Starry Sky Sovereign

: 1000th Cyan-Purple Giant Claw

The Devourer split half of its power to form a clone, condensed into a black crystal and gave it to Mu Qing.

This black crystal contains half of the power of Devouring Demon, and it can almost be said to be equivalent to an extreme emperor carried with him!

You know, the devouring demons are all created by the demon ancestors. The six-headed monsters all have the ultimate strength!

Half the power of the Devouring Demon is also enough to compare to the ordinary extreme emperor.

And this force can also resist the parasitic demon for a moment!

"The Devourer doesn't seem to be malicious to me, and the situation has changed, and I can only believe it." Mu Qing took a deep breath.

At this time, everyone is also planning to go to the depths of the gray fog to find the so-called core of the gray fog.

But Zi Jinyuan and others are also worried.

Because they are likely to face parasitic demons!

This is an extremely great emperor!

Although everyone is Tianjiao, it is easy to kill the ordinary lower emperor, but if you want to deal with the extreme emperor, it is really wishful thinking.

They are not even the opponent of the upper emperor, how could they be the opponent of the extreme emperor?

Tianyin and others hesitated, including Zi Jinyuan. Is their choice really correct?

"We have not become a choice. Rather than just waiting to die, we should give it a try!"

"The monsters in the gray mist kill each other, maybe this is our chance!"

Mu Qing said solemnly.

"But we don't know where the core of the gray mist is, how can we find it?"

Tianyin and Mawson raised key questions at the same time.


They don't even know where the core of the gray mist is!

Even if they had the determination to face the terrifying and extremely powerful parasitic demon, it was of no avail.

The situation in the gray mist was too complicated, and they were able to find Jian San by following the blood stains.

No one knows how huge this fog is!

They can't find the direction inside, and even walking around, it is very likely to enter a cycle!

In the gray mist, trying to find the so-called gray mist core is a bit ethereal and illusory.

"No matter what, let's leave here first. The aftermath of the power of the extremely strong fighting is not something we can bear!" Zi Jinyuan yelled.

The crowd was fast, moving away from the devouring demon and the red demon fighting.

Of course, they didn't know how far they had left in the gray mist, so they could only run away.

Mu Qing was so happy. According to the message from the black crystal of Devouring Demon, the direction they ran was exactly in the direction of the Parasite Demon's body!

Originally, Mu Qing was still trying to convince everyone to go to the Gray Mist Core, or find a way to leave the team.

As a result, everyone's goal is now there, but it saves Mu Qing a lot of energy.

"Can everything really go as smoothly as the Devouring Demon said?" Mu Qing also had no bottom in his heart.

He was afraid that by then, the Parasitic Demon would slap the Devouring Demon, the clone that contained half of its power, to death!

After all, the Parasitic Demon was before this, but the Scarlet Demon was killed and parasitized first, and the Devouring Demon didn't notice it at all!

Devouring demons, red demons, and parasitic demons are all at the highest level, but parasitic demons can parasitize red demons. This is enough to show that the strength of parasitic demons is very important.

With worry in his heart, Mu Qing then turned his attention to the black crystal in the black hole space.

After carefully feeling it, I can perceive the terrifying power that can almost be described as destroying the world!

Half the power of the devourer!

This is not only power, but also the soul of the devouring demon, all divided in half, obviously the other party is determined to prevent the parasitic demon from getting the gray mist core.

This can't even be said to be a clone. If the Devourer who fought with the Red Demon dies, it can even be resurrected through the black crystal in Mu Qing's hand!

And if the black crystal is damaged, the Devourer will also be hit hard!

Such a precious thing, Devouring Demon directly stuffed it to Mu Qing.

This is also the reason why Mu Qing slightly believes in Devouring Demon.

Of course, it is also possible that Devouring Demon has enough certainty.


After a while, everyone encountered a group of monsters. These monsters were all red, but on the outside they were no different from the gnawing and parasitic monsters.

Mu Qing's eyes flashed.

He knew that this was probably the batch of monsters controlled by the Scarlet Demon.

Devouring Demon These monsters created by the Demon Ancestor seem to have the power to create monsters in addition to their own powerful abilities.

However, the number of these scarlet monsters is not many, only a dozen.

Mu Qing slashed away, and then killed three heads. The power of the twelve demon gods is one sign!

Soon, these red monsters were all killed.

The crowd continued to move forward and found that there were a lot of scarlet monster bodies on the ground, as well as the remains of parasitic monsters.

"It seems that there has been a battle between the Red Demon and the Parasitic Demon, a large-scale battle!"

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

Suddenly, his body trembled!

He stopped, his pupils contracted.

Seeing Mu Qing suddenly stopped, everyone was a little puzzled, and Zi Jinyuan and others looked towards Mu Qing.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Xuan frowned, he found that Mu Qing's mood was a bit wrong.

"What happened?" The little fat man glanced at Mu Qing and immediately shielded himself with the Nine Heavens God Dragon.

He saw the strange expression on Mu Qing's face at a glance, knowing that something big might happen!

You know, among the people in the ancient immortal world, there is definitely Mu Qing who is jealous of the Ruthless Temple and the Heavenly Court!

The twelve principles have been tempered nine times, almost no need to think about it. This is definitely the strongest power among all the people present, comparable to the curse spirit that has been tempered ten times.

Therefore, after seeing Mu Qing's expression, everyone thought that Mu Qing had noticed something.

"Run..." A look of horror appeared on Mu Qing's face. After a low whisper, he immediately looked savage and roared, "Run!"


Almost instantly, the gray mist surged violently, and a huge claw suddenly protruded out of the gray mist.

It was a blue-purple claw, exuding a terrifying breath, containing violent and cruel power!

This completely surpassed the upper emperor and had reached the realm of the extreme emperor.

All Tianjiao present, without exception, changed their colors.


The name popped out of everyone's mind.

Although the opponent was just a claw, and did not even use force to imprison them, but under the pressure of aura, this group of arrogances had a thought to not dare to move!

Unbelievably, the first to respond was not the strongest Mu Qing and Shu Ling, but the little fat man!

The little fat man's eyes were bloodshot, and he had already used the Nine Heavens Dragon to protect his body, so the pressure he received was not too much.

He is doing his best at this moment, wanting to envelop the two people around him.


Zi Jinyuan and Xiao Xuan both yelled, with blue veins on their necks violent.

They saw that the targets of the purple paws were Liao Wu and Qiu Xiulan!

The little fat man was the closest to the two of them, and he finally expanded the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon Cover to cover the two of them.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief.


The blue-purple claws easily tore the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon's cover, and the sharp claws contained terrifying power, tearing Liao Wu and Qiu Xiulan apart! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (1000th blue and purple giant claw) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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