Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1367: Demon Race's Supreme Ten Heaven


Mu Qing snorted coldly, without leaving his hands, using all his strength.

The purple arrogance exploded wildly, and in the form of destiny, the silver-white eyes revealed coldness.

Now his power of luck has turned purple, and at the same time his destiny form has reached the second stage.

In this state, his strength is even more terrifying.

Afterwards, a mysterious starry phantom appeared outside the purple flames, enveloping Mu Qing.

The second stage of the destiny form plus the power of the starry sky demon god!

Even though Mu Qing himself had no aura, the aura that exuded made Qinglin Supreme and the many figures who ruled the road feel suffocated for a while.

"Hey! Qinglin! Don't fight anymore. Everyone is the supreme. There is no need to fight to death. Isn't it just two bloodline descendants that have fallen?"

Dominating the road, there is a Yaozu to discourage.

They could see that Mu Qing's strength was not simple, and Qinglin Supreme was probably not an opponent, and might even be at risk of being killed.

However, when they stepped down, Qinglin Zhizun didn't appreciate it.

"Lao Tzu has only these two heirs in his whole life. Now that both have fallen, even if I offend the God, I will do it!"

Qinglin Supreme rushed into the crown, he knew that Mu Qing was likely to stand behind the God of Heaven. After all, the only thing that could open the way to dominate was the Supreme Tool of the God of Heaven, the Order of Heaven.

The people who have been trapped in the multiverse have no idea that God has been missing for a long time.

"Cut! Leave him alone, usually those two little rascals are extremely arrogant by virtue of his fame and fortune, and being killed today is also a retribution!" Many people looked at it coldly, even with their breath floating, planning to attack Qinglin Supreme.

Qinglin Zhizun himself has a bad temper, and his two bloodline descendants are arrogant and domineering, which naturally offends many people.

These people have no shortage of supreme, wishing Qinglin supreme to die!

At the same time, the battle is in progress.

In the face of Qinglin Supreme's attack, Mu Qing's face condensed, and nothing was done to resist.

Of course, he also knows that the powerhouse of the Supreme Double Heaven, unleashing the power of the great power attack, will definitely not be able to resist it with just empty.

At the moment when the display was empty, Mu Qing raised his hand and pointed his fingers upward.

"Yin and Yang turn away!"

The violent power emerged along with Mu Qing's voice.


Jikong's invisible barrier was torn apart by the cyan demon claws, but it also resisted part of the power.

Then, nine hundred and ninety-nine yin and yang real dragons emerged from Mu Qing's body, hovering in all directions, and roared.

When dealing with that extremely pinnacle demon clan earlier, Mu Qing did not use all his strength at all.

After all, it was just an extreme pinnacle. With his current supreme strength, he could kill with his fingers.

Unlike before, with Mu Qing's accumulation of Qi Luck power, the Destiny Form reached the second stage, and the power of each Qi Luck supernatural power naturally rose by more than one level.

Qinglin Supreme also showed a look of surprise. Before he had time to react, 999 Yin and Yang true dragons crushed the cyan demon claws, and even roared away, hoping to hover on the Supreme Avenue of Qinglin Supreme!

This time, Qinglin Supreme was terrified. Supreme Avenue is the most important thing for a Supreme. You must not lose it!

Qinglin Zhizun's face was panicked, backing back and forth, and at the same time offering his supreme weapon.

It was a half-moon blade, unparalleled in sharpness, and the breath that radiated from it tore the space apart.

Qinglin Supreme held the half-moon blade, and cut it out again and again, slicing away these Yin and Yang true dragons.

Mu Qing sneered and said: "Isn't that angry just now, desperate to avenge your descendants? How do you retreat now?"

"Dignified Supreme, are you too courageous?"


Qinglin Supreme was angry when he heard the words, and his body shook, and the power of tearing the avenue broke out, tearing the bodies of hundreds of Yin and Yang true dragons around, and then slammed towards Mu Qing holding a half-moon blade.

The sword air contained tearing power and was extremely weird, no matter whether it was the naked eye or the soul, it could not be caught.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, and he naturally couldn't catch it, but he had extremely powerful defensive powers.


The invisible barrier once again appeared in front of Mu Qing. Taking this opportunity, Mu Qing used the black palace to cover Qinglin Supreme.

The avenue of the supreme Qinglin, worthy of the name of tearing, seems to be able to tear everything, the empty invisible barrier shattered instantly, and a chill rushed into Mu Qing's forehead.

The invisible sword energy is about to touch Mu Qing!

But Mu Qing ignored it, snorted a few times, and his body was torn apart.

"Too careless! That guy should have seen from the previous battle, Qinglin Supreme's Torn Avenue attacked Wushuang, once it hits, it's not a joke!"

Quite a few people have already stepped out of the road to dominate and are watching this game.

Seeing Mu Qing's move, he shook his head and sighed.

Someone's eyes flickered, planning to take this opportunity to attack Qinglin Supreme.

At this moment, Mu Qing, who had become fragments, regrouped, and all the wounds and cracks healed in an instant.

Under the power of the starry sky demon god, the magical powers that can be used only after adding the form of destiny.


Mu Qing's face was indifferent, and he appeared in front of the Black Palace in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Qinglin Supreme's laughter came from the black palace.

"The same moves are useless to me!"

Qinglin Supreme suffered a loss before, but was trapped in the black palace for the second time, but he didn't care about it.

Afterwards, the half-moon blade in the hands of Qinglin Supreme swept away, and the entire black palace collapsed and shattered into two halves.

The Qinglin Supreme who had just broken through the black palace suddenly shrank his pupils.

I found that in my own expectation, Mu Qing, who should have been seriously injured even if he didn't die, appeared in front of him completely!

"Impossible! My attack, has this guy completely avoided it?"

Qinglin Supreme couldn't believe it, but Mu Qing's arm was already haunting destruction, and he suddenly punched.


The sound of the dragon chant resounded through the entire Indestructible Mountain, and a terrifying dragon of destruction hovered out of Mu Qing's arm, and slammed on the chest of Qinglin Supreme.

Qinglin Supreme reacted extremely quickly, using his Supreme Tool to resist in front of him.

But the power of destruction is quite terrifying. The half-moon blade of the Azure Scale Supreme has cracks like a spider web. Even if it is not destroyed, the power of this Supreme Tool will be greatly reduced in the future!

Mu Qing Limala opened the distance, and he was also a little afraid of Qinglin's supreme power of tearing the avenue.

He condensed the power of the starry sky, and suddenly a huge energy sphere condensed, containing incomparable aura.

The seemingly gorgeous starry sky sphere actually carries a terrifying murderous intent!


Unlike the huge stars in the past, now Mu Qing has compressed the stars to a diameter of 10,000 meters, but its power is enough to multiply it many times!

This time, Mu Qing also made a dead hand!

In addition to his own power, the starfall he displayed also draws energy from all parts of the universe through the power of the Avenue of Stars.

If this star falls, Qinglin Supreme will undoubtedly die!

"Who dares to do something to my Monster Race Supreme?!"

At this critical moment, a terrifying aura vibrated in the dominating road, rushing out at an astonishing speed.

The heat waves are soaring, a figure bathed in a sea of ​​fire, huge and boundless, covering the sky with one hand, crushing the stars condensed by Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's pupils shrank violently and withdrew continuously.

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