Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 999: Devourer's plan

"Do you think that if the Red Demon is parasited, it will be my opponent?!"

The Devouring Demon was furious, in its eyes, the Red Demon and Parasitic Demon who had betrayed the Demon Ancestor were enemies!

Its mouth opened suddenly, and a flaming golden light beam came out through the hole, containing extremely high temperature, which seemed to be the flame of the previous Red Demon.

The Devourer was able to reconsolidate the swallowed power and use it to deal with the enemy.


There was a huge noise, and the gray mist was surging violently.

The red demon itself is a monster with flame power, even if it becomes a parasite after death, it still has extremely strong temperature resistance characteristics, and it is not affected.

The two giant beasts rushed together in the gray mist, the flames burst, and an unbearable breath spread, forming a wave of air.


Mu Qing and others were rushed by this hot air wave, and their bodies felt like they were about to be burned. Even if they resisted in time, they were still injured.

Among them, Liao Wu, Qiu Xiulan and others suffered the most serious injuries.

"This is not a battle we can intervene at all, and we don't even have the qualifications to watch!"


Zi Jinyuan gave a deep drink.

Although I still haven't found a way to leave the enchantment of death, it is obviously impossible to stay here. The aftermath of the battle between the Devourer and the Parasite is enough to shake their group of arrogances to death!

Mu Qing also knew that in this situation, he couldn't get in at all.

What if you have all the twelve ways to refine nine times?

The two in front of them are both of the Extreme Great Emperor level!

Had it not been for the devourers to fight while swallowing most of the energy aftermath, I am afraid they would have died long ago!

Mu Qing knew that it was useless to stay here, and left with him.

The current situation is out of control, and the parasitic demon wants to completely control the gray mist and devour the demon.

Mu Qing and the others had left extremely far, but they could still hear the roar of Devourer Demon fighting.

The Devourer knows very well that it cannot be dragged on.

The real Red Demon is dead, the current Red Demon is just a parasite, and its strength has declined, but at least it can stop it for a while!

But this period of time is quite deadly!

The parasitic demon's body is not here, but to look for the core of the gray mist.

The opponent probably already knows the specific location of the gray mist core.

If the parasitic demon really controls the core of the gray mist, it will be really dangerous. After all, this is an extreme emperor weapon. With the strength of the parasitic demon itself, the extreme emperor peak, it can completely kill the devourer!

And parasitic devouring demons, control it!

The Devourer doesn't know if the Parasitic Demon has the ability to parasitize the core of the gray mist and control this extreme emperor weapon, but since the other party has done this, he must be sure enough.


The devouring demon's claws contained devouring power, absorbing all the flame power that was blocking, and falling on the body of the scarlet demon.

One of the red demon's wings was shattered, and the flesh and blood was swallowed away by the devouring demon in an instant.

The Red Demon controlled by the Parasitic Demon has declined in strength and is not an opponent of the Devouring Demon.

But Devourer wants to kill the opponent immediately, it still takes a certain amount of time.

During this period of time, it is very likely that the parasite demon will control the core of the gray mist!

"Anyway, it's impossible for me to kill this Scarlet Demon Parasite in a short time. It's better to split into a clone!" Devouring Demon felt fierce.

It roared fiercely, swallowing the sky, and even the gray mist and light swallowed into its stomach!

The parasitic demon controlled the red demon's body and plunged into nothingness and darkness. It could not find the devourer's shadow, but it was not attacked by the devourer demon as expected, and felt puzzled in its heart.


"What shall we do next?" Tianyin frowned.

He is lost!

The sacred statue, the only way to get out of here is gone.

Are they going to be trapped here for the rest of their lives?

Perhaps, their end soon is to be killed by the parasitic demon.

"No, there is a way out. The little green and purple snake mentioned the core of the gray mist. If we find the core of the gray mist, there should be a way to get out of here!" Mo Sen suddenly smiled lightly.

The others frowned and shouted, "Are you crazy? That's what those extreme monsters are fighting for. Can we go and die?"

What's more, Grey Mist itself is an imperial weapon. Even if they find the core of Grey Mist, it is not certain whether they can control it!

Mu Qing was silent and did not speak.

Because of his palm, there was an extra piece of crystal silently!

This crystal is completely black with a red dot in the center.

The first time Mu Qing noticed it, he put it into his black hole space.

At the same time, the voice of Devouring Demon appeared in his mind.

Only this time, Devourer's voice was much weaker.

"Something has happened, the demon ancestor who betrayed by the parasitic demon parasitized the scarlet demon. It seems to want to control the core of the gray mist!"

"It may already know the specific location of the gray mist core, so it wants to use the Red Demon Parasite to stop me, and buy a certain amount of time for its body to control the gray mist core."

"Now only you can stop it. The gray mist is alive. With your magic blood, even if the parasitic demon initially controls the gray mist core, as long as the magic blood is contaminated with the gray mist core, it will definitely be recognized by the gray mist core!"

"The black crystal I gave you is my clone. I split half of my power directly. I will try my best to behave in front of the Red Demon Parasite without any problems, and you have to take advantage of this time to find the gray mist. The core, as long as you control the gray mist core, even the parasitic demon can't deal with you."

Devourer's tone was very urgent, even with a slight begging attitude!

Because it knew from the bottom of his heart that he had been dragged down, and when the parasitic demon took control of the core of the gray mist, he would undoubtedly die!

Right now, only Mu Qing has the qualifications to save it!

Mu Qing has the blood of the demon, only Devouring Demon knows.

This will be their huge advantage.

Although the parasitic demon parasitized Jin Jiuyin before, it did not get the memory of Jin Jiuyin. It only thought that Mu Qing was the identity of the Demon Cultivator, but did not know that Mu Qing's blood was the blood of the Demon!

"As for the parasitic demon, I think... it may have been infested by the power of the evil god, so it made this series of actions."

Mu Qing hurriedly responded. When he saw the green and purple snake before, he had already noticed some power belonging to the evil god.

Because of the gray mist, the evil **** could not kill the Devourer and other monsters, and even under the influence of the gray mist, he thought that there were six monsters.

But the power of the evil **** is not something that ordinary existence can resist, and the opponent directly moved the entire gray mist into the death enchantment.

Even the power of the evil **** has penetrated in, affecting the parasitic demons!

Perhaps the dead Red Demon was also affected by its power!

Mu Qing, who was once possessed by the remnant soul of the evil god, was very sensitive to the power of the evil god.

"Don't interrupt me!"

"Remember, this half of my power clone has swallowed a trace of the parasitic demon's breath. It is enough to find the position of the parasitic demon. When encountering the parasitic demon, immediately crush the black crystal. My clone will block the opponent as much as possible."

"And you, as long as the core of the gray mist is stained with devil blood, as long as the power of the core of gray mist is obtained, the parasitic demon cannot kill you!"

Devouring Devil has time to listen to Mu Qing's words at this time.

It finally delivered a word to Mu Qing's mind.

"Remember, saving me is also saving yourself. Once the parasitic demon gets the core of the gray mist, all of us will die!"The latest chapter address of Stars Dominates: Dominates Full text reading address: sky dominates txt download address: https :// starry sky dominates mobile reading: https://m. the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" record below The reading record of this time (Chapter 999 The Plan of Devouring Demons) will be available next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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