Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1350: Dragon Lord joins

"It seems that the power of the Holy Kingdom is even greater. The Ten Saints alone are far more powerful than we thought!"

The Lord of the Wind briefly dealt with his injury, and immediately frowned, feeling very troublesome.

The target of the Slayer Party was originally the evil god, but now it seems that the ten sages under the evil **** alone are probably a little difficult to deal with.

Looking back at the many powerful men he had brought.

The three extreme pinnacles are still alive, but they have all received relatively serious injuries. Feng Chong's body is covered with blood. It can be said that he was desperate in the battle just now.

But even so, there are only more than 30 of the extremely strong that was originally close to a hundred!

Almost seventy people were cut in one fell swoop!

The extremely powerful ones who are still alive, one by one, feel heavy.

They are the supreme emperors, the strong at the top of the pyramids in the universe.

But now it seems that they are very fragile!

For other creatures, any emperor is a top powerhouse.

Not to mention that they are extremely powerful, wherever they go, they are all high-level forces.

However, the situation in the universe is now completely chaotic, and it is a chaotic world caused by evil gods.

Extremely strong is nothing.

In the face of Semi-Supreme, the general extreme powerhouse is in danger of falling away if he resists a few moves!

The existence of the extreme pinnacle can only barely survive.

The gap is widening step by step!

It is conceivable that today's battle is a heavy blow for them.

Just at this time.

Chen Jiusheng and Lei Ping came through the air, and they felt a powerful aura.

"Wind King!"

"What's the matter with you? Have you met someone from an evil god?"

After Chen Jiusheng realized that it was the Holy Master of the King of Wind, he wanted to step forward with a smile to say hello, but soon the smile on his face solidified.

He found that everyone was seriously injured.

"What happened? And your kid's arm..."

Lei Chai came to Mu Qing's side, also somewhat surprised.

"Don't worry, my arm is nothing, it will recover after a while."

Mu Qing chuckled, so that Lei Punishment didn't have to worry, and then informed them of the Saint Four encounter outside the bounds.

Lei Ping frowned suddenly.

"Go, return to the Demon Realm first!"

"In this period of time you left, we have added a supreme combat power helper, but that guy probably wouldn't even think of you."

Lei Ping said.

Chen Jiusheng took care of those extremely strong people of the Desperate Party, and then everyone broke through the air and returned to the Demon Realm at an extremely fast speed.

The moon, the hall of the magic temple.

After arranging a group of extreme powers from the Destroyer Party, Mu Qing summoned them.

At this time, Mu Qing saw someone who was indeed an unexpected guy, as Lei Chai said.

Lord of the Dragon!

"Huh! What is your look!"

When the evil dragon saint saw Mu Qing, he snorted softly.

"Ah, it's nothing, but I didn't expect you to help us."

Mu Qing was quite surprised, the evil dragon saint master was considered their enemy from beginning to end, this guy was the saint master of the holy kingdom.

But now the evil dragon saint master has appeared in the demon realm.

Mu Qing didn't have any opinion on the addition of Ghost Supreme, but Mu Qing couldn't help but doubt the evil dragon holy lord.

After all, this guy is a disciple of the evil god, and is closely related to the evil god, how could he choose to take refuge!

Mu Qing looked at Lei Chai and the others, waiting for their explanation.

Since they brought the Evil Dragon Lord here, it means that the Evil Spirit Lord can be trusted more or less.

Next to the Evil Dragon Lord, there is a woman wearing a bolder short skirt with white hair.

This is the descendant of the Evil Dragon Lord, the Dragon Girl.

After seeing Mu Qing, Dragon Girl's jewel-like eyes lit up and smiled at Mu Qing.

It's a pity that Mu Qing's focus is on the strength of the Dragon Girl.

"It seems that not only I am getting stronger, but everyone else is also constantly improving!"

Mu Qing frowned slightly, he found that the strength of the dragon girl had reached the supreme!

At least from the perspective of breath, it is like this.

In other words, the Dragon Girl is also a Holy Lord!

When he followed Ji Lun and others to besiege Mu Qing, the strength of the Dragon Girl was not too strong, but she did not expect to have reached the Holy Master now.

At this moment, the Lord of the Wind King followed Chen Jiusheng into his seat.

The supreme combat powers present include the Sage Lord of the Wind King, Chen Jiusheng, Thunder Punishment, the Supreme Ghost, the Supreme Sage, the Two Kings of Chaos, the Great Slaughter, the Sage Lord of the Dragon, and the Dragon Girl.

Reached an astonishing ten!

After the breakthrough, the Slaughter Emperor should probably be called Slaughter Supreme.

After all, Mu Qing has only half supreme strength.

However, the people present didn't care much. With Mu Qing's ability, it would be a matter of time before he broke through to the Supreme.

"When you helped the Lord of Wind to eliminate evil thoughts, something happened."

The Supreme Sage took the lead and explained to Mu Qing: "After the evil **** obtained the cosmic crystal, it seems that he has been studying the mystery of the cosmic crystal, and he has never reappeared."

"But the evil gods created a group called the Ten Saints. This group is all the powerhouses with supreme combat power and is only loyal to the evil gods!"

"Although the evil gods did not reappear, the ten saints followed the orders of the evil gods and began to rule in the universe. Now, in the ten realms of the universe, except for the Void Wind Realm and the Black Realm without creatures, six of the other eight realms have fallen into The rule of the Holy Kingdom!"

"Wait! Six realms are ruled by the Holy Kingdom? Doesn't it mean that the Taining Realm originally ruled by the Heavenly Court and the Dongyang Realm ruled by the Heavenly Emperor's avatar have fallen?"

Mu Qing was taken aback. This was a matter that swept the entire universe. In contrast, the previous actions of the Holy Kingdom were all trivialities.

Lei Chai nodded at this moment, and said solemnly: "The situation is not optimistic. The evil **** did not show up, but the strength of the ten saints is not trivial. We suspect that the evil god's idea is to let the holy kingdom rule the entire universe. The next goal is, It should be us."

Compared with Heavenly Court, Demon Realm is obviously easier to bully.

However, as long as the evil gods do not take action, they should still be able to resist the Ten Saints.

But will evil gods really not take action?

Everyone dare not gamble on this!

The Supreme Sage continued: "After that, something happened in the Holy Kingdom. The Sea King Sage Lord and the Evil Dragon Sage planned to steal the evil god’s cosmic crystals together.”

"Of course, given the importance of the evil gods to the crystallization of the universe, it is naturally impossible to steal success. These two were discovered on the spot, and the evil dragon saint master also luckily survived and brought the dragon girl to the demon realm."

The temperament of the evil dragon holy lord is somewhat similar to that of the killing supreme, and they are both cold and cold.

He snorted coldly and said, "I chose to join forces with you just to deal with evil gods. If it succeeds, I will leave. If it fails, everyone will naturally die together!"

The evil dragon holy lord took refuge in them, to put it bluntly just a bereaved dog.

Although he knew it well, Mu Qing would not be so stupid to say such things to stimulate the other party.

Today, one more supreme combat power is one, they lack the supreme combat power!

"By the way, since the evil dragon saint master and the sea king saint master participated in stealing the cosmic crystals, what about the sea king saint master?"

Mu Qing asked curiously.

The evil dragon saint shook his face and answered stiffly.

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