Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1366: Yaozu Supreme

Immediately killing a monster race, Mu Qing didn't make any waves in his heart.

But a mere mere pinnacle.

In the past, the extreme pinnacle is also a very terrifying figure, with a very high status.

But in Mu Qing's eyes, the extreme peak is still too weak.

He guessed that the demon race might have entered the dominion road under the protection of the demon clan supreme, and since the opponent is alive, it means that the dominion road is not as scary and dangerous as imagined.

The demon ancestor said that after entering the road of dominance, it is outside the universe, where there is a multiverse.

In this way, as long as you have the strength of the extreme pinnacle, you can survive in the multiverse, and if you fall there, it will probably conflict with other strong people and cause you to be killed.

"who is it?!"

"How dare I kill someone from my monster race!"

A semi-superior monster race strode out, holding a big knife and cursing.

His appearance is similar to the previous monster clan, but his aura is stronger.

As soon as the demon came out, he directly swung his sword towards Mu Qing, indiscriminately, intending to kill Mu Qing.

Mu Qing has no breath in his body, which is very deceptive, but in fact, as long as you think about it carefully, how can he be a weak person if he can appear at the top area of ​​the mountain of immortality?

Seeing the other side killing himself, a trace of murder suddenly appeared in Mu Qing's eyes.

This group of demons kills people at every turn!

Mu Qing exploded, the purple flame on his body surged, easily avoiding the opponent's knife, and then condensed energy, and countless rays of light gathered in his palm.


In the depths of Domination Road, there was a scolding sound, but Mu Qing pretended not to hear it.

At this moment, Mu Qing's palm has condensed an energy ball. Although it is not big, it contains the most terrifying power. It is a fusion of the power of the starry sky and the power of luck!


The next moment, accompanied by Mu Qing's low drink, a beam of energy erupted, directly piercing the semi-supreme body of this monster race.


The demon corpse fell to the ground, lifeless.

For opponents such as Extreme Pinnacle and Semi-Supreme, Mu Qing did not need to deliberately target them, and could easily kill them.

Now he is a strong man in the Supreme Heaven!

At this moment, a demon clan roared out, more than ten meters tall, surrounded by cyan scales, demon-looking.

This is a supreme monster race!

Mu Qing wrinkled slightly.

He could feel that the monster race in front of him had reached the Supreme Double Heaven.

"This is the leader of the monster race?"

Mu Qing was taken aback for a moment. Although the monster race in front of him had reached the supreme realm, if the so-called leader of the monster race was only the supreme double heaven, it would still be a bit inadequate.

Mu Qing is not afraid. Although he has just reached the Supreme First Heaven, his Supreme Avenue is the rumored perfect avenue. If he can't even beat the Supreme Second Heaven, it would be really embarrassing.

At this moment, this monster race supreme has eyes full of anger, and roars loudly: "The deity asked you to stop, didn't you hear?!"

The evil spirit swept away like green smoke.

Mu Qing's complexion was flat, and he slowly spit out two words.

"It's all empty."


Yaozu supreme made a fierce punch, but slammed on the invisible barrier of Jikong. A loud noise suddenly came out, but Mu Qing could not be hurt.

After breaking through the supreme, Mu Qing adapted to his own strength and displayed the magical power of Jikong, which could completely intercept the attack of the supreme double heaven powerhouse.

"how can that be?!"

Yaozu Supreme couldn't believe it. Although he didn't perceive Mu Qing's breath for the first time, he could still detect the energy fluctuating breath when Mu Qing started his hands.

Mu Qing entered the form of destiny, he did not have any breath, but as long as Mu Qing used the power in his body, all energy would have breath fluctuations.

The Yaozu supreme knew that Mu Qing's strength was probably around the supreme level.

But the Supreme One Heaven in front of him easily resisted his attack!

"Don't froze, there are more surprised."

Mu Qing sneered.

Since this group of monsters came up and tried their best to kill him, then he had nothing to say, and he was not guilty of offending him.

Dignified supreme, where is the turn to let the supreme emperor and half supreme presumptuous in front of them?

Mu Qing raised his hand, everything around him was twisted, the power of the void and the power of the black hole enveloped.

"Black Palace!"

The pitch-black palace instantly envelops the demon supreme in front of you. The characteristic of this magical power is that it cannot be avoided, and it must be hit!



After a while, the Black Palace shattered spontaneously, and with the explosion of strangling power, the Yaozu supreme inside was not lightly injured, the blue scales shattered, and he coughed up blood.

"How is this possible?!" The Yaozu Supreme couldn't believe it, and when he came up, he was injured by a supreme fellow.

On the other hand, Mu Qing was a little dissatisfied.

It seems that the Supreme is not an existence that can be slaughtered by others. His move to the Black Palace is only a wound, and it is at most a slight injury to the Monster Race Supreme in front of him.

Supreme is not so easy to defeat.

At the same time, a number of figures appeared in the dominion road, all attracted by the battle between Mu Qing and Yaozu Supreme.

"How did Qinglin Supreme hit someone? There is only one person outside, and it should be that person's re-opening of the master path, right?"

In the dominating road, there was a voice, and from the breath point of view, there were many supreme realms.

"There is the corpse of Qinglin Supreme's son on the ground. I'm afraid it was his two brainless sons who offended others to cause trouble."

"Yes, how can the person who can reopen the road of dominance and let me wait for the return be an ordinary person?"

"Ordinary people can't even climb the Mountain of Immortality. The young man has no aura, but the true strength is probably also supreme."

"I just don't know what does the guy who restarts the dominance road have to do with the God?"

All kinds of discussions came from Domination Road. Obviously there were many people watching the battle, but no one came forward to help.

Although there are also strong monsters among them, this is after all something caused by Qinglin Supreme.

What's more, they didn't know what Mu Qing had to do with the God of Heaven.

There are rumors that the God of Heaven has also entered the Road of Domination, but in fact, there are many powerful men who have been trapped in the Road of Domination, but no one has ever seen the Emperor of Heaven.

The God of Heaven has always stood at the top of the strong in the past years, making everyone jealous.

Hearing the discussion of the group of people behind him, Qinglin Supreme finally realized that Mu Qing's identity was extraordinary.

At the very least, even he couldn't resist the magical power the opponent had just now, he couldn't break free, and he was injured.

But there were only two descendants of his own blood, and both were killed by this guy in front of him. How could he remain calm?

The angered Qinglin Supreme roared and rushed to Mu Qing again.

A cyan avenue full of evil spirits emerged behind him, and a paw that covered the sky and sun was faintly visible.

Tear the avenue!


The terrifying power shrouded Mu Qing, and the demon claw slammed it down! Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1366 Monster Race Supreme), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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