Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1349: Chaos

"How could you still be alive?!"

The candidate's eyes widened, and he found that Mu Qing, who had been cut in half by him, was unscathed!

"Did you not find out during the battle? We have always been in a light gray realm, which is called the undead realm."

Mu Qing smiled faintly.

The candidate was shocked, as if struck by lightning.

At this time, he did find that there was a light gray around him, but he couldn't notice it if he didn't look closely, let alone the fierce battle!

The candidate immediately began to struggle, but Mu Qing clutched him tightly, using the power of the stars and the special blue power in the form of destiny to imprison his actions.

"Next, let you taste a new magic trick I learned."

Mu Qing smiled, then his face became heavy.

He slowly uttered a few words.

"Heaven and earth chaos!"

An invisible force gushed out of Mu Qing's arm first, and then the entire arm glowed, and wisps of chaotic light permeated.

The candidate had a bad premonition, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes widened.

The next moment, Mu Qing's right arm burst!

Along with the explosion of the right arm, an astonishing chaotic light burst out, with Mu Qing as the center, sweeping hundreds of thousands of miles around.

In this area, chaos is permeated, and chaos lingers everywhere.

Even the space outside the boundary is all shattered!

However, after the outer space is broken, it is not out of the universe.

Invisible, there was a special force that instantly repaired these spaces.

It is the power of the universe!

In the distance, the Holy Four and the King of Wind couldn't help but look over there in surprise.

This movement is quite amazing!

Even the two who possessed the Supreme Five Heavens and Six Heavens felt such a threat!

"It really deserves to be the wanted order issued by the Lord Lord himself, this Mu Qing is really not easy."

Holy Four did not worry about the safety of the candidate, and even wished that the other party would die.

Unlike the other candidates, that guy is a candidate who has already been born with wisdom.

The power of all of them was bestowed by the evil gods using cosmic crystals. Once the candidate goes back to ask for credit, when the evil **** is happy and changes his own power to the opponent's, then he is finished!

The Chaos Qi gradually collapsed, revealing a figure.

Mu Qing's right arm is missing, but there is nothing else unusual.

"call out!"

A crimson light flees towards the distance, it is the alternate!

There was a terrifying wave from the bottom of the opponent's heart, and he didn't expect Mu Qing to explode such a terrifying power in an instant!

Both of them and the Holy Four were created by evil gods and possess their own abilities.

He, like the Holy Four, has absolute speed.

But in fact there is another ability, that is amazing recovery!

It's a pity that Mu Qing's move of the chaos of heaven and earth did not give him room to recover, and it directly wiped out his body.

There was only one phantom left in the candidate, wrapped in crimson light.

This is a kind of existence similar to the spirit and the Holy Spirit.

The phantom is their core!

Now the physical body was gone, and the core was severely damaged, and he could only rely on the little remaining strength to quickly escape.

Mu Qing raised his left hand, he had already withdrawn from the state of the starry sky demon god, but his destiny form still maintained.

Blue light gathered in the palm of his left hand, and a beam-like energy shock wave penetrated in the next moment.


The current candidate is not as fast as before, and can't avoid it at all, being hit by this energy shock wave!

Mu Qing was worried that this would not kill the opponent, and raised his hand again to condense the energy sphere. The planet-sized energy sphere was crushed down with the wave of his left arm!



The terrible energy exploded, and the air wave set off.

When the last gleam of dazzling light disappeared, only a large amount of space was left in front of him, and the core of the candidate's phantom was completely destroyed.

Mu Qing gasped, this battle was indeed a bit difficult.

Replaced with a general half-sovereign, even if it was the kind of powerful half-sovereign with the supreme weapon and supreme avenue, Mu Qing had already ended the battle.

Now Mu Qing's combat effectiveness is not a joke, but it took a lot of time to deal with this candidate.

"We withdraw!"

The Lord of the Wind took the opportunity to shoot a dozen arrows, which turned into a dozen storms to cover the Holy Four.

Then, with a wave of her jade hand, a blue breeze swept everyone.

Suddenly, everyone disappeared in place, heading towards the Hunyuan Realm.

"Huh! The girly tricks are a bit powerful."

Holy Four casually tore through the dozens of storms, his face was gloomy, and he gave a cold snort.

There are three holes in his chest, blood gurgling.

This was the trauma he suffered during the battle, but he didn't care much.

Soon, these injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The power of the Holy Four is speed and recovery.

The ability to recover means that he can take great advantage during a war of attrition.

Others need to consume energy to recover from their injuries, but he does not need to recover.

In addition, after the power in his body is consumed, he will recover many times faster than others.

Holy Four glanced at the eight lacklustre candidates not far away, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

With a wave of his sharp claws, the bodies of the eight candidates were directly torn apart, torn apart!

The eight phantom cores also shattered at the same time.

Saint Four licked the blood on his sharp claws, and the bone spurs behind his tail shook.

He didn't hunt down, because he knew that there were other strong men in the Hunyuan Realm. Although he had confidence in his own strength, he was not so arrogant that he rushed into the Hunyuan Realm to fight the supreme group.

What's more, the encounter with Mu Qing and others outside the boundary was indeed a chance encounter.

It was an unexpected joy to take the opportunity to let the wise candidate die.

As for those candidates who have no spiritual wisdom, they are actually beings abandoned by evil gods. It doesn't matter whether they live or die.

"The Lord Lord doesn't know what he is doing, and has never attacked the Hunyuan Realm."

Looking at the direction of Hunyuan Realm, the Holy Four snorted and left.

The evil gods created ten saints, each of which is a supreme level of combat power.

But the evil **** did not invade the Hunyuan realm, but continued to study the cosmic crystallization.

Perhaps for the evil god, this universe has not been able to threaten his existence, so he doesn't care so much, right?

Back in the Hunyuan Realm, Mu Qing was finally relieved.

"are you OK?"

The Lord of Wind wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and she was also injured a bit, but the injury was not serious.

She looked at Mu Qing, and now Mu Qing is still one-armed. In terms of Mu Qing's ability, she should be able to recover immediately.

"That is a special magical power I created. It will take some price when it is released. I am afraid it will take a while to recover."

Mu Qing shook his head, but didn't care much.

It just takes a while to recover, not the complete loss of this arm.

Even Mu Qing was shocked by the magical power of the chaos of heaven and earth.

Vaillant is pretty scary!

At the expense of a certain part of itself bursting, an area is directly attributed to chaos.

In addition, it also needs to consume the origin of chaos and the power of luck! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1349 Chaos of Heaven and Earth), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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