Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1364: Open the way to dominate

After breaking through to the Supreme, Mu Qing's strength can almost be described as earth-shaking.

The Avenue of Stars has reached perfection, and with the fall of the Emperor, now this perfect avenue is completely controlled by Mu Qing!

You know, the Emperor of Heaven possesses invincible power by swallowing the avenue. In the end, if it weren't for the Supreme Demon Ancestor of the Tenth Heaven, I am afraid that the Emperor could really kill them all!

Next, the top priority is to naturally unlock the secrets on the sky forbidden bottle and find a way to open the way to dominate.

At the same time, it needs to adapt to the Avenue of Stars and unearth its true power.

"The Demon Ancestor used my body to kill the Heavenly Emperor. I didn't expect that the power of luck would plunder me."

Mu Qing was a little surprised.

The power of luck directly reaches purple!

On the current Qi Luck list, Moyu is directly ranked fifth.

Different from other supreme forces, perhaps the overall strength is incomparable, but only relying on Mu Qing, the supreme and plundered luck, ranks fifth forcibly.

Mu Qing took out the sky forbidden bottle, and then poured the power of the supreme into it.

After breaking through the supreme, Mu Qing clearly noticed that the power of the stars in his body was different from before, and even the entire universe of stars had a steady stream of power of stars emerging in his body.

At present, the first characteristic of the Avenue of Stars is its strong resilience.

This is energy recovery.

The Avenue of Stars fits the starry sky of the universe and can continuously draw strength from the space of the universe.

With the infusion of the power of the starry sky, the sky forbidden bottle trembles suddenly, and two consecutive auras emerge.

There were five halos in total, and before Mu Qing could explore the abilities in them, these five halos slammed the Sky Forbidden Bottle.


Five halos squeezed the Sky Forbidden Bottle to pieces, and then a dazzling beam of light pierced through it!

After a while, under Mu Qing's surprised eyes, the Sky Forbidden Bottle shattered, and one of the tokens emerged.

Immediately afterwards, this golden token turned into a streamer and penetrated into Mu Qing's eyebrows.

In a flash, a large amount of information exploded in Mu Qing's mind.

After a while, Mu Qing was stunned and digested the information thoroughly.

This token, originally called the Order of the Emperor of Heaven, is the true appearance of the Supreme Tool of the Emperor of Heaven.

The sky forbidden bottle is just a disguise.

At this time, Mu Qing discovered that the Emperor's Order after disguised and broken was not as powerful as he had imagined, and the supreme aura collapsed.

Mu Qing originally thought that the God of Heaven was still alive, because he could feel the powerful supreme aura from the bottle of heaven.

But now, he understands that all this is a disguise.

God, it seems that he has really fallen!

In the eyes of the power of the emperor's order, it is quite impossible for Mu Qing to use it to fight, and there will be no improvement.

But what shocked Mu Qing was that in the message sent by the emperor of heaven, there was a complete cultivation method for the magical power of the emperor's seal, and a message.

The location of the Immortal Avenue!

Including the cultivation of the Seal of the Heavenly Emperor, you also need to rely on the power of the Immortal Great Way to practice, in order to be faster.

"God, really fell?"

Mu Qing frowned slightly.

From the information in the Order of the Emperor of Heaven, it can be known that the location of the Immortal Avenue is in the Temple of Chaos.

There is a lot of information, and Mu Qing also digested it for a long time before he came to his senses.

The God of Heaven and Chaos God are indeed the same person.

Otherwise, the immortal avenue of the old emperor would not appear in the chaos temple.

As for the problem of the Chaos Temple, it can also be learned from the Order of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Temple of Chaos was indeed in the Land of Chaos at first.

In other words, the rumors obtained by the two kings of chaos are true, as long as the supreme appears in the land of chaos, the temple of chaos can be brought out!

However, later the God of Heaven found the memory of the first Chaos God and took away the Chaos Temple easily.

Among them, what makes Mu Qing a little puzzled is that the old emperor does not seem to enter the road of dominance, and has fallen.

The Avenue of Immortality was also left in the Temple of Chaos.

"Just go to the Void Wind Realm to open the road to dominate, and you can stop by the Chaos Temple to see the whereabouts of the Immortal Avenue."

Mu Qing raised his brows slightly.

The Order of the Emperor of Heaven is the key to dominate the road!

Can be turned on or off!

"In other words, why does the Immortal Avenue still exist?"

"I heard that the Chaos Avenue of the Chaos God has also been left behind."

"Is the Perfect Avenue not going away, or is there a way for both the Chaos God and the God of Heaven to keep the Supreme Avenue?"

Mu Qing couldn't help being a little curious at the moment.

You know, after the fall of the ordinary supreme, the supreme avenue will completely collapse.

But the Avenue of Chaos and the Avenue of Immortality still exist.

Of course, even if Mu Qing also has a perfect avenue of stars, it is impossible to experiment.

A few days later, he left the Hunyuan Realm and went to the Void Wind Realm.

Although there is no way to obtain the original power of Chaos through the Primordial Realm for the time being, after entering the form of fate, Mu Qing's breath completely disappeared, even the evil gods would not notice it.

He reached the Void Wind Realm at the fastest speed.

Countless void storms swept over, but Mu Qing waved his hand gently, and they all collapsed!

In an instant, with Mu Qing as the center, the surroundings were calm and empty.

Mu Qing has purple hair, and his body is covered with purple arrogance, and his eyes are still silvery white.

The increase in the power of air transport changed his destiny form.

Soon, Mu Qing came to the center of Xufeng Realm and stepped into the Immortal Mountain!

"Chen Jiusheng said that there will be a crisis in the mountainside area, but the dominating road is in the mountaintop area."

Mu Qing stroked his chin, and then strode to the top area of ​​the mountain.

There may be even more terrifying danger in the mountain top area, but Mu Qing's breath cannot be perceived in the state of fate.

This can save him a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The strong, generally like to use the power of the soul to perceive the breath of other people.

But after Mu Qing entered the form of destiny, there was no breath.

Unless he saw Mu Qing with the naked eye, Mu Qing could swagger to any place.

The journey went unimpeded and entered the mountainside area.

When Mu Qing came down, he also collected a lot of indestructible treasures.

These natural treasures are all useful to him.

"This mountainside area does not seem to be special."

Mu Qing looked around and found no danger.

Of course, he didn't want to grow out of branches, and went straight to the top area of ​​the mountain.

I don't know if it is the reason why he is in the form of destiny, Mu Qing did not encounter any abnormalities when he came to the mountain top area.

Even this huge mountain of immortality has no other creatures except for the treasures of heaven and earth containing the power of immortality everywhere!

"Weird, didn't Chen Jiusheng say that he would encounter danger from the mountainside area?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised.

But he didn't struggle too much.

Perhaps it was the reason for the form of destiny. Those crises were not aware of him, so he could walk in swayingly.

The top of the mountain.

Mu Qing saw an ancient road.

This road is extremely illusory, and it is savage, and mysterious symbols are branded everywhere around it.

And these mysterious symbols, like chains, imprison this road.

Mu Qing suddenly understood that this is the way to dominate is locked!

Demon ancestors who are supreme and powerful, if they go out from Judgement Road, they can only come back from Judgement Road!

From other places, they will be regarded as outsiders by the Chaos Universe and will be strongly rejected.

But the Domination Road is locked, let alone the Demon Ancestor and others, even from the Chaos Universe, there is no way to enter the Domination Road.

"Who has locked the way to dominate?"

"Lord God?"

With doubts, Mu Qing took out the order of the Emperor of Heaven.

At the same time, the entire dominion road began to tremble, and the emperor ordered the golden light on it to bloom, taking care of it.

The mysterious symbol like a chain collapsed!


The breath of terror swept like a tide.

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