Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1365: Monster Race Appears

Taining Realm, the sea of ​​silence.

Nowadays, Taining Realm is also the territory of the Holy Kingdom.

In the depths of the sea of ​​nirvana, the evil **** put down the cosmic crystal in his hand, his eyes bloomed, looking in a certain direction.

His face was solemn, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

Where does the powerful breath come from?

What kind of breath is it that will be so powerful?

"Holy Four." The evil **** said lightly.

"Subordinates are here."

The Holy Four appeared in an instant, kneeling before the evil **** on one knee.

But all creatures created by the crystallization of the universe have absolute loyalty.

"What happened to the outside world."

The evil **** asked.

He is always studying the crystallization of the universe.

Although he digested the origin of the Holy Spirit universe and gave birth to the cosmic crystallization, the evil god's strength has reached a level comparable to that of the Supreme Tenth Heaven, but he believes that the cosmic crystallization still has a huge secret.

Maybe he can go further!

Coming to the Chaos Universe, the evil gods have actually discovered that the cultivation system of the Chaos Universe is several levels higher than that of their Holy Spirit Universe.

Regardless of the power of the evil god, it is because he has swallowed the origin of the Holy Spirit universe.

In comparison, the people of the Chaos Universe are stronger than the Holy Spirit Universe.

Especially in the later stages of cultivation, the Chaos Universe has supreme avenues and supreme weapons, but what about the creatures of the Holy Spirit universe?

Still a Holy Spirit.

In the Chaos Universe, the evil gods have also come into contact with a new concept, that is dominance!

The evil **** is already supremely tenth heaven, but he is still dissatisfied.

He wants to rely on the power of the crystallization of the universe to break through to the legendary realm of dominance!

It is also true that the evil **** has never paid attention to the external situation.

This is also to have enough confidence in one's own strength, no matter what happens outside, you can deal with it.

But now, the evil **** felt some aura, and even made him feel a slight threat!

This shows that the master of the breath, like him, is the existence of the Supreme Ten Heaven!

There are still other Supreme Ten Heavenly Powers in this universe?

who is it?

The emperor?

The evil **** thought about who the owner of the breath was in his mind, but he was very strange, not like the emperor of heaven.

In his impression, only the Emperor of Heaven had the aptitude to reach the realm of the Supreme Tenth Heaven.

The Holy Four fell silent for a while, and then said: "Some time ago, the Emperor of Heaven appeared in the Hunyuan Realm to fight against many supreme ones. Because there were no witnesses, the specific news was not known, but the only news that can be determined is that the Emperor of Heaven has finally fallen."

"As for the current situation, the subordinates don't know."

After the Domination Road was opened, the aura transmitted from it swept the entire universe, but all the supreme and powerful could feel that aura.

Evil God's face was solemn.

The Emperor of Heaven is dead? !

The news was far beyond his expectations.

What surprised him most was the emergence of a powerful person in the universe that could rival him.

"Go! Check out the news!"

The evil god's face became gloomy, and he shouted in a low voice: "I need to know all the news of the accident!"


The Holy Four flashed away and left immediately.

The evil **** looked at the crimson cosmic crystal in his hand, his eyes flickered constantly, and he whispered: "In any case, I will not allow others to threaten me!"

He considered that he was almost ready to find the origin of the chaotic universe.

Now there is the breath of the Supreme Ten Heaven, whether it is true or not, but in order to prevent the appearance of the strong who threatens him, he must gain more power.

The evil **** believes that as long as he swallows the origin of the chaotic universe, his strength will definitely increase again, and it may even break through to the realm of dominance in one breath.

After all, the chaotic universe is ten times larger than the Holy Spirit universe, and its origin must be much stronger than the origin of the Holy Spirit universe.

However, it is very difficult to find the origin of the chaotic universe.

Back in the Holy Spirit universe, the evil gods were able to swallow the origin of the Holy Spirit universe, mainly because luck was the dominant factor.

"There was some news about the origin of Chaos before, but I suspect it is fake..."

The evil **** groaned.

There is still no clue about the whereabouts of the origin of the chaotic universe.

But no matter what, a trip to the land of chaos is not wrong.

The land of chaos is very mysterious, and the origin of chaos is very likely to exist in the land of chaos.

Even if you are not in the land of chaos, you will definitely be able to find some clues!

The main reason is mainly because the Holy Spirit universe also has a special boundary similar to the land of chaos.

The origin of the Holy Spirit of the evil **** was captured and swallowed from a special realm called the Land of the Holy Spirit.

Since the chaotic universe has exactly the same territory, the evil gods naturally subconsciously believe that the land of chaos also has the origin of chaos.

Thinking of this, the evil **** couldn't sit still.

Before, he had enough confidence in his own strength, so the evil **** didn't care about it at all.

Because as long as his strength is above the creatures of the entire chaotic universe, everything is his!

What if someone gets the source of chaos?

Just take it forcibly.

The evil **** put away the cosmic crystals, then broke through the sky and left, heading to the Hunyuan realm alone.

The Universe Crystal has never been able to find anything famous, and his patience has almost been consumed.

If this is the case, then go directly to find the origin of the chaotic universe.

If there is a real powerhouse of the Supreme Tenth Heaven, if the opponent gets the origin of the chaotic universe, it will be troublesome.

at the same time.

Void wind world, immortal mountain.

Mu Qing stepped back again and again, looking at the dominating road in front of him.

The blazing light spread across the sky, sweeping in like a tide.

A horrible aura suddenly appeared, and there were many extreme powerhouses, and even Mu Qing felt the aura of the supreme realm from them!

At least it is above the Supreme Sixth Heaven!

Among them, there are even the Supreme Ten Heavenly Powerhouse!

"What's the matter?!" A figure suddenly stepped out of the dominating road.

This is an extreme peak powerhouse, looking at it from the breath, it is far more powerful than the ordinary extreme peak!

"Domination Road has turned on again?!"

"Unbelievable! We can finally return to the chaotic universe!"

A voice came, and then the figure stepped out.

Cyan skin, small scales all over, a horn on the top of the head, and pale yellow eyes.

This is a monster!

Mu Qing realized the identity of the other party at the first glance.

He also had a battle with the Yaozu at the beginning, and he knew the power of the Yaozu.


The eyes of this monster race suddenly fell on Mu Qing, his eyes sharp.

"Who are you? You can come to Immortal Mountain without a breath?"

"You! Come here!"

Yaozu's face was full of arrogance, and he pointed to Mu Qing and shouted.

Mu Qing frowned slightly. He didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant as soon as he came out of Domination Road.

The most important thing is that this guy is just an extreme pinnacle, not even a semi-superior!


At this moment, the monster clan didn't respond when seeing Mu Qing, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he suddenly crushed him with a palm.

The violent evil spirit filled the surroundings, covering Mu Qing.

This shot is full!

A cold light flashed across Mu Qing's eyes.

This guy did it without saying anything, even with all his strength, completely for the purpose of killing!

But the extreme peak is not a threat at all in front of Mu Qing's eyes.

"Yin and Yang turn away!"

Mu Qing raised his hand, and ninety-nine yin and yang true dragons appeared in an instant, all the demon energy was shattered in the roar, and the surrounding space collapsed.

"How can it be?!"

The monster clan was stunned, before he had time to react, his body burst into pieces under the encirclement and suppression of the Yin-Yang True Dragon! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1365 Monster Race Appears), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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