Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 53 Dream (Please collect)

"Hmm? Jingxia? Is it her?"

Fang Xing was really shocked when he saw Jingxia suddenly appear and put her hand on Gu Yun's shoulder.

But he felt relieved.

'This woman is from the Prevention Bureau, and she never forgets to take her dog with her everywhere...'

Looking at the bully dog ​​sitting next to Jingxia, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Gu Yun is an intern in our Faith Theory Department, and has nothing to do with your Action Department... and she is an intern commissioned by the school, and it is impossible for her to join your department."

Bai Ziling's face was very cold, as if he had a grudge with Jingxia.

"I just asked... After all, I saw the fire in her eyes. This kind of talent is very suitable to join our Action Department, just to replace some useless people!"

Jingxia admitted carelessly, holding a drink in her hand: "And this classmate Fang, I wonder if you are interested in internship in our department?"

Although she is a queen, she looks more like a fox when she smiles.

"Sorry, this is the school's targeted internship plan!"

Fang Xing shook his head quickly, he was crazy to go to the Action Department.

"That's a pity."

Jingxia waved his hand: "If you change your mind, you are welcome to come to me at any time."

"Let's go."

Bai Ziling said nothing more and took Fang Xing and Gu Yun into the elevator.

When the silver-white liquid metal completely covered Fang Xing, he couldn't confirm whether he was going up or down.

"Do you know that woman too?"

Bai Ziling suddenly turned around and stared at Fang Xing.

"I often meet her during morning exercises. She seems to live around the school." Fang Xing told the truth.

"Well, don't provoke that woman. She likes to cruelly exploit her subordinates and attack them with words..." Bai Ziling sneered: "The number of her team members who transferred to logistics support and received treatment in the recreation center is the highest. You can understand what this means."

"Of course!"

Fang Xing nodded quickly.

At some point, the metal wall in front opened, revealing a large flat.

Many members of the Faith Theory Department wearing work badges were busy in it.

"I'll send you a map first. You can only move around in the green zone... The library, storage room, and observation room are red zones, and you are not allowed to go there."

Bai Ziling sent a map over, with a serious expression: "Your job today is to clean the green zone and manage the water dispenser..."

'Does this still need to be cleaned? '

Fang Xing looked at the spotless ground and strongly suspected that the silver-white metal here has a 'self-purification' function.

In fact, this entire building is a metal life!

'Sure enough, are we here to be lazy in a blatant way? '

"Any other questions?" Bai Ling seemed to notice Fang Xing's gaze and adjusted her glasses.

"How much is our daily salary?" Fang Xing asked.

"Two thousand per hour, welfare bonuses are calculated separately..." Bai Ziling replied.

"Then I have no questions."

Fang Xing nodded, came to the water dispenser, and sat down.

"Very good."

Bai Ziling smiled: "Xiao Yun, you are here. You can come to me if you have any questions..."

After Bai Ziling left, Gu Yun looked at his back and his expression suddenly darkened.

"I thought that no matter how I arranged it, I would at least be exposed to something..."

Gu Yun sat next to Fang Xing, her eyes somewhat out of focus.

Fang Xing knew that the reason why she agreed to this internship opportunity was largely to get in touch with her father's work environment, learn more, and then... revenge!

If she could choose as she pleased, she would definitely join Jingxia's operations department.

Unfortunately... this is impossible!

"Come, have a glass of water."

Fang Xing had no intention of comforting him, so he poured a glass of water for Gu Yun and another for himself.

Just after taking a sip, he felt something was wrong: "Does this water seem to contain psychotropic drugs? No... It's another kind of effect that can calm people's minds..."

"For members of the Faith Theory Department, mental stability is the most important indicator, and it must be tested every day..."

Gu Yun seemed to know more and drank the water in the cup: "For us who practice A-level martial arts, this kind of pure water also has a certain effect. It can be regarded as a work benefit..."

'Well, but it is far inferior to the tranquilizing pill...'

Fang Xing silently compared in his heart and came to a conclusion.


The sun sets.


He walked out of the Prevention and Control Bureau, said goodbye to Gu Yun, and prepared to walk home and exercise.

'The Prevention and Control Bureau is absolutely strictly guarded. It is a foolish dream to do something secretly, which will only expose yourself...'

As for getting some benefits in the Faith Theory Department?

Fang Xing, who had been observing for a day today, sneered at this.

The evil god information and even suspected evil god books that he wanted to see were stored in a special room, waiting for inspection and review by members of the Faith Theory Department.

As for some cult scriptures that require high vigilance, several researchers need to apply, and then be authorized by the minister and deputy minister before reading and research can be carried out. All research must be carried out in a special protective room, and no paper can be brought out.

‘The Department of Faith Theory has been running for so many years, and there are surveillance everywhere. Even our own people have to check their mental state and pollution when they go out... How could there be a loophole for me to exploit? If there is... it must be a trap! ’

‘At least I’ve seen it before, and I know Jing Xia’s identity, and her salary is pretty high... huh? ’

Fang Xing suddenly raised his head and only stared at the orange sky: "Why do you feel like you are being spied on?"

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace and disappeared at the end of the street.

A few minutes later, a figure walked out of the shadows with a hoarse voice: "As expected of a young genius who has already entered A-level martial arts. His mental power has begun to undergo a slight qualitative change. We can't get too close to observe... This warrior's intuition is troublesome."

This man was shrouded in a black robe, but the surveillance cameras around him were inexplicably flashing with sparks, as if they were broken.

Following the man in black robe were two students.

A man with a figure like a bodybuilder, looking at Fang Xing's back with a hint of complexity, was Liu Wei.

There was another person who was not Bai Lianyi, but Liu Wei recognized him. He was a classmate of Yucai Middle School, with a handsome appearance, and his name was "Guo Peipei".

At this time, Guo Peipei looked at Liu Wei: "I heard that this person is your good friend? He is amazing now. Not only has he become Teacher Xia Long's favorite, but he can also sneak into the prevention and control bureau."

"I can deal with him if I need to."

Liu Wei lowered his voice and answered.

"It's very simple to deal with him, but it's not good for us... This Fang Xing is becoming more and more valuable."

The man in black robe laughed strangely: "I hope he can believe in my Lord and become my Lord's strength in the prevention and control bureau."

"I'm afraid it's difficult..." Liu Wei frowned. No normal person would be willing to have anything to do with a cultist.

"Lord Messenger, please let me take action!"

Guo Peipei smiled and said: "The superpower I obtained happens to be the 'Dream Technique'. It can pollute and corrupt this person in the dream, ensuring that no one is aware of it..."

"Dream spell? It's possible..."

The black-robed envoy pondered for a while and then said immediately: "It's up to you to take action, but your power level is not high and you cannot fall asleep from a long distance... There is always some danger when you get close. I will send two 'divine generals' to protect you..."

"Thank you, Lord Messenger!"

Guo Peipei's eyes brightened.

At night, everything is silent.

Fang Xing finished practicing the Fuhu Zhuang again, played a few more games, and ordered takeout for a midnight snack.

After eating and drinking, he immediately fell down and went to sleep.

His current state of mind is so low that he cannot yet replace his sleep with meditation, standing postures, etc., but he still sleeps soundly every night.

But this night, it seemed different.

Misty and hazy.

The entire community seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist.

Within the mist, there was a low humming sound like the squirming movements of countless insects, and it was also like the ravings of countless people singing in low tones.

"What's going on?"

Fang Xing got up and looked out the window, suddenly stunned.

He saw... the entire community seemed to be broken, with countless broken walls and ruins suspended in mid-air in a posture that defied gravity.

And in the distance, there seems to be an inexplicable existence.

It is composed of countless light spheres and has the vague shape of a door.

But when he observes carefully, he feels that it is not a door, but dimensions one after another. Each colorful light group seems to carry the ultimate truth of the world and the universe.

Just one glance makes it impossible to look away.

Fang Xing felt that his head hurt, almost as if it was going to explode.

Some inexplicable knowledge and information are like countless red-hot iron sticks trying to be inserted into one's head...

"This is... an alien evil god? No... no, if it were the real thing, I would have died long ago. I wouldn't even be able to think... This is a disguise, an imitation!"

The next moment, Fang Xing's veins popped out on his forehead, and his expression was like a ghost.

"Even if it is a ghost or a god, I will kill it with one strike!"

"Kill ghosts and gods!"

He used his hand as a knife and slashed hard at the strange light door.

Ghost Sword - Kill ghosts and gods!

An astonishing sword light shot up into the sky, swept across ten miles, and even shattered that strange door...

Countless mist dispersed, and it seemed to be faintly accompanied by a woman's scream.


In the bedroom.

Fang Xing stood up and grabbed the Mowen Sword with his right hand.

Outside the window, the night wind was chilly, and several night cats were chirping, making sounds like babies crying. The community was quiet and peaceful, and everything was as usual.


A trace of suspicion flashed across his face: "The Gate of Nothingness? How could I dream of such a thing for no reason?, someone is plotting against me! It's a cultist!"

As for the extraterrestrial evil god, of course it was just the other party's imagination, not even the projection or aura of the original deity.

The reason is very simple. Even cultists, as long as they are not strong enough, will fall into complete madness or even die when they see the true appearance of the evil god!

"Who did I mess with?"

Fang Xing roared, feeling very angry.

This is the case in Fangshi, and it is also the case with Eagle Star!

He was obviously cautious and didn't do anything, just trying to develop well. Why did someone always come to plot against him?

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, stretched out his hand to grab it, and a talisman appeared in his hand, which was the 'Qi-Seeking Talisman'!

"The woman in the dream has left her breath, she should still be nearby..."

Fang Xing held the ink pattern sword tightly, his expression dark...

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