Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1368: Three Supreme Powers

In the endless flames, a man with a strange temperament stepped out.

He was bathed in flames and looked like a human, except that his cheeks had some red scales, he had long red hair, and his eyes were brown.

This person casually crushed the star that Mu Qing had shown, his face was indifferent, and his eyes fell on Mu Qing.

Suddenly, Mu Qing felt the boundless pressure. He broke through to the supreme realm, but he couldn't directly point to the guy in front of him.

A terrifying heat wave enveloped with a sense of oppression, Mu Qing gritted his teeth, the power of the stars in his body burst out, resisting.

"I don't care what your identity is, but you killed my monsters, and even severely damaged the supremacy of my monsters. You have to pay some price."

The monster man was full of indifference, but he had no murderous intentions. After all, no matter how he looked at it, Mu Qing was the one who opened the way to dominate.

As supreme in normal times, no matter how many levels of cultivation are, they will give each other some face.

What's more, they still don't know Mu Qing's identity and background.

However, in order to save the face of the monster clan, the monster man decided to take action to teach Mu Qing.

As long as it doesn't involve life, just cut off Mu Qing's arm or arm as punishment. Anyway, relying on the supreme's unique indestructible power afterwards, he can easily heal.

The monster man opened his palm, and suddenly countless flames converged, and a crescent-shaped flame condensed.

With a light wave, the flame crescent slashed towards Mu Qing.

The flame crescent, which is hundreds of meters long, contains the power to destroy the world.

The overwhelming demon energy confined Mu Qing in place, unable to move. The next result was only one, and that was watching the opponent cut off his arm.

This is the gap, Mu Qing has just reached the highest level.

But at the moment this monster man surpassed the Supreme Nine Heavens and reached a realm that did not exist in the legend, the Supreme Ten Heavens!

Ten times that of the Supreme Nine Heavens, this level of realm, although the same is the Supreme, but the gap is like the difference between clouds and mud.

The oppression of the momentum alone made Mu Qing unable to move.

"Huh? You Yan Zhizun actually kept his hands!"

Some supreme lords in the dominating road can naturally see Ni Duan, and found that this supreme demon flame supreme of the tenth heaven actually did not make a heavy hand.

"After all, I have been away from the Chaos Universe for too long, and I don't know the situation here. The fellow of the Supreme One Heaven should have something to do with the Emperor God, and the Supreme Demon Flame is also afraid of the Emperor God!

Some people started talking.

When they were surprised, they also felt very understanding.

Even if it is the Supreme Tenth Heaven, it still feels a little jealous for the God Emperor.

Mu Qing also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this Demon Flame Supreme did not kill him.

Unlike the previous demon races, who rushed out to kill people, this demon flame supreme didn't even use one percent of his strength.

Knowing that his life was not in danger, Mu Qing was relieved.

He was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that there would be a supreme tenth heaven in the monster clan!

Those supreme who entered the dominion road back then, the strongest were also the supreme Nine Heavens. It seems that after so many years, they have not stopped moving forward.

Sure enough, the Supreme Tenth Heaven is not the only Demon Ancestor.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet so soon."

At this moment, a huge bone hand came out and crushed the flame crescent.

Yaoyan Zhizun's face changed slightly, his aura receded, and when he looked back, he strode out of a domineering man in Domination Road, the demon flame is overwhelming!

The billowing demonic energy was raging, and the demon ancestor stepped out, chatting and laughing.

Behind it was a huge phantom of the demon god, and the white skeleton of it revealed a chill.

The faces of the many monsters and strong men who ruled the road suddenly changed and exclaimed.

"Devil Bone Tianzun! It's the Demon Ancestor!"

As soon as the demon ancestor's fame and magical powers appeared, even if he did not show up, everyone would know his identity.

"I thought it would take a while to come back, but I didn't expect you to restart Domination Road so quickly, not bad."

The Demon Ancestor came to Mu Qing's side and said with a big smile, he was quite satisfied.

He took a deep breath, staying in the boring place of the multiverse for a long time, and now finally returned to the chaotic universe, a long-lost feeling came to his mind.

Mu Qing's speed was far beyond his expectations.

"You were the one who forcibly entered the Chaos Universe a few days ago?!"

Yao Yan Zhizun's face suddenly changed, and he was quite surprised.

The Demon Ancestor calmly nodded and said: "Resolved my personal enmity."

The expressions of the others were rather weird, and the eyes of Yaoyan Supreme looked at the demon ancestor, and there was a trace of jealousy.

There are a total of three supreme powerhouses who have broken through to the supreme tenth heaven in the multiverse.

The demon flame of the demon race is supreme.

The ancestor of the magic way.

And a lone ranger who has not created any influence, Jianxin is supreme.

These three are all powerhouses of the supreme tenth heaven, surpassing the limit of the ordinary supreme!

But in all fairness, Yao Yan Zhizun himself used various means, and it was impossible to cross the boundary into the chaotic universe.

This shows that there is a certain gap between him and the Demon Ancestor!

"You Yan, give me a face, this is Mu Qing, the descendant of the God Emperor, who at any rate opened the way of dominance for me to wait for my return, why should En avenge revenge, and then come to him?"

The Demon Ancestor smiled lightly.

As the Demon Ancestor, he should be quite a domineering person in theory, but at any rate Yaoyan Supreme is also the Supreme Tenth Heaven, and he has to give face.

"Descendants of the God of Heaven?" Yaoyan Supreme was a little surprised when he heard the words, but it was not too shocked. After all, it was able to open the way to dominate, and it must have something to do with the God of God, so he would not be too shocked when he heard this news.

Yaoyan Supreme snorted coldly, "We are trapped in the multiverse. Isn't it because the old emperor opened the way to dominate and caused me to be trapped for so long?"

Being trapped in the multiverse for so long, the people who can survive are basically the strong above the extreme peak. They originally entered with their own forces. As a result, the creatures below the extreme cannot adapt to the environment of the multiverse. Fall.

The demon ancestor chuckled and said: "Don't hold your hatred so much. The God Emperor never said that you can break through the dominance state by entering the dominance path. What's more, although I have not been able to reach the dominance state, I also surpassed the supreme limit and reached the supreme ten. Heavy heaven."


Yaoyan Zhizun's complexion was not good, but he still looked at the face of the devil ancestor, and no longer concerned about Mu Qing's affairs.

What's more, the two bloodline descendants of Qinglin Supreme are usually very arrogant, and they can't cultivate to the Supreme, but they dare to be rude in front of the Supreme, and they will die if they die.

Yaoyan Supreme came to Qinglin Supreme, condensed an indestructible force into his body, and coldly shouted: "Shame, even Supreme One Heaven is not an opponent. After returning today, I will go to the Yaozu forbidden land to practice for thousands of years! "

Qinglin Supreme hurriedly walked behind Yaoyan Supreme, not daring to speak.


At this time, Domination Road once again delivered a terrible aura.

The sound of swords rang all around, and a gray-haired old man walked out slowly.

The vicissitudes of life, with a sharp aura, looked at Mu Qing with muddy eyes.

"I ask you, you have heard of Jianxinmen, even if I leave, it should be a supreme power."

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