Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1332: Saint Jiang has fallen!

"This is impossible!"

Saint Jiang's pupils shrank violently, he had already integrated the power of the small universe, and his true strength should surpass the average supreme a lot!

Why, even the movements of the emperor just couldn't be seen clearly?

"Sometimes, the gap between the Supremes is bigger than you think."

The Emperor of Heaven appeared to Sage Jiang another time in an instant, with a sword in his hand and chopped it off.

Saint Jiang's scalp was numb for a while, he barely followed the movements of the emperor, his eyes were splitting, and he quickly gathered all his strength to condense a light shield in front of him.


The light shield that gathered all the power on this side looked very fragile in front of the Emperor of Heaven.

With the sword slashed on it, a tens of thousands of feet of dark crescent sword light whizzed out, easily tore the light shield, and cut Saint Jiang in the middle!

At the same time, this crescent-shaped sword light continued to sweep away, breaking the energy shield that Sage Jiang had arranged before, smashing a dozen stars in the Demon Realm!

On the other side, Lei Punishment and Chen Jiusheng's attacks were long overdue.

However, Lei Guang and Xianlong blasted, and the Emperor did not hide, and a savage mouth opened in the void, swallowing all the attacks of the two.

"Swallow Avenue!"

Lei Chai and Chen Jiusheng gritted their teeth. They had never fought each other before. Only now have they discovered the terrifying aspects of the Heavenly Emperor.

The opponent can ignore even the supreme attack!

At the same time, Saint Jiang reunited his body, his face was very ugly.

Just now, the two swords of the Emperor of Heaven had traumatized his spirit to a certain extent.

Saint Jiang also understood at this time that he and the Emperor of Heaven are not at the same level at all!

At the beginning, he made a vow and was very confident, attempting to join forces with Mu Qing to kill the emperor when Mu Qing broke through the supreme.

However, if he and Mu Qing joined forces, I am afraid that he is not an opponent of the emperor at all.

He should be grateful that he had fought against the Emperor in advance, otherwise he would definitely suffer from carelessness at that time!

The emperor's face was cold, and he raised his hand and slashed out again.

Since they are all here, then Sage Jiang will be beheaded directly!

With this opportunity, how could it not be possible?

The Emperor of Heaven would not miss such a good opportunity.

At this time, a figure rushed at an astonishing speed, suddenly punched, and the chaotic energy burst out, smashing the sword light of the emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at it, and his brow wrinkled slightly.

Here comes the king of chaos!

The current aura of the King Hun is completely different from before, and a wave of chaotic aura surrounds his body, escaping a very terrifying coercion.

With eight eyeballs floating in the palm of his palm, the chaotic light burst out in an instant, piercing the emperor of heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven didn't dodge, and a mouth-like mouth opened in the void, swallowing all the chaotic rays of light at once.

"If you stop me, I will probably end up dead."

The Emperor said lightly.

Even if it is the king who breaks through to the supreme realm, he will not feel any fear!

The combat power of the two sides is not of the same level at all!

"Without further ado!"

The King Hun's face sank, and he shot again, and his eight eyeballs spread out suddenly, encircling the Emperor in eight different directions.

Then, on every eyeball, a terrifying chaotic figure appeared, and countless chaotic runes condensed.

The King Hun kept forming seals on his hands and suddenly shouted abruptly.

"Soul Death Seal!"

Suddenly, countless chaotic runes branded away, forming a huge cage.

Eight terrifying chaotic figures are extremely tall, holding a big sword, and killing the gods of the emperor!

At the same time, under these chaotic runes, the aura of the emperor gradually weakened. This is a special seal!


Accompanied by a cold snort, then a crescent sword light swept out, all the chaotic runes shattered at this moment, and the eight chaotic figures roared, unable to resist the power of the emperor, and collapsed away.

The Emperor of Heaven didn't seem to have any influence, stepping out slowly, and at the same time there was a hideous void mouth around him, swallowing all the chaotic runes.

"Damn it!"

The king scolded in secret, realizing that the Emperor of Heaven wanted to swallow the eight eyeballs along with him, and he waved his hand to retract the eight eyeballs into his palm.

These eight eyeballs are considered his weapons, and there is no specific level, and they are called Chaos artifacts.

The King Hun looked at the Emperor of Heaven again, his face extremely solemn.

This is the first time he has come into contact with such a tricky enemy!

The Devouring Avenue of the Emperor of Heaven caused a lot of headaches for several supreme beings present.

Any of their attacks were easily swallowed.

The key is that the Emperor of Heaven seems to have no limit, and it will not be affected by so many other supreme powers.

"This mouth, isn't it enough to be fed!"

The king scolded in a low voice.

"Be careful! The Emperor's Devouring Avenue is a rare avenue close to the perfect level, but any power that is swallowed will be digested in an instant!"

Lei Chai quickly transmitted the voice to the King of Mix.

This is mainly the news that Thunder Punishment once heard in the heavenly court.

But this was just heard, they hadn't fought against the emperor before.

"Then this is a fart!"

The king scolded again.

It's not scary if it's just the ability to swallow. Even if they can really swallow their attack, it's good to keep attacking until the opponent reaches the limit.

When the limit is reached, the ability will naturally decline, or even self-destruct.

However, the Devouring Avenue of the Emperor of Heaven seems to be the best of all swallowing abilities, and the energy swallowed will be digested in a short time.

These digested energy will become the capital for the emperor to continue fighting.

If the strength is weaker than the Emperor of Heaven, theoretically speaking, even a bunch of Supremes will not necessarily be able to defeat the Emperor of Heaven.

Just at this time!

The emperor's figure disappeared.

Everyone's complexion changed, especially Jiang Shengren, highly concentrated.

With a low drink, Saint Jiang began to burn his small universe, which was more than several times stronger than the previous breath!


This time, no one saw the emperor.

He appeared silently behind Saint Jiang, the bitter sword in his hand pierced through Saint Jiang's chest.

The sword devouring body is pitch black, and a hideous blood basin emerges, devouring the power of Sage Jiang!


Saint Jiang let out a scream, blood splashed on his body, and the power of the soul began to be swallowed away by a terrible force.

The trio of King Kings hurried forward, and without exception, all their attacks were swallowed away.

The emperor smiled slightly, and a dazzling light flickered on his body, suddenly centering on him, an energy explosion occurred!

A terrifying shock wave swept away, the sun-like energy explosion engulfed everything nearby, and the space shattered every inch.

The trio of mixed kings shrank, retreating again and again, and what made their faces ugly was that the power contained in this energy explosion was disordered, but they were somewhat familiar.

There is the power of chaos, there is thunder light and there is immortality.

It was clearly transformed from the power that had previously swallowed the attack of the three of them!

"Goodbye, seventh generation."

The emperor's eyes were indifferent, he didn't remember the name of Saint Jiang. For him, the other party used to be just a tool, even the qualifications for him to remember!

As the bitter sword in the hands of the emperor was cut down, a shocking sword light suddenly appeared, and the dark sword light completely enveloped the sage Jiang. When the sword light gradually collapsed...

Saint Jiang is nowhere to be seen!

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