Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1008: Stay

"Run! If you don't run, you will die!"

The parasitic demon's four claws digging through the barrier, tearing out cracks.

Even the mouth was used, biting a crack in the barrier, and pulling it out desperately.

It had to do this, it knew the strength of the Chaos King, even if the gray mist core was in hand, it couldn't stop the Chaos King from killing it.

The parasitic demon is not afraid of evil gods because he does not know the origin and specific strength of evil gods.

But for the King of Chaos, it has long been heard of, and even seen with his own eyes!

If someone asks it, can the extreme position kill the supreme?

The parasite must slap to death the person who asked this question, too stupid.

But later, the parasitic demon really had an answer, perhaps the extreme position could really kill the supreme!

Back then, when the Demon Dao still existed, the Parasitic Demon had seen the Primordial Chaos King make a move, and abruptly tore a Supreme!

It was also that battle. Everyone knew how terrifying the fighting power of the chaotic creatures was. The extreme peak was torn to the supreme, how cruel was this scene?

"Where do you want to go?"

Before the parasitic demon broke through the death barrier, there was a voice behind him.

The parasitic demon's body trembled, and the action was frozen.

It turned its head and saw the chaotic mist rising, and a big hand enveloped itself.

The parasitic demon's body shrank to a hundred meters and was captured by Chaos.


The parasitic demon was roaring. It tried to resist, but it had no effect. The giant claw was directly crushed by a force!

Mu Qing and the Devouring Demon were dumbfounded, watching the Primordial King with one hand, crossing the entire death enchantment, and grabbing the parasitic demon from far away.

As for the parasitic demon, he was dying, and his entire body was lying softly in the palm of the King of Primal Chaos.

This is not only the physical body, but the souls have suffered heavy losses, and the situation is not much better than the Devourer!

"The King of Chaos is indeed the King of Chaos, the parasitic demon is at the pinnacle of strength, and he almost died after a pinch!" The Devouring Demon trembled with fear, this is the power of the supreme level!

Mu Qing was also shocked.

This gap is too big!

You know, both sides are extremely strong at the pinnacle.

But the parasitic demon was really like a small snake in front of the King of Primal Chaos. It was easily caught and hurt the soul.

It is hard to believe that these two are powerful men in the same realm.

"Sure enough, no loss is invincible under the supreme." Mu Qing took a deep breath and secretly said in his heart.

"You have a credit for solving the matter of ambiguity. Wait a minute and I will save you. Of course, the external situation may not be so good." The voice of the King of Chaos came, blasting through the death knot like thunder. World.

Although the land of chaos is divided into two factions, chaos and chaos.

But the friction between the two factions is not great, let alone any hatred.

The opposition between the two factions does not exist at all.

Mu Qing brought the news of annihilation and being trapped, which made King of Chaos look at him a little favorably.

The stalwart body of the King of Primal Chaos tightened slightly, and then under the shocked eyes of everyone, he raised his hand with a punch!


The world broke apart, and an unspeakable horror aura permeated the entire death enchantment.

Everyone's thinking seemed to freeze at this moment.

Under the violent shaking, dense cracks appeared in the entire death enchantment, and finally it broke completely with a bang!

Everyone saw the outside world, and it was gloomy, with countless demons roaring out, and the heavenly army roaring at the same time.

Mu Qing saw the people of the ancient immortal world, and also the people of the Holy Spirit universe.

Countless people are fighting each other!

The King of Primal Chaos was in chaos, but no one dared to attack him.

Because his strength was too strong, countless powerhouses of the inner demons and the Holy Spirit universe died in his hands.

On the side of the Holy Spirit universe, there is no strong man who has spared his hands to deal with the King of Chaos for the time being.

After all, this is comparable to the supreme existence.

Invincible under the supreme!

The ultimate powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe, if they really want to come, they will all die.

"here it is?"

Mu Qing frowned. He thought that the battlefield outside was on a certain star, but all this in front of him seemed to be a certain secret realm.

The surrounding environment was dark red, with strands of special aura circulating, which made people feel very uncomfortable, but the spirit was extremely active.

"This is the place of death. Originally, the place where our monsters slept, and then we were imprisoned by the evil gods you mentioned in the death barrier."

The Devourer reluctantly turned into a ghost, only more than three meters high, and his tone was relatively weak.

It did not choose to leave, but was next to Mu Qing.

The Devourer did not betray the Demon Ancestor, it still has to complete the orders left by the Demon Ancestor.

Revitalize the magic way!

And Mu Qing is the one it chose.

Of course, it didn't plan to wait until Mu Qing developed the magic way to the top power or the supreme power, and it almost improved, and it could leave.

Now that he is with Mu Qing, the main reason is that he sees that Mu Qing has a good relationship with King Zhuan, so he temporarily hugs his thigh.

Now that it is in this state, it is estimated that any emperor can kill it.

"Yes, this is the land of death. The evil **** uses this place to store the souls he has seized, and at the same time burns the souls, using this as energy to open the passage of the universe." The voice of the King of Chaos exploded in Mu Qing's ears.

The sound was like thunder, making Mu Qing's ears hum.

"I'll take you to a safe place, the next place may be very dangerous." The King of Chaos looked at Mu Qing.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, everyone in the ancient immortal world was moved over in an instant.

As for the ancient immortal world and Tianting, the people were left out in the cold.

King Chaos is not familiar with these guys.

He was commissioned by Heaven to save people. Of course, his main purpose was to break the land of death, to prevent the spirits inside from being burned, and to become the energy of the cosmic passage of the Holy Kingdom.

Now that it has broken the Land of Death, allowed people from the three supreme forces to come in, and rescued Mu Qing and others, its mission was completed.

But next, the King of Chaos has a more important task!

Siege the evil gods!

The evil god, the supreme from the Holy Spirit universe, has extraordinary strength, has been completely restored to the realm of supremacy, and it is difficult to kill!

Especially now, the Holy Kingdom already has two Supremes.

The evil god, the original holy lord.

And the sea king holy lord!

At first, the Sea King Saint Lord came only part of the power, but as the battle unfolded, some extremely strong men fell and were directly taken away by the strong men of the Holy Spirit universe and burned completely!

With the addition of the powerful souls that burned before, afterwards the Sea King Saint Lord has not only descended on power, but also the body!

Now, in Ancient Immortal Realm, Ruthless Temple, and Heavenly Court, there are three supreme actions to encircle the evil gods and the sea king holy lord.

And the King of Chaos will also go to the battlefield.

Plus the King of Chaos, four supreme combat power!

Deal with two supreme from the Holy Spirit universe!

This time, they are unlikely to allow the people of the Holy Spirit universe to survive.

Last time in the Sea of ​​Silence, I failed to kill the evil god, and this time I won't let the opponent survive!

But at this moment, after Mu Qing heard the words of the King of Chaos, his eyes flashed.

He said solemnly: "No, you can take others away, senior, I want to stay here." Starry Sky Dominate the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address : Https:// Dominates the txt download address: https:// starry sky dominates mobile reading: /read/147180/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 1008 left) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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