapping like thousand-layer cakes.

From the overlapping doorways, a professional woman slowly walked out.

She was about thirty years old and wore gold-rimmed glasses. Her beautiful face had no expression at all and she looked very serious.

Only when he saw Gu Yun did he reveal a smile: "Xiaoyun, are you here?"

"Hello, Aunt Bai, this is my classmate - Fang Xing!"

Gu Yun and Fang Xing greeted each other quickly.

Fang Xing glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the work nameplate on Aunt Bai's chest - 'Belief Theory Department, Bai Ziling'.

"Okay, come with me."

Bai Ziling stepped on her high heels, adjusted her glasses, turned around and walked in front.

Fang Xing followed Gu Yun and stepped into the silver-white building.

"Every door here corresponds to a known alien evil god... If you have items belonging to the alien evil god on your body, or carry similar contamination, we will call the police immediately."

Bai Ziling's voice came.

Fang Xing's heart moved. To be cautious, he threw away all the talismans and black-marked swords to the other world when he came here today.

I don’t know if it will cause some kind of reaction if it is brought?

After passing through more than a dozen silver-white metal arches, Fang Xing and Gu Yun arrived at a hall.

Above the sky is a high-tech projection of blue sky and white clouds. A large number of staff are coming and going in the hall, making it look extremely busy.

"This is... the Prevention and Control Bureau?"

Gu Yun murmured, and suddenly there was a hand on her shoulder: "Little sister, are you Gu Renchang's daughter?"

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