Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1354: Siege of the Emperor

"Sure enough!"

Mu Qing's eyes condensed.

This familiar breath is undoubtedly from the Emperor of Heaven.

He came to this area deliberately to prevent the aftermath of the battle from going to other places when he waited for a while to fight.

If it is still in the Demon Realm, once the battle starts later, the Demon Realm will probably be destroyed again.

When the Emperor of Heaven came last time, the loss of the Demon Domain had not been recovered, and now there were no more problems, the Demon Domain could not stand it.

"Unexpectedly, it took so little time to let you find so many helpers."

The Emperor's face condensed slightly.

He was also a little surprised at the bottom of his heart.

When he came last time, Mu Qing's helpers were few, even with the Taishang Laojun, there were only five.

Now that I swept away, there are more than ten!

Supreme combat power, plus Mu Qing's own words, reached eleven!

Quite a terrifying number!

Mu Qing looked at the Emperor of Heaven with a solemn expression.

It really came!

The Emperor of Heaven left some hands and feet on the Avenue of Stars.

When breaking through the Supreme, Mu Qing had already noticed it, because there was a mysterious force on the Avenue of Stars helping him to break through the Supreme!

This also means that even if Mu Qing does not enter the form of destiny, and does not condense the supreme weapon into a body, he will break through the supreme with a high probability of success.

The process of breaking through the supreme is a stage where outsiders cannot interfere.

However, the Emperor of Heaven hid his power in the Avenue of Stars through some means, helping Mu Qing to make a breakthrough.

Just like Lei Punishment and Chen Jiusheng used Stealing Heaven to help the Slaughter Emperor break through to the Supreme, they all took a different approach and thought of a way.

Since the Emperor of Heaven has already done tricks on the Avenue of Stars, once Mu Qing succeeds in breaking through the Supreme, the other party will definitely feel it, and will come immediately!

"The Emperor of Heaven, even if you have the strength of the Supreme Nine Heavens, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of our alliance, it is better to retreat as soon as possible!"

Lei Ping shouted loudly.

Although the emperor's strength is strong, this time so many people join forces, really not afraid!

If it was normal, Mu Qing couldn't call so many powerful people to deal with the Emperor of Heaven together.

At the very least, people like the Evil Dragon Holy Lord and Ghost Supreme were definitely not willing to help Mu Qing.

But the situation is different now. The purpose of dealing with the emperor is to be able to deal with the evil **** in the future.

Now the evil gods are even more terrifying, they can only rely on Mu Qing to break through the Supreme, use the Sky Forbidden Bottle to open the way of dominance, and call more Supreme Helpers.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not a helper, just disrupt the situation.

The Emperor of Heaven ignored Lei Punishment's words, with a trace of indifference in his eyes, looking at Mu Qing.

"I remember telling you before that no matter how many people you call, it's useless. Everything is under my control."

The Emperor of Heaven didn't even have any fear!

As if facing the eleven supreme, he can defeat it!

This attitude made everyone present feel unbelievable. Have they been underestimated?

Or is the strength of the Emperor of Heaven already strong enough to ignore them?

"It's better for you to be careful. The Emperor of Heaven is not only powerful, but he also has a special avenue for devouring him.

The King Hun hurriedly communicated to everyone.

The Supreme Saint also nodded.

Having fought with the Emperor of Heaven, he naturally knew the terrible place of swallowing the avenue.

Logically speaking, as long as it is not as good as the Emperor of Heaven, all attacks will be swallowed away by the Great Avenue.

Even after being swallowed away, the Emperor of Heaven was able to transform these swallowed powers into his own power in a very short time, and then use the other way to return to the other body!

"Everyone, there is a limit to the power of the Emperor of Heaven. Even if the attack does not work for him, it doesn't matter. Keep attacking him until he reaches the upper limit!"

The Supreme Sage shouted in a deep voice.

He fought with the Emperor of Heaven and told everyone about the weakness of the Emperor.

The emperor can't really swallow it all the time, there will always be a limit!

When the power swallowed by the emperor reaches the limit, it will fall into an embarrassing situation.

When facing an attack again, will it be swallowed or not?

If it is swallowed, it will break through the limit, and the end is likely to be to explode the surging energy in the body.

If you don't swallow it, you can only resist the attack.

After all, there are eleven people on the scene, and it is impossible for the Emperor of Heaven to defend against everyone's attacks. He will always be hit.


The emperor snorted coldly, and a terrifying aura suddenly broke out from his body, and a somewhat emptied gray-black swallowing avenue rushed straight into the sky.

His avenue is extremely huge, rushing straight up, as if rushing out of the Hunyuan realm.

Compared with others, the supreme avenue of the Emperor of Heaven seemed to extend out infinitely.

"Sure enough! The Emperor of Heaven has reached the Supreme Ninth Heaven!"

Seeing this scene, the Supreme Sage's eyes condensed.

The infinite extension of the Supreme Avenue is a symbol of the Supreme Nine Heavens.

This state is what the supreme really should have.

The other supreme, the nine chains of the universe are still there, a large part of the supreme avenue has been cut off, and the power is limited.

The Emperor of Heaven is holding the sword, striding forward in the air.

Everyone shot together, the Supreme Saint rushed forward, waved the blazing white sword in his hand, severely cut out a sword light!


The blazing white sword light that pierced the sky slashed towards the Emperor of Heaven, and the surrounding space burst into pieces in an instant, straight into the endless void!

The supreme-level battle is extremely terrifying, and a casual shot will completely collapse the surrounding space.

Basically, the battle is carried out in the endless void.

On the side, Lei Punishment and Chen Jiusheng also started.

A person is thunderous, and there is a sea of ​​thunder between his hands.

Surrounded by a dragon, waved a sword, and the fairy dragon descended into the world!

Both of them are the Supreme Five Heavens, following the Supreme Saint, rushing into the endless void.

Afterwards, the two kings of Chaos, with one strength and one spirit, showed what is called the ultimate power.

The chaotic wings spread out behind the King of Primal Chaos and blasted away with a punch, and the storm in the endless void vanished in an instant.

With eight eyeballs in the palm of the king, the spirit wave spread at a very high frequency, smashing everything around!

Centered on the Qi Luck List, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of light years, all turned into an endless void.

All the spaces here are broken!

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of the Wind King and the Sage of the Evil Dragon took the initiative.

The Lord of the Wind drew a bow and set arrows, hundreds of storm arrows pierced through.

The Holy Spirit emerged from behind the Evil Dragon Holy Lord, and that ferocious and evil dragon hovered in the cosmic starry sky, opening its mouth with a terrifying purple-black dragon's breath!

Ghost Soul Supreme and Slaughter Supreme are nearby. From time to time, weird swords come out through holes, and from time to time, killing swords slash them down.

All of a sudden, nine supreme powerhouses encircled and suppressed the Emperor of Heaven.

Among them, the Supreme Saint is the most, and the strength reaches the Supreme Seventh Heaven.

Followed by the evil dragon holy lord and the two chaos kings, both possess the power of the supreme sixth heaven.

Especially the Two Kings of Chaos, after breaking through the Supreme, their strengths improved by leaps and bounds.

Thunder Punishment, Chen Jiusheng, Wind King Holy Master, Ghost Soul Supreme and others also have the Supreme Five Heavens in strength.

It was the Supreme Slaughter, after all, it only broke through soon, only the strength of the Supreme One Heaven.

Facing this kind of offensive, the emperor's face was cold, and the sword in his hand swept away! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1354 Siege of the Emperor), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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