Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1377: Cut off


The golden indestructible giant roared, and the 100-meter-long indestructible giant could reach the highest level, even weaker.

But this power is more than enough to kill an extreme pinnacle.

It is very simple for Saint Nine to kill this immortal giant. After all, the immortal giant that appears now is just the weakest one in the immortal mountain.

But Sheng Jiu ran away without looking back, and the extremely pinnacle's subordinates didn't even look at it, but just abandoned it.

Don't look at him like this, but from the bottom of his heart, he knows very well that if he wants to stay in the mountain of immortality, he can only act low-key!

The previous subordinate of the extreme pinnacle was also unlucky, and was attacked by a powerful celestial treasure.

When rebelling, it naturally caused violent energy fluctuations, which caused the immortal giants to appear.

Sheng Jiu's actions now are the correct way to deal with it.

If it is to deal with the immortal giant, then when fighting, it will only attract more immortal giants to appear.

The correct way to deal with it is to flee while converging your breath as much as possible. As long as you get out of a certain range, the immortal giant will disappear!

Mu Qing also followed Sheng Jiu in secret.

He was in the form of destiny, with no aura, and he could even walk behind the immortal giant without being noticed.

"Did it disappear?"

After a while, Mu Qing looked at the immortal giant not far away.

The speed of the Immortal Giant was not as fast as that of Saint Nine. After chasing for a period of time, he stopped his movements, turned into wisps of golden light, and landed on the ground.

Seeing the golden light seeping into the ground, Mu Qing was thoughtful.

How did the immortal giant form?

It seemed that the power of the mountain was condensed, and after not aware of the enemy's breath, it turned into ray of brilliance and disappeared.

"What's under the Immortal Mountain? Is there any treasure in the Immortal Mountain?"

Mu Qing is quite curious!

The power of immortality is derived from the advancement of the body and soul when breaking through the supreme.

But the Immortal Mountain is like a huge mountain purely condensed by immortal power. The immortal power on it can easily condense into an immortal giant, and there is no lack of supreme combat power.

"Forget it, it's useless even if I go to tangles, other people can naturally think of the problems that I can think of."

Mu Qing shook his head, sometimes curiosity can kill people.

What is in the mountain of immortality, other supreme must have thought about this problem, and there must be a supreme who is stronger than Mu Qing to explore this problem.

It is not his turn to think!

Mu Qing's figure flashed, and quickly followed Saint Nine.

Although this guy is a big fat man like a meat ball, his speed is exceptionally fast. If Mu Qing delays for a while, he will not be able to keep up.

"Did you throw it away?"

Soon after, Sheng Jiu stopped cautiously. He looked at the rear, but he didn't dare to use his power to probe. He scratched his head and felt a little tangled.

"It should have been thrown away, otherwise it would have caught up long ago."

After waiting for a while, Sheng Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

The operation in the mountain of immortality is really a bit aggrieved.

Naturally, his speed can be faster, but the problem is that when he is escaping, he has to restrain his breath as much as possible.

Once the fluctuations in the body's breath are caught by the mountain of immortality, then there will definitely be an immortal giant around him!

You know, just the subordinates of the extreme pinnacle, after the aura leaks, there will be immortal giants who have almost touched the threshold of the supreme.

If Saint Nine's breath leaked out and he happened to be caught, then the immortal giants that appeared afterward would probably be powerful immortal giants from the Supreme One Heaven to the Supreme Triple Heaven.


Suddenly, Sheng Jiu was taken aback, took out the diamond-shaped crystal, and found that it was shining with a slight light.

Suddenly, Saint Nine was ecstatic.

The diamond-shaped crystal given by Lord Lord has reacted!

This shows that there are huge energy aggregates around.

The whereabouts of the top sacred stone veins!

Sheng Jiu was agitated. He thought it would take a while, but he didn't expect it to be done without any effort. He actually found it on the ground.

However, the diamond-shaped crystal does not mark the position, Sheng Jiu pressed down the excited emotion, continued to converge his breath, and explore the surroundings.

About a few hours later, Sheng Jiu came to a cave with a diamond crystal in his hand.

The diamond-shaped crystal in his hand bloomed with a dazzling crimson light, and wisps of white smoke escaped. It was so hot that it almost scorched the palm of Sheng Jiu's hand.

Sheng Jiu didn't pay attention to it at all, his face was full of excitement, and he rushed in directly.

Sure enough, I couldn't feel it outside, but as soon as I entered this cave, a wave of pure and extremely surging energy swept across.

Sheng Jiu let the energy tide slap his body, and then couldn't help laughing.

I really found it!

It is definitely a top **** stone vein!

Just some of the energy that escaped, turned into tides, and slapped endlessly.

Saint Nine knows that this energy is just the tip of the iceberg of the real top **** stone veins.

And the top sacred stone vein is in the deepest part of this cave!

Sheng Jiu was very excited and excited, and with the help of the crimson light blooming from the diamond-shaped crystal in his hand, he walked towards the depths of the cave.

At the same time, Mu Qing followed Sheng Jiu, also excited and excited.

Unexpectedly, following this fat man, he would find the top sacred stone vein so quickly!

Mu Qing was very fortunate. Fortunately, he didn't go with the thin lady of Saint Eighth, and he didn't expect that Saint Nine was so lucky.

Sheng Jiu's eyes were shining at this moment, and he strode to the depths of the cave.

It was said to be a cave, but the space inside was quite large, and then in the darkness, I saw a golden dragon entrenched!

This golden dragon was asleep, and with its strong breathing, waves of terrifyingly pure energy swept away and slapped around.

This is the top sacred stone vein!

Evolve into a golden dragon-like existence!

Saint Nine approached quietly, but the golden dragon derived from the top divine stone veins remained motionless and did not respond at all.

After all, it is not a real creature, only a general instinct consciousness, and Sheng Jiu is now afraid to take a breath, condensing his breath to an extremely low level.

After approaching, Sheng Jiu smiled and threw the diamond crystal in his hand!


At this moment, the golden dragon that derives from the top sacred stone vein finally noticed something wrong, opened its eyes quickly, and moved the pair of dragon eyes to burst out a dazzling golden light, and roared.

The golden dragon stood up fiercely, its huge body flicked, and the surrounding rock walls shattered.

However, the diamond-shaped crystal in Saint Nine's hand is very special, it seems to be specially made to conquer the top sacred stone ore veins.

Before the golden dragon roared twice, crimson rays of light trapped it like a chain and collected it in a diamond-shaped crystal the size of a palm.

"Hahaha! It worked!"

Saint Nine laughed, just about to reach out to grab the crystal, but found a figure passing by, taking the lead in taking the diamond crystal away! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1377 Cut Hu), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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