Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1355: Accidentally struck

The emperor waved his sword, and the dark crescent swept away, and it contained a terrifying power above everything else!

The blazing sword light shattered, the thunder was extinguished, and the fairy dragon bleeds.

Subsequently, the Emperor of Heaven slashed out two swords at an astonishing speed!


The second king of Chaos was marked with a big hole in his chest, and blood splashed.

The two of them collapsed and flew away.


The storm arrow penetrated, but was swallowed by a big mouth in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the huge mouth of the abyss rose in the wind, and once again swallowed the black and purple breath of the evil dragon.

With a faint smile, the emperor raised his hand to bite the sword, blocking the ghost supreme from the assassination.

Biting the sword shook, and a force sent the shocked Ghost Supreme to Zhenfei.

Afterwards, the Emperor of Heaven stretched out another finger to resist the Killing Sovereign Killing Sword.

Slaughter Supreme's pupils dilated violently, and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

"This battle is not something you can take part in, a little guy like you."

The Emperor of Heaven smiled faintly, and then gently pressed his fingers down.


Killing sword, break to pieces!

Immediately, a terrifying force enveloped the Slaughter Supreme.



The Slaughter Supreme screamed, his body was squeezed by a force, multiple blood vessels exploded, and a lot of blood burst out.

A rain of blood spilled, and Slaughter Supreme's whole person was blasted out like a beam of light, falling into the endless void.

The Supreme One Heaven and the Supreme Nine Heavens, there is a huge gap!

For a while, everyone around did not step forward, all of them looked at the emperor with an unbelievable look.

The nine supreme shots were all resisted!

"how can that be?!"

The two kings, Lei Chai and others couldn't believe it.

When the Emperor of Heaven came to the Demon Realm last time, although his strength was quite exaggerated, he was not so powerful, right?

"Can't you see it yet?"

The Emperor of Heaven said lightly: "I didn't use all my strength when I played against you last time, or that you don't have the qualifications."

Not far away, the Supreme Saint frowned.

The strength of the Emperor of Heaven was even stronger than he had imagined.

When fighting the Emperor of Heaven back then, the opponent was only the Supreme Eighth Heaven, and now they are all the Supreme Nine Heavens.

But he stepped back to his feet.

To tell the truth, even the Supreme Saint cannot figure out the true strength of the Emperor.

"With the existence of the immortal gate, the strength of the Emperor of Heaven is probably even more terrifying than we expected!"

The Supreme Saint has a solemn heart.

He knows the fairy gate.

As a subordinate of the Laotian Emperor, the Supreme Sage knew very well how amazing the fairy gate was.

He even went in several times.

In the heyday of the heaven, when the old emperor was in charge of the heaven, the immortal gates were often opened, allowing the talented heavenly arrogant to enter it.

The Supreme Sage is also one of them. He is very clear about the benefits of cultivating in the immortal gate.

Now, the immortal gate is completely controlled by the emperor of heaven. With the help of the immortal gate, even the supreme emperor of heaven can cultivate to a terrifying level.

In a short while, the Emperor of Heaven moved, the speed was extremely fast, and he headed towards Mu Qing.

Obviously, the Emperor also thought that it was impossible for him to kill the group of guys in front of him in a short time.

And the goal of the Emperor of Heaven is only Mu Qing, directly solve Mu Qing, and then leave directly.

Naturally, other people would not let the Emperor of Heaven succeed, and a series of terrifying magical powers were deployed to stop the Emperor.

As the supreme saint of the main combat power, a few flashed, appeared beside the emperor, waved the blazing white sword in his hand.

But even this blazing white sword light that reached the sky was easily resisted by the biting sword in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven.

The slender and dark bitter sword faced the giant sword in the hands of the supreme saint, but it firmly resisted.

Moreover, on the black sword body of the Sword Devourer, a hideous mouth appeared, gnawing on the blazing white giant sword.

It turned out to be swallowing the power on the blazing giant sword!

The Supreme Sage was also taken aback, feeling the swallowing power rushing towards the whole body along the blazing giant sword, so a burst of power hurriedly shook the Emperor away.

The Emperor of Heaven was completely fine, easily transforming the swallowed power.

Not only is it to swallow the avenue, as the sword of the supreme weapon, it also has a terrifying ability to swallow!

The next moment, an evil dragon roared, and its huge body entangled the emperor. At close range, with its mouth wide open, it was a purple-black dragon's breath!

However, the Emperor's mouth split open at this moment, turning into a hideous black swallowing mouth, swallowing all the purple and black dragon's breath in one breath!


The evil dragon holy lord was slightly startled, and then the pores of the heavenly emperor's body burst out with purple and black dragon's breath, violently blasting the evil dragon into flight.

The emperor raised his hand with a sword, and the terrifying power cut it away, leaving a deep wound on the body of the dragon, which was almost cut off!

The evil dragon wailed and flew away in the distance, taking the opportunity to recover from his injuries when Thunder Punishment, Chen Jiusheng, and Chaos Two Kings dealt with the Emperor.

"This guy, can any part of his body turn into a swallowed mouth?"

The evil dragon holy master's eyes condensed.

At the same time, the emperor's body burst into blazing white light again, and several consecutive swords knocked off the thunder penalty, Chen Jiusheng and the two kings of Chaos.

One person fights so many Supremes alone, and in today's universe, only an existence like the Emperor of Heaven can do it.

"Can't stop! He is releasing the power he has swallowed to reduce the risk of body explosion!"

The supreme saint suddenly shouted, and at the same time, he walked away several swords in a row, and several crescents, which were enough to carry the size of the planet, were cut towards the emperor.

Others also understand the meaning of the Supreme Saint.

There is an upper limit on the power that the emperor can swallow. As long as the emperor releases the swallowed power in time, this upper limit will not be touched.

And the idea of ​​the Supreme Sage is to let everyone continuously attack the Emperor of Heaven, forcing the Emperor of Heaven to have to devour the attacking power of everyone present.

No matter how fast the digestion speed is after the emperor swallows the power, it cannot be transformed in an instant. After all, these are the supreme powers!

Although they suffered some injuries, the crowd rushed up again in the next instant and surrounded the Emperor of Heaven.

They can see it too.

The Emperor of Heaven was tired of dealing with everyone, unable to concentrate all his power.

After all, the Emperor of Heaven is alone, and with their eleven people working together to cover each other, it is difficult for the Emperor of Heaven to kill one person.

It is even harder to injure a person severely, because the indestructible power in the supreme body can make any supreme recover at an astonishing speed.


Mu Qing was also angry, blue arrogance soaring to the sky, blue hair and silver eyes, joined the battle.

However, he is only the Supreme Heaven, he can only cover the edges, condense energy shock waves from time to time, or harass with various magical powers.

On the side, there are Slaughter Supreme and Dragon Girl, both of whom are also Supreme One Heaven.

At this moment, the space behind Mu Qing shattered, and a big hand suddenly shrouded in! Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1355 Accidentally Strikes), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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