Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1376: Trailing

The big fat man Shengjiu took his men across the foot of the mountain to the mountainside area.

He didn't know it, Mu Qing was hiding in the void behind him, following all the way.

"Shoot now?"

Mu Qing was in the void, observing the whereabouts of Saint Nine.

A supreme and a heavy sky plus an extreme pinnacle is nothing to Mu Qing.

With his strength, it is no problem to kill a Supreme One Heaven.

But for the Ten Saints created by the evil gods through the crystallization of the universe, Mu Qing was still a little jealous.

The power these guys possess comes from the crystallization of the universe, which is the original power of the Holy Spirit universe.

The original power of the Holy Spirit was much stronger than other powers, and Mu Qing decided to wait and see.

Especially now that the distance between Holy Nine and Holy Eight is not too far.


Mu Qing dispelled the idea of ​​shooting at this time.

Although it seems that the relationship between Holy Nine and Holy Eight is not very good, they are all ten sages created by evil gods after all.

Once Saint Nine has an accident, Saint Eight is likely to come to support.

Mu Qing is quite confident of his own strength, but it is still a bit troublesome to deal with two Supremes at the same time.

He decided to wait again to see if there was a more suitable time to take action.

In the form of destiny, Mu Qing, who was completely breathless, turned into an invisible assassin.

The Immortal Mountain is huge, and the three areas at the foot of the mountain, the mountainside, and the top of the mountain are like three secret realms, and the space inside is vast.

Mu Qing felt that if he wanted to make a move, at least he had to wait until Saint Nine entered the mountainside area.

At this moment, Sheng Jiu didn't know that he had been spotted.

Next to him, the extreme pinnacle explored the surroundings, seeming to be looking for the whereabouts of the top sacred stone ore veins.

"Don't look at it, the top sacred stone veins will at least appear in the mountainside area."

Sheng Jiu scolded, and then strode towards the depths of the Immortal Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, it is very safe, even if the emperor comes here, there will be no accidents.

However, the heaven and earth treasures here are relatively rare, and the immortal power contained therein is thin.

When Mu Qing heard the words, his mind moved.

This guy wants to find the top sacred stone ore vein, and he is also looking for the top sacred stone ore vein. Why not wait until this Saint Nine finds the top sacred stone vein?

Although knowing that the top sacred stone ore veins can be found in Indestructible Mountain, Mu Qing has no clue.

It would be better to let this holy nine find it for himself, and cut his beard when the time comes!

"Master Saint Nine, do we really not act with Master Saint Eight?"

The extreme pinnacle with tentacles behind it couldn't help but speak.

Sheng Jiu coldly snorted, "What are you doing with that old lady? I'm upset when I see her. Remember, stay away from that lady in the future, otherwise she will control the puppet by then, and I don't know how to die!"

Extremely pinnacle's body trembled, and it seemed that he was also afraid of the abilities of the eighth, and quickly nodded.

Mu Qing was stunned in the void. Hearing this, the power of the Holy Eight seemed to be related to control and puppets.

He secretly noted this point, and then he would fight the Saint Eighth, and perhaps it would be easier.

After a while, Sheng Jiu led the subordinate into the mountainside area.

When he came to the mountainside area, Sheng Jiu's expression became obviously solemn, and he carefully observed the surroundings.

"Converge your breath as much as possible. Remember, any slight fluctuation in breath may attract a special monster from the Immortal Mountain. You must not take it lightly!"

Sheng Jiu's face was solemn.

He is also one of the ten saints under the hands of the evil god, but he is very aware of his own strength, the mere supreme is a big place, and it is hard to say that it is not worthy to go and give shoes to existences like Shengyi and Shenger!

Some of the special monsters here are not powerful enough to handle them easily.

But there are some strengths, but they are much more powerful than the Supreme One, but he can't deal with them.


The subordinate responded quickly, restraining his breath as much as possible, and looked around cautiously.

"The distribution of the top sacred stone veins is completely random, and may appear anywhere in the mountainside area. Fortunately, Lord Lord has specially prepared treasures for me."

Sheng Jiu took out a diamond-shaped crystal, exuding crimson light.

"Master Saint Nine, this is..."

The subordinate of the extreme pinnacle was a little curious.

Saint Jiu lowered his voice and said: "My Lord Saint gave it to me. As long as you get close to the top sacred stone vein, this crystal will burst into light."

This diamond-shaped crystal was created by the evil gods with cosmic crystals. In fact, not only the top **** stone veins, but also a combination of huge energy, it will react.

However, in the Immortal Mountain, the huge energy collection basically only has the top sacred stone veins.

This diamond-shaped crystal is completely a search instrument for the top sacred stone veins!

"We wandered around, but remember, don't give off obvious breath fluctuations."

Sheng Jiu ordered again.

The hands behind him nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Mu Qing was also very curious in the void, but he didn't expect the evil **** to be able to produce such good things!

He just wanted to take it, but soon he noticed something strange.

I saw that Sheng Jiu's subordinate of the extreme pinnacle was walking, and the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed, a golden cane rushed out, and slapped away.

This is a natural treasure!

Unlike the immortal treasures in the foothills area, the heavens, materials, and earth treasures inside contain a relatively strong immortal power.

Even some natural treasures have developed simple instincts.

The treasures of heaven, material and earth in it are powerful, and the power that erupts can be compared to the extreme peak.

This little power is naturally not worth mentioning for a supreme powerhouse like Sheng Jiu.

However, because of the special nature of Mount Immortal, Sheng Jiu didn't dare to use his power to explore the surrounding area, so it was the first time that he did not find this offensive celestial treasure.

At this moment, the face of this extremely pinnacle's subordinates was shocked, his power exploded, and the tentacles behind him rushed away.

However, the golden cane directly exploded these tentacles with terrible force, and slapped him fiercely.


He was wounded and his whole body flew out like a cannonball.


Sheng Jiu's face sank and he cursed.

His extremely pinnacle subconsciously used his strength to resist, and his breath fluctuated violently, which would definitely arouse those special monsters of Indestructible Mountain.


The direction of the golden cane changed, and it lashed towards Saint Nine.

Sheng Jiu opened his mouth, and in an instant, his mouth actually expanded to be bigger than his whole person, and he gnawed down more than half of the golden cane in one bite.


While chewing, Sheng Jiu twisted that fleshy body, fleeing towards the distance at an astonishing speed.

"Master Saint Nine!"

The injured subordinate yelled quickly, and found that he seemed to be abandoned, a little at a loss.


A golden fist fell from the sky and shattered his entire body.

Because of the movement here, an immortal giant of 100 meters appeared! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1376 trailing) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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