Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1353: The emperor comes

Although he was psychologically prepared for a long time, at the moment when the self-destruction came, Mu Qing finally understood why Breakthrough Supreme was so dangerous.

This force of collapse shattered Mu Qing's body hundreds of times in an instant!

And Mu Qing himself needs to consume energy to re-heal the shattered body.

Every time it collapses, the body and soul will be greatly improved.

Mu Qing did not have a soul, but his starry will was also affected by the collapse, and began to collapse and reorganize.

This was due to the fact that Mu Qing's body was a supreme weapon, and he was in the form of destiny, and his self-destruction was restrained to a certain extent.

On the surface of Mu Qing's skin, cracks continued to appear, and the next moment they healed.

In exchange for other people's self-destruction, they will not be like Mu Qing.

After the crash, the body was completely exploded!

The body exploded a bit, and after the reorganization, the soul exploded once, and the reorganization continued, and then the body exploded again after its turn.

This is repeated, and there is no upper limit to improve after breaking.

"Sure enough, because my physical body is a supreme weapon, coupled with the blessing of the destiny form, even if it is a great self-destruction, it will not cause bad words. Next, I just need to persist in it!"

Mu Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The power of collapse swept through the body. Although it was very painful, Mu Qing could still bear it.

There is not even much danger!

When Emperor Slaughter broke through to the Supreme, Mu Qing's situation was obviously many times better!

The power of the Avenue of Stars is getting stronger and stronger, and the dazzling stars converge and fall like a Milky Way.

Mu Qing noticed at this time that the Avenue of Stars began to grow larger as he went through the great collapse of himself, and there was a tendency to extend infinitely.

But soon, this trend stopped, and nine shackles descended invisibly, blocking the Avenue of Stars.

The Avenue of Stars was originally extended indefinitely, and even had a tendency to go straight out of the universe, but it is now directly cut off.

A terrifying force is blessed on Mu Qing, which is hundreds or thousands of times stronger than before!

However, with the appearance of the nine chains, most of the power disappeared.

Mu Qing perceives all this, he knows that those powerful forces have not really disappeared, but behind the nine chains.

It turns out that the universe has placed nine shackles on the supreme when it is experiencing a great collapse of self!

It's no wonder that all the Supremes except the Chaos God have been put on the nine chains. The cosmic consciousness of emotion is quite cunning. At this time, no one can resist the nine chains.

Mu Qing could only watch the nine chains, under the control of invisible power, directly set on his own Avenue of Stars.

These nine shackles are the nine heavens!

Although Mu Qing experienced a great self-destruction, his consciousness was still quite clear. He carefully observed that there was no tenth shackle on the Avenue of Stars.

"It seems that the so-called Supreme Tenth Heaven should be just a description."

"Just like Semi-Supreme, there is no such realm in fact, but it transcends the scope of the Nine Heavens, so it is called the Ten Heavens."

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

Soon, one month passed.

During this period, Mu Qing did not have any accidents, and at the same time, no foreign enemies broke into the Hunyuan realm.

Lei Chai and others are always paying attention to Mu Qing's situation, but Mu Qing's breath can't be captured, and they don't know how Mu Qing's specific situation is.

"After Mu Qing broke through to the Supreme, he was a born assassin just by relying on the means of completely disappearing his aura!"

The Supreme Sage exclaimed.

What is his strength?

Supreme Seventh Heaven!

And Mu Qing is not half-sovereign, but he can completely hide his breath under his eyes, without having to look at it with the naked eye, and he is really invisible.

"It seems that after entering the state of those blue hair and silver eyes, the breath disappeared."

The Supreme Saint touched his chin. He was not sure how long Mu Qing could maintain that state, but at present, it was long enough.

Even the Ghost Supreme, who created the assassin organization of Jiu Youtian, sighed on the side: "After he breaks through the Supreme, he can completely assassinate other Supremes across several days!"

The so-called assassination technique is mainly the concealment of breath.

Mu Qing was able to hide his breath so thoroughly that the Supreme could not even sense it. This was simply a born assassin.



Suddenly, the supreme saint's face condensed.

The eyes of everyone gathered again.

I saw above the moon, the Avenue of Stars went straight into the void, with dazzling rays of light blooming, like a star pillar that penetrated the sky and the earth.

A wave of air vented.

Mu Qing's body no longer appeared to be cracked, and even the original broken arm had recovered.

At this moment, Mu Qing opened his eyes and stood up abruptly, exiting the form of destiny.


The horrible breath was felt by everyone for the first time, and with Mu Qing as the center, he went crazy and vented towards the surroundings.

On the Avenue of Stars, astonishing energy poured into Mu Qing's body, making him sublime again!

The starry sky of the entire universe is trembling at this moment, and countless stars are resonating, exuding the meaning of surrender.

Supreme Realm!

Not only that, but Mu Qing's Avenue of Stars was transformed at the moment he broke through the Supreme.

Avenue of Stars, an increase of ten percent!

The ultimate road to perfection!

Mu Qing is surrounded by endless stars, he feels the majestic and boundless power in his body, his palms lightly clenched his fists, and the space burst into pieces!

Supreme power!

At the same time, Mu Qing realized that in addition to the power of the stars, there was also a special power in his body.

The power of immortality!

The golden indestructible power is full of limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and in every inch of flesh and blood, in every meridian, there is indestructible power.

Mu Qing suddenly realized that there were two types of supreme power.

One is the power of the stars born from the Avenue of Stars.

One is the indestructible force born in the process of self-destruction.

After reaching the supreme realm, Mu Qing's starry sky power has also been transformed, and he can easily kill the half supreme.

The existence of the power of immortality can not only restore the physical body, but also restore the soul!

Although Mu Qing does not have a soul, his starry sky will now also exists in his body. If he is traumatized, he can also be restored with indestructible power.

The most critical point is that the power of immortality and the undead can be superimposed, and when fighting other supreme, Mu Qing's recovery speed must be much faster!

After adapting to the strength in the body for a while, Mu Qing came to the center of Hunyuan Realm in a flash.

Although there are many stars in the area around the Qi Luck List, there are no creatures on these planets.

Afterwards, the Supreme Sage, Lei Punishment and others also rushed in quickly.

Without Mu Qing in the form of destiny, they could still easily capture the breath.

As for why this time came, everyone knew it well.


Not far away, the space was shattered, and a terrifying figure crossed the boundary.

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