Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1356: Kill the Moon God

"Be careful!"

The Dragon Girl saw it from the side and immediately shouted.

Mu Qing had already sensed that there was a black hole in front of him, and a surge of suction rushed him into it.


The palm of the hand was photographed, and in an instant, countless moonlight blossoms bloomed and swept all around.


Mu Qing frowned slightly, and only after the space was completely split did he discover who the owner of this palm was.


The corpse of Taiyue Supreme!

Once, the fallen Moon God was taken away by the Heavenly Court, and with the help of Emperor Anwu, he became a puppet.

Originally, this puppet had only half-supreme power at best, but the strength it now shows has already reached the supreme level!

The Moon God has no spiritual wisdom and seems to be controlled by a certain existence, but he can't use his supernatural powers, but blasts towards Mu Qing with a single punch.

Even so, the power of this punch was quite terrifying, and the moonlight ripples spread all around, like a round of bright moon falling down.

The power of the Moon God is much more powerful than that of the ordinary Supreme One Heaven. After all, the body was at least the Supreme Five Heaven or above during his lifetime, and the remaining power alone was enough to threaten Mu Qing!

Mu Qing directly blessed the power of the starry sky demon **** on the basis of the destiny form, and a starry sky avenue skyrocketed behind him.

Waved his hand to condense the stars, and the huge sphere of starry energy crushed away.


A huge roar spread, and the violent force exploded every inch.

With unmatched power, the Moon God smashed the stars condensed by Mu Qing with a single punch, but the power gathered on his fist was also exhausted.

Mu Qing was extremely fast, casting the Black Palace to cover the Moon God, and immediately after forming a seal with his hands, the power on his body gathered.

Yin and Yang are gone!

Ninety-nine yin and yang true dragons roared out and rushed towards the black palace.

At the same time, Dragon Girl and Slaughter Supreme wanted to help Mu Qing.

But two dark shadows rushed from a distance and stopped them.

They are a man and a woman.

The man was dressed in a black robe, his skin was purple, his forehead had a diamond-shaped crystal, his face was wrinkled, his hair was like bone spurs, and his hair was white and penetrating.

The woman was wearing a black short skirt, her figure was quite sexy, but her body revealed a mysterious atmosphere, and her black hair fell down to her hips like a waterfall.


And the Lord of the Evil Palace!

The cursing spirit stepped on the cursed flower, and a terrifying aura escaped from the delicate body, and it reached the Supreme Heaven!

At the same time, the Lord of the Evil Palace next to him showed a distorted expression, staring at the Dragon Girl and the Slaughter Supreme.

His strength is also in the supreme world!

The three palaces of the heavens, in fact, the evil palace was later privately added by the emperor of heaven, which is very mysterious.

Usually the lord of the fairy palace and the lord of the thunder palace often go out, but the lord of the evil palace rarely sees people.

Even the disciples in the evil palace have never seen the master of the evil palace.

In fact, the Lord of the Evil Palace is the confidant cultivated by the Emperor of Heaven.

The strength has already reached the highest level!

"Saint, you and I are one opponent."

The Lord of the Evil Palace made a harsh and hoarse voice, and rushed towards the Dragon Girl first, with a cold and evil light in his eyes.

The dragon girl frowned, looking at the Lord of the Evil Palace in front of her and felt very sick.

On the other side, the curse spirit also found the Slaughter Supreme.

The two have their own opponents, and there will be no way to support Mu Qing for a while.


At this time, the Moon God broke through the Black Palace and rushed out, with some injuries on his huge body, but it was clear that the black hole of the Black Palace could not cause effective damage to him.

However, there were already ninety-nine yin and yang true dragons waiting outside, roaring away at the moment when the Moon God broke through the black palace and appeared.


The Moon God roared, punching and punching, and smashed one yin and yang true dragon after another.

Mu Qing's figure quickly shifted his position, continuously using the Black Palace to trap the Moon God, and sometimes with a destructive dragon fist, the dragon slammed into the Moon God's abdomen.

The supernatural power formed by the fusion of the power of destruction and the power of luck is indeed extraordinary, and the power of terror blasted a big hole in the belly of the moon god.

It is a pity that the Moon God who has become a puppet will not be afraid, even if there is a large hole in his abdomen, it will not hinder him from fighting.

Gradually, Mu Qing also found that the speed of the Moon God was increasing, and he was seized by the chance accidentally. The moonlight condensed on his fist and blasted towards him!

Mu Qing's face changed, and he immediately pointed both fingers together.

All empty!


Unparalleled strength slammed on the invisible barrier, and a terrifying wave of air surged away.


The invisible barrier can isolate everything from nothing, and at this moment there is a crack visible to the naked eye!

Although Jikong's invisible barrier was not completely shattered, the power of the moonlight still penetrated and fell on Mu Qing.


The wisps of moonlight contained unimaginable murderous intent, Mu Qing's lower body burst directly into pieces, and the blood mist filled.

Mu Qing quickly retreated, and the golden indestructible power and the power of the undead were activated. In just a few breaths, the injury was recovered and healed!

Mu Qing's face condensed, this Moon God puppet is more difficult to deal with than he thought!


At this time, the Moon God roared again, and the Moon God roared again, opened his mouth, and countless moonlight gathered, condensing a ball of light.

boom! !

The next moment, the ball of light exploded, and a huge wave of light swept away and rushed towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's hands also condensed energy, the starlight and blue light converged to form a light ball, and then pushed it out with all his strength!


A shock wave of energy far larger than before penetrated towards the Moon God!

In an instant, the two shock waves bombarded together, and the violent power turned into waves of air and swept all around.


When the two confronted the waves, the power spread, causing the endless void to collapse to a certain extent, and the void storm next to it burst every inch.

Mu Qing screamed, the starry sky avenue behind him burst into a dazzling light.

The energy condensed in his hands is even greater, and a majestic energy flows along the energy shock wave.

The Moon God is still a puppet after all, and there is no avenue to bless him, he is not Mu Qing's opponent at all.

Gradually, Mu Qing's energy shock wave became even better, smashing it all the way against the light beam condensed from the Moon God's mouth.


This energy shock wave penetrated the Moon God's chest completely.

Another big hole was blasted out!

Mu Qing appeared behind the Moon God at this moment, and the black palace enveloped him.

This time, the Moon God failed to break through the Black Palace. At the moment when the Black Palace collapsed on its own, all the power of the black hole exploded, and the Moon God's arms had been crushed!

There was a cruel expression in Mu Qing's eyes, and the stars condensed from his hands, smashed down fiercely!

Although this is the corpse of the Moon God, after all, the position is different now, and Mu Qing can only make a decisive move.

The huge energy sphere smashed on the body of the Moon God, and the terrifying power completely swallowed it.


Accompanied by a dazzling light, another wave of air swept away.

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