Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1331: Shocking strength!


Saint Jiang condensed a giant sword to cut it away!

The earth-shaking light burst out, and the nearby space crazily shattered.

Around the entire Demon Realm, no one inch of space is intact, and even because of the fighting of the Supremes, the exposed void to the endless void, and the void storm inside is quite terrifying.

Had it not been for Saint Jiang to use his own power when he appeared, he displayed a layer of energy shield covering the entire Demon Realm, the Demon Realm might have been fragmented at this moment.


The three figures flew upside down quickly and hit the moon.

Thunder Punishment, Chen Jiusheng, Jiang Shengren!

Among the three, two supreme and a powerful saint, the three supreme fighting forces joined forces, and they were hit by the emperor, and each received varying degrees of injury!

The emperor stepped through the air, unscathed!

He held the bitter sword and descended in front of the three of them.

The emperor's gaze fell on Saint Jiang, and a hint of cold light appeared in his eyes.

"It's been a long time! Saint Jiang."

"No, you should be called the seventh generation, right?"

The Emperor's eyes slowly narrowed. He naturally knew something about Saint Jiang, but he hadn't been able to feel the breath of the other party before.

In this way, Saint Jiang possesses some special powers. Although his strength is not as good as him, he can hide his aura under his eyes.

"Mu Qing is still only half-sovereign, it's too early for you to come over now?"

Saint Jiang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but speak.

He didn't want to expose his existence so quickly, and the small universe he had been studying all the time was to wait for Mu Qing to break through the Supreme and fight the Emperor of Heaven before using it.

Who would have thought that the Emperor of Heaven would appear at this time!

Chen Jiusheng and Lei Chai also looked at Saint Jiang next to them.

For Saint Jiang, they naturally knew that this was the confidant of the once under Heavenly Emperor.

But now, depending on the situation, the two seem to have some hatred?

Some things that they didn't know might have happened, but at least now Saint Jiang is on their side.

"Mu Qing said that one of the saints should be him, right?"

Lei Chai was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect Saint Jiang to hide in the Demon Realm all the time.

But soon, he felt heavy again.

The three of them are not the opponents of the Emperor of Heaven. How powerful is the strength of the Emperor of Heaven!

They could obviously feel that the Emperor of Heaven was quite easy to deal with.

Is it possible that just like dealing with evil gods, it is necessary to gather five powerful men with supreme combat power to contend?

"Can you reach the place of Chaos?"

Chen Jiusheng gave Lei Chai a sound transmission. After realizing the gap between them and the Emperor, he immediately realized that only by seeking help from him can he resist the Emperor.

He didn't believe that the difference between the Supremes could be so big.

If three people can't beat it, then four people!

If four people can't beat it, then five people!

It's impossible that the emperor is stronger than the evil god, right?

"I've been in contact a long time ago, and the King of Chaos will be here soon. At the critical moment of breaking through the supreme, the King of Chaos is probably not coming."

Lei Chai said in a deep voice.

Chen Jiusheng was stunned when he heard the words, and then quickly asked, "Has the King of Hun succeeded in breaking through?"

He had previously searched for various ancient architectural temples with the King of Chaos in the Chaos Temple, and he also had an understanding of the King of Chaos.

At the same time, Chen Jiusheng has also learned that the real strength of the king is comparable to the supreme combat power, if the opponent breaks through to the supreme, then the real strength will be even stronger!

Even if there is no supreme device, what if there is no supreme avenue?

Still stronger than the ordinary supreme!

"Not bad." Lei Xian nodded.

The time for King Hun to break through to the Supreme was much faster than Emperor Slaughter.

The main reason is that the chaotic creatures are special, and the way to break through the supreme is different, and they don't even need to experience self-destruction!

The self-destruction is to stand after the break, so that the living beings have a higher-quality body and soul, and only in this way can it accommodate the power of the supreme avenue and the supreme power.

But chaotic creatures don't need to do this, because the bodies and souls of chaotic creatures are already beyond the ordinary. These creatures born at the beginning of chaos, their bodies and souls are almost perfect, and can easily carry the supreme power.

As long as there is a way to break through the limit, the two kings of chaos can reach the supreme realm in a short time!

"Hunking? Breakthrough to the Supreme?"

The emperor's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although Lei Chai and the others communicated through sound transmission, some of the voices were still captured by the emperor. This is a powerful performance!

Chaos creatures, the emperor of heaven naturally knows, and at the same time, he also knows that the chaos creatures have limits and cannot break through to the supreme.

No matter how powerful the two chaos kings were, they couldn't really compare with him.

Since there is no threat, the Emperor of Heaven will still not move the land of chaos.

But now, listening to the meaning of thunder punishment, it seems that the king has successfully broken through the supreme?

It is rare for the Emperor of Heaven to be more serious.

The three people in front of him are naturally not his opponents, but if there is another king of chaos, it will be a little difficult to handle.

"Solve one first!"

The emperor's eyes flashed coldly.

These can be said to be Mu Qing's helpers, and when Mu Qing breaks through the Supreme, he will definitely help.

It's better to kill one or two at this time!

Suddenly, a terrifying breath erupted from the heavenly emperor.

A avenue emerged behind him until it was empty, escaping with a frightening aura.

The Emperor of Heaven no longer kept his hands, he appeared beside Saint Jiang in an instant, and cut it away with a sword!

"Be careful!"

Lei Chai and Chen Jiusheng yelled, and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

The speed of the emperor is too fast!

However, Saint Jiang seemed to know the movements of the Emperor, a flash, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab the sword.

The pupils of the Emperor of Heaven shrank slightly, behaving somewhat surprised.

He didn't expect his sword to be resisted by Saint Jiang!

"God! Do you think I'm still the weak seventh generation before?!"

Saint Jiang couldn't help but anger came up, roaring and roaring.


A special transparent flame soared from Saint Jiang, and at the same time a phantom appeared behind him!

It was a small universe, researched by Saint Jiang himself, and it was also a trump card against the Emperor of Heaven.

However, this hole card can't be hidden after all, and it is not used at this time. With his understanding of the strength of the Emperor, he will definitely be severely injured!


A wave of air broke out again, and Saint Jiang was blessed by the power of the small universe, and with only one hand, he grabbed the Sword Devourer and confined all the power on it.

Afterwards, Saint Jiang cried out, and a blazing white light spear condensed in his other hand, lingering around the transparent fire, and penetrating towards the head of the emperor of heaven. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The corner of the Emperor's mouth was slightly lifted.

"If you only have such a little strength, you can only say... it disappoints me too much."

The Emperor did not move, allowing Saint Jiang to attack him.

But after all, that blazing white spear could not pierce the head of the emperor.

In mid-air, a hideous mouth emerged, and with a few clicks, he swallowed the blazing white light spear.

The Emperor of Heaven clenched the Sword Sword, a force shook out, broke free from Saint Jiang's palm, and then raised his hand with a violent wave!


With blood splashing, Saint Jiang's entire left hand was cut off.

At the same time, with a click, a spatial crack was cut out, extending hundreds of thousands of miles! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (the shocking strength of Chapter 1331!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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