Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1010: Demon born

" no!"

Mu Qing's pupils contracted slightly, and bloodshot eyes had appeared.

He looks like a madman.

The thunder spear in his hand pierced through, tearing apart soul nests, but he didn't find the spirit of his parents.

The Devourer followed Mu Qing, consuming hundreds of thousands of souls every time, his breath gradually began to recover, barely possessing the fighting power of the lower emperor.

"Help me find!"

After searching for more than a dozen soul nests and failing to find the souls of his parents, Mu Qing glanced at the Devourer who was devouring the souls around him, and gave a low voice.

Seeing Devouring Demon swallowing hundreds of thousands of souls to restore strength, Mu Qing frowned.

But he didn't care.

Because he does not have this free time now!

People are selfish, and Mu Qing has only one thought in his mind, and that is to save the spirit of his parents!

Moreover, Devouring Demon was created by the Demon Ancestor, but it was the pinnacle in itself.

Even though he was hit hard now and in a weak state, he still had a lot of back players, which could not be stopped by Mu Qing.

It's just that at the moment, he is looking for the spirits of his parents alone, which is too inefficient.

If Devourer is willing to help, at least increase the efficiency!

Mu Qing passed on the characteristics and appearance of his parents' spirits to Devourer.

"no problem."

Devouring Demon is very refreshing.

Anyway, it is also planning to devour these spirits in the Land of Death to restore its strength.

By the way, it's all trivial to help Mu Qing find his parents' souls.

At this moment, Devourer finally understood why Mu Qing was so anxious.

It turned out that the spirits of the other's parents were taken away by the evil gods!


Devouring Demon is more simple than Mu Qing, his mouth can expand indefinitely, biting down a soul nest in one bite.

Although its soul is not as strong and rich as Mu Qing's, it is of high quality, after all, it is the power of the extreme peak level.

The power of the devouring demon's soul can be searched directly for all the souls in the soul nest. After discovering that there are no parents of Mu Qing, he completely swallowed it!

"Suffer to death!"

A group of heavenly **** emperors rushed, and they took the Devouring Demon as a special individual in the heart demon, and attacked together.

"Heavenly Court? The Devil Dao has declined, and the Immortal Dao doesn't seem to have been affected." The Devouring Demon glanced.

It didn't panic, its mouth was like a black hole, and it swallowed a 10,000-strong team of the Heavenly God Emperor.

Even blood can't burst out.

Everything, including the artifact, was absorbed and refined by Devourer Demon into the purest energy.

"Everyone in the Heavenly Court! Stop me, don't provoke that guy!"

Tianyin shouted at this time.

The status of his Tianjiao in the heaven is obviously very high.

Tianjiao, the young generation of the fairy palace, is the leader.

Tianyin is very jealous of Devouring Demon, he is not a fool, and he knows very well in his heart that even if he is in an extremely weak state now, he is not so easy to provoke him!

Tianyin and others benefited from the King of Chaos and came out of the land of death.

Fortunately, they were pleasantly surprised to find that it was the heavenly army that rushed into the land of death, so they immediately joined the heavenly army, but they were not attacked by any demons and the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse.

The Heavenly Court army is still fighting countless heart demons. There are two extremes of the strongest here, one is the Heavenly Emperor Zhentian, and the other is Ji Lun of the Holy Spirit Universe!

Ji Lun is a descendant of the Holy Lord, is Ji Yang's father, and is in the tenth realm.

Because of the special nature of the land of death, Ji Lun dare not fight here.

He forcibly pulled the Great Emperor Zhentian in the uppermost sky of the Land of Death, condensing an alien space battlefield.

These methods are equivalent to opening up a secret space at hand.

The reason why Ji Lun possessed the ability to stop the Emperor Zhentian was mainly due to the power of the Sea King Saint Lord!

Part of the power of the Sea King Saint Lord who had previously relied on the passage of the universe, was endured by Ji Lun!

Only Ji Lun, the descendant of the Sea King Saint Lord, is more in line with the power of the Sea King Saint Lord.

The battle between the heart demon and the heavenly army has entered a white-hot stage, and the fight continues, and there is no way to divide it up for a while.

Generally speaking, the heavenly army has the advantage, but without a huge gap, the battle cannot be ended in a short time.

Because any accident can happen!

There was no one to provoke Mu Qing and Devouring Demon for a while.

Ordinary heart demon and heavenly **** emperor, even the great emperor, will be bombarded and killed when they are close to them!

In the Holy Spirit Universe, a lower Tier 4 emperor attempted to kill Mu Qing, but was nailed into the void by an anxious and furious Mu Qing with a spear.

"Where are you?"

Mu Qing's temples burst into blue veins.

He stepped into an extremely anxious state. Under this kind of emotion, basically everyone was not pleasing to the eye.

If people from the ancient immortal world came to stop Mu Qing, he might even kill him directly!

Along the way, I don't know how many soul nests have been destroyed, but there is still no trace of my parents' spirits.

There are tens of millions of soul nests here!

Each soul nest, although Mu Qing is strong enough to break open, he cannot break multiple soul nests at once.

The search efficiency is very low!

There are too many spirits here, even if Devourers are looking for it, it is as difficult for Mu Qing to find the spirits of his parents among so many spirits!

Mu Qing became more and more impatient.

The Devourer not far away sensed Mu Qing's abnormal state.

It flashed and appeared next to Mu Qing, somewhat frightened.

The Devourer felt a terrifying force brewing in Mu Qing's body.

Full of murderous and manic emotions!

Being able to express his emotions so clearly shows how bad Mu Qing's state is.

"You'd better calm down your emotions, otherwise the heart demon will be born and the foundation will be damaged." Devouring Demon made suggestions to Mu Qing.

It doesn't know whether the magic repair method that Mu Qing has figured out is different from the original magic way.

But even if there is a difference, it should not be too big.

What are the characteristics of Demon Dao?

The first answer from the Devourer is brutality!

It thinks that every demon cultivation is not a good person. It cultivates the devil way and has a quick early stage. It uses various methods and unscrupulous means to improve the realm of cultivation, and the speed of progress is extremely fast.

At the same time, the combat effectiveness is also quite powerful!

Of course, this also has disadvantages.

Every later stage of magic repair will fall into a situation of emotional confusion and instability.

Other people's Buddha cultivation takes the initiative to sever one's own evil thoughts, while demon cultivation grows and breeds evil thoughts in the process of cultivation, and forms a heart demon.

The demon masters under the evil gods were originally just evil thoughts cut down by the Buddha masters, and were called heart demon.

Most of the demons killed by Buddha Xiu were not threatened.

Only the Demon Lord, because he has a certain relationship with the Demon Dao, breaks through the restrictions, and even has the method to create countless inner demons and foster them.

The heart demon of the Moxiu line is as serious as the demon master, and sometimes the extreme level heart demon is born!

The Devourer saw that Mu Qing's state was not right, and if this continues, maybe Mu Qing will give birth to a heart demon.

This is something that almost every Demon Cultivator has to face. After solving the Heart Demon Tribulation, the future Demon Cultivation will be smoother.

Of course, the possibility of the recurrence of the heart demon is still quite high, and this is also the price that the demon path has in exchange for power! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1010: The Newborn of the Heart Demon), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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