Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1009: In search of parent spirit

Although he left the death barrier, the external situation is still not optimistic.

The Holy Spirit universe and the three supreme forces battle!

There are tens of thousands of powerhouses in the realm of God Emperor.

The extreme emperors have fallen a lot, not to mention the ordinary emperors.

The strength of Mu Qing and others is no longer suitable for being here.

The King of Primal Chaos didn't care about the life and death of the people in the Heavenly Court and Ruthless Hall, but after all he had promised Heavenly Punishment to rescue Mu Qing and others, so he would naturally not leave them here.

However, Mu Qing refused.

After hearing the words of the King of Chaos and the Devourer.

Mu Qing suddenly realized something.

The place of death, the place where evil gods use to nurture their souls!

Looking around, Mu Qing could see the round buildings in the land of death, like spheres.

The sphere was branded with mysterious lines, gleaming dim light.

He saw a great emperor-level heart demon fighting with a heavenly emperor, and the aftermath broke away and broke the ball.

The sphere shattered, and hundreds of thousands of souls rushed out!


As soon as these spirits rushed out, they shouted immediately.

They all have this consciousness, all of them are souls obtained by evil gods through various channels, and come from various races.

And in this place of death, every soul has been nurtured, and some people's souls are much stronger than usual.

Of course, they all know that this is not an adventure, bad luck, it will be burned and become the energy of the cosmic passage of the Holy Kingdom!


Almost no one would pay attention to the spirits that rushed out, and some spirits also encountered the spirits, were swallowed, and became the nourishment of the spirits.

Currently rushing into this land of death, for the time being, only the strong in the heavens can be seen.

And the heavenly army did not care about those spirits, and compared with the demons, they just didn't deliberately kill them.

"In that case, you can do it for yourself."

The King of Primal Chaos glanced at Mu Qing, then grabbed Zi Jinyuan and the others with one hand, his body trembled, and a huge gap in space appeared in front of him, disappearing in no time.

He seemed to know Mu Qing's goal from Tianchao's mouth, so he didn't say anything, and left directly.

Devourer was aside, a little sluggish.

What about it?

It has been left behind!

"Are you crazy? There is obviously a lot of danger here, why don't you leave with the Chaos King?" Devouring Demon felt incredible.

Not only was it badly injured, it had no strength, even Mu Qing himself was also very badly injured, and the soul was definitely injured under the aftermath of the parasitic demon's attack!

This state is still here, there is a risk of falling.

"I recover quickly, it doesn't matter." Mu Qing replied, then his eyes swept around, locked a ball, and rushed forward.

"Someone wants to destroy the soul nest! Kill him!"

The strong man of the Holy Spirit universe found Mu Qing's trace and immediately roared.

Suddenly, dozens of powerful heart demons appeared around Mu Qing, all of which were of the Divine Emperor level, and three of them reached the lower emperor!

However, these inner demons are not as good as Sword III, and there is not even a lower-level fifth-order inner demons.

"court death!"

Mu Qing let out a low voice, his eyes burst out with a strong killing intent.

Twelve demon gods appeared behind him and merged in an instant!

Even if he is already seriously injured, he can't be resisted by this group of inner demons!


Mu Qing entered the state of the black wing great demon, holding the spear of thunder, piercing the void.

In the blink of an eye, those few lower emperor-level heart demons were stabbed to death!

As for the other demons of the **** emperor level, they fisted away, the demonic energy shook, and they all collapsed!

In front of the parasitic demon, Mu Qing was inconspicuous, and was suppressed even when facing Jian San.

But right now, some Divine Emperor realms are not his opponents at all.

When Devourer saw this, he was a little anxious, but he still followed Mu Qing.

After all, it was the one who selected Mu Qing to revitalize the magic way!

However, it is mainly for self-protection at the moment, and its power is now worse than Mu Qing.

Some strength must be restored!

Mu Qing quickly approached a soul nest, and the thunder spear in his hand pierced out and directly pierced it.

The soul nest is not strong, it is just suitable for cultivating divine souls. After all, the people of the Holy Spirit universe shouldn't expect that this place will one day become one of the battlefields.


The soul nest is shattered, and the spirits inside have rushed out, which can be hundreds of thousands.

An ancient dead tree appeared behind Mu Qing, and the majestic soul power poured out.


His soul is powerful, and he has an instant insight into the characteristics of all the souls, without his parents.

Mu Qing did not delay, his body was directly enveloped by the power of the black hole, the space around him was distorted, and the next moment he appeared next to another soul nest.

Race against time!

The souls of his parents are in one of the nests.

But now the war has spread to the land of death, and many soul nests have been destroyed in the aftermath of the battle.

He must hurry up and find his parents' souls as quickly as possible.

"I hope there will be no accidents!" Mu Qing comforted himself while piercing the soul nest in front of him with the spear of thunder.

In the distance, the Devourer saw it, and it vaguely guessed what Mu Qing was looking for.

"It seems that he is a very important person. Has his soul been taken away by that evil god?"

Devourer whispered in his heart.

Then, it looked at the spirits around him.

Hundreds of thousands of souls released by Mu Qing before!

These spirits had just been released, some were stunned, while some regained consciousness and began to call for help.

Suddenly, a big mouth of a blood basin emerged from the void, swallowed along with this space with a click.

Click, click, click.

The Devourer chewed, even though it was only a phantom now, it was still possible to deal with those souls who didn't have any power.

It swallowed hundreds of thousands of souls and the power of that space in one breath, and quickly digested it.

The faint shadow gradually solidified a little.


A strong man in the heavenly court noticed it.

As a result, the devouring demon turned into a black shadow, escaping into the deep level of the void, even the upper emperor could hardly find its figure.

The Devourer is now weak in strength, but the means of life-saving are still there.

As long as there is no extreme emperor against it for the time being, it will be able to recover its strength.

As for the way to restore strength... it is swallowing!

This is the ability that the demon ancestor gave it, and it is also its housekeeping ability. Relying on the ability to swallow, it can recover its peak combat power at an extremely fast speed!

Anyway, it can be sure that among the souls that Mu Qing released just now, there was no object Mu Qing wanted to find, so it simply swallowed it in one bite.

There is no reason not to eat the food delivered to your mouth?

It's not that Devourer is on Mu Qing's side, it means it is good.

On the contrary, the magic way was still there in those days, and every magic cultivator had his hands stained with blood, and their six-headed monsters were even worse.

Devourers are not good people!

In its heyday, one bite can easily swallow a whole star! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1009 Finding Parents' Soul), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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