Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1375: A chance encounter with Saint Nine and Saint Eight

Mu Qing frowned deeply.

There are some things about the new luck list rankings that make him feel strange.

There is no problem with the top three.

But the fourth place in the black world also achieved golden luck. What does this mean?

Hidden in the black world is a powerful force comparable to the demon world and the demon world?

Or did Jianxin Supreme entered the Black Realm, and because of the existence of Jianxin Supreme, the Black Realm suddenly ranked fourth?

Many strong men who have returned from the road of dominance have joined the demon world and the demon world respectively.

Only Jianxin Supreme disappeared.

After Sword Master gave Mu Qing a sword light, he disappeared.

Perhaps it was hiding in the black world that made the ranking of the black world so high all of a sudden.

But the last place in the Void Wind Realm made Mu Qing a little confused.

White luck, this is almost the luck of the top forces.

And in the Void Wind Realm, not to mention that the mountain is indestructible, just to destroy the Holy Party, is it a supreme power?

With the Extinction Party, the luck of the Void Wind Realm is only white?

"Could it be said that because of the special nature of Mount Immortal, the Qi Luck List did not include the Miserable Saint Party and others?"

Mu Qing stroked his chin and thought.

What he cared most was the fourth-ranked Black World.

As for the bipolar world ranked fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, etc., Mu Qing knows the situation.

These realms are ruled by the Holy Kingdom. According to the inquired news, these realms are governed by the Ten Saints under the hands of evil gods.

These ten supreme beings each guarded these realms, and the power of luck naturally rose up.

"We are in the middle of the world, and we are at the bottom again."

Mu Qing shook his head and smiled.

Not only is he used to it.

The overall strength of the Hunyuan Realm is indeed not good.

However, the addition of the King of Chaos made their top combat power instantly improved.

Although not the opponent of evil gods, the King of Primal Chaos is also a powerhouse of the Supreme Sixth Heaven!


"King of Primal Chaos, Hunyuan Realm is temporarily guarded by you, I want to go out."

Above the moon, Mu Qing said to the King of Primal Chaos.

"Go out? Where are you going?" The King of Chaos was stunned.

"Indestructible Mountain, the top sacred stone vein is in Indestructible Mountain, I plan to take one back."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

Now that he breaks through the Supreme, he also has that strength to enter the Mountain of Immortality.

The top sacred stone ore veins come from the mountain of immortality. Although there are many high-level sacred stone veins in the Demon Realm, they are obviously not enough.

Only with the top sacred stone veins can more powerhouses appear in the Demon Realm.

Including Emperor Anwu's jihadist angel factory.

Only the top sacred stone veins can create holy war angels with the ultimate realm of the great emperor.

"Be careful, people in the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm may not stop attacking you."

King Chaos whispered.

Mu Qing nodded, and then went away.

As soon as he left the Hunyuan Realm, Mu Qing's figure was just a meal.

Looking at the completely dark outer space, Mu Qing frowned slightly.

He felt a gaze watching him.

But under careful perception, nothing can be captured.

"Is it an illusion?"

Mu Qing murmured, then the Avenue of Stars was paved and entered the Void Wind Realm at a very fast speed.

All the way is unimpeded, after all, no one will come to this space outside the boundary.

Creatures from all walks of life, even if they need to cross the boundary, will go to various big forces to find the super-large teleportation array, instead of passing through the boundary wall and then entering other realms from outside the boundary.

To be able to meet people outside the realm, it is either the supreme emperor or the supreme.

Re-entering the Void Wind Realm, Mu Qing did not follow the Wind King Holy Master and Chen Jiusheng, but went directly to the Immortal Mountain.


Purple flame burst out, purple hair and silver eyes appeared.

Mu Qing directly entered the form of destiny and strode towards the mountainside area.

With the destiny form, Mu Qing has no breath at all, and it should be easier than others to obtain the top sacred stone veins.

However, before taking a few steps, Mu Qing suddenly noticed the breath of other people.

Mu Qing paused, and immediately hid in the void. With the lack of breath in the destiny form, it is almost impossible to be discovered.

The three figures are very fast and descend on the Immortal Mountain.

"Master Saint Nine, can we really find the top sacred stone veins?"

A monster with a dark body and tentacles on his back opened his mouth and asked.

The figure in front of him is huge, a big fat man like a ball, and he patted his belly with both hands.

"Don't worry, in the mountainside area, you can definitely find the top sacred stone veins."

"We were created by the Lord Lord, endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit, and the strength is far beyond the same level, and there will be no accidents."

Next to him, there was a very thin woman with her hands wrapped in luminous silk threads, and she looked at the big fat man who was like a meatball beside her with disgust.

"Stop talking nonsense, Saint Nine!"

"I really don't know what the Lord Lord thinks, let me control the Tianchen Realm with you!"

The skinny woman was full of disgust, and seemed to hate the big fat man very much.

"Don't pretend, Holy Eight!"

"You are only ranked eighth, the same as me at the bottom of the list!"

Sheng Jiu was very dissatisfied and retorted.

"Huh! If it wasn't for the trouble of the Holy Seven guy and insisted on dispatching me, I wouldn't want to act with you!"

Holy Eight is still full of disgust.

She pointed at Sheng Jiu with her skinny fingers, her voice was sharp, and she yelled: "I don't want to see you, you can go to me!"

"Humph! Just leave!"

Sheng Jiu was also quite angry, and walked in the other direction with the tentacles on his back.

Mu Qing was in the void, witnessing everything.

In the form of destiny, these three people did not find his existence at all!

And these three, Mu Qing also probed their strength.

The guy who was covered in pitch black and covered with shots behind his back should be just a subordinate, whose strength was at the pinnacle of the Supreme Emperor.

The other two people, one extremely fat and the other extremely thin, are the Saint Nine and Saint Eight of the Ten Saints.

The lowest ranked Saint Ten had been killed by Taishang Laojun a long time ago, and now this Saint Nine is the bottom one.

That Holy Eight is not much better.

Saint Nine's strength is the Supreme One Heaven, the same as Mu Qing.

The Holy Eight is stronger, as the Supreme Double Heaven.

Compared with the Holy Four who Mu Qing met the Supreme Sixth Heaven at the beginning, these two guys looked much weaker.

When Mu Qing saw the two people parting ways, his mind suddenly moved, and he followed the fat man of Sheng Jiu.

In his form of destiny, even the emperor of heaven couldn't notice the aura, not to mention that there was only the Holy Nine of the Supreme Heaven in front of him.

At this moment, Mu Qing could still hear Sheng Jiu muttering.

"What does the Holy Lord the Great think? Why do we assign the three low-ranking members to the Tianchen Realm?"

"Compared to Saint Seven and Saint Eight, I prefer to go with Saint Four and Saint Three!"

Saint Nine sighed.

Saint Seven's strength is also the Supreme Triple Heaven, not strong, he naturally does not obey the opponent's control. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1375 Coincidentally Encountered Saint Nine and Saint Eight), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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