Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1378: Holy Nine's Ability


Sheng Jiu reacted for the first time, and immediately afterwards burst out his whole body strength, opened his mouth, and suddenly a huge light penetrated through it.


The whole cave shook, and the rock fragments fell down and completely collapsed.

Mu Qing dodged and avoided the past.


There was a loud noise, and after the cave collapsed, two figures rose into the sky.

Mu Qing held a diamond-shaped crystal, with crimson light shining, and a small golden real dragon was imprisoned inside.

"It's you!"

Sheng Jiu saw Mu Qing, his pupils dilated, and then he was angry.

He naturally knew Mu Qing, the ten saints created by evil gods, almost all knew Mu Qing's appearance.

Now Mu Qing is no longer the person who couldn't get on the stage before.

When Mu Qing was still in the realm of the great emperor, many strong people disagreed, including the evil **** himself.

However, now that Mu Qing broke through to the Supreme, even the evil gods were full of murderous intent on Mu Qing.

After the Ten Saints were created, the evil gods had already issued orders.

When you encounter Mu Qing, kill directly!

At this moment, Sheng Jiu was furious, and the top sacred stone vein he finally obtained was cut off!

The other party is that Mu Qing!

"You are dead! You dare to **** my holy nine things!"

"I will make you worse off than death!"

Sheng Jiu roared, the fat and bloated body like a ball of flesh, but rushed towards Mu Qing at an astonishing speed.

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, and the speed of this fat man Saint Nine was dozens of times faster than before!

At this moment, where would Saint Nine worry about the immortal giant.

His goal is to find the top sacred stone vein.

Now that the top sacred stone ore veins already existed, he naturally didn't hesitate to deal with Mu Qing first, and regained the top sacred stone ore veins.

As for the immortal giant that was drawn out, Sheng Jiu still had the confidence to escape.

Anyway, something is right in front of you, take it back, and then run away from Indestructible Mountain!

It's that simple!

Although Saint Nine is only the Supreme One Heaven, the power he possesses is the power of the powerful Holy Spirit universe.

Not to mention dealing with these immortal giants, but there is still no problem to escape.

His current location is only a mountainside area, and there is absolutely the possibility of escape.

If it is in the mountain top area, almost all the immortal giants evoked there are the existence of the Supreme Five Heavens or more, and it is not possible for the strong to escape.

"call out!"

A huge beam of light burst out from the palm of Saint Nine, and bombarded Mu Qing.

The crimson light exudes an astonishing breath, even Mu Qing felt a trace of jealousy.

"You can't treat this guy with an ordinary supremacy."

When Mu Qing raised his hand, the display was empty, with a bang, the crimson beam exploded, and the surrounding ground shattered.

The terrain in front of him was completely razed to the ground!

"This is called Mu Qing, and it really doesn't hurt that the Lord Lord personally ordered the person to be killed. He has some strength!"

Sheng Jiu was also very surprised. His attack was not a joke, but it was resisted by Mu Qing with an unmoving expression!

Mu Qing flashed his figure several times and appeared beside Sheng Jiu.

"Black Palace!"

The power of countless black holes condenses to form a huge palace, trapping Saint Nine.

However, this time the power of the Black Palace did not erupt, and the Black Palace swelled violently, exploding a hole!

Sheng Jiu's body is even bigger, his skin is full of crimson radiance, his eyes are red, and that mouth is even bigger, biting on the black palace fiercely.


A large piece of Hei Gong was crushed by Saint Nine, and he chewed it down.

Mu Qing's brows suddenly frowned.

"Similar to Devour Avenue?"

He could see clearly that this Saint Nine actually gnawed away the power of the Black Palace and transformed it into his own power!


Sheng Jiu's mouth was like a black hole, and a few mouthfuls would eat up the entire black palace.

And he doesn't seem to have any influence in general.


Saint Nine roared, he also displayed the magical power of the Black Palace!

The difference from Mu Qing was that it was a crimson palace that enveloped Mu Qing.

"What is this ability?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised.

He looked around, crimson light shrouded, and a wave of crimson power shrouded him, to crush his whole person!

Obviously, this is the black palace of his supernatural powers.

Unexpectedly, after Sheng Jiu ate the Black Palace, he would have this magical power!

Mu Qing frowned, then he drew a deep voice, and a terrifying force burst out in his body.

The brilliance of the starry sky enveloped him, and under the blessing of the starry sky demon god, he slammed a punch.


The dragon formed by the power of destruction hovered out and directly smashed the crimson palace.

Destroy Dragon Fist!


Destroying the dragon broke out of the palace and blasted directly towards Sheng Jiu.

Sheng Jiu sneered, instead of avoiding it, he greeted him and swallowed the dragon that was condensed by the power of destruction.

boom! boom!

Sheng Jiu's face suddenly changed.

His stomach rolled violently, blasting a big hole from time to time, and energy leaked out.

Mu Qing snorted coldly, his destructive power is not so easy to swallow.

However, the next Sheng Jiu surprised Mu Qing.

Sheng Jiuduan screamed, the crimson light in his body shone more and more, and he actually digested the power of destruction abruptly.

"Try your own magical powers!"

Sheng Jiu roared, raising his hand with a punch.


The sound of dragon chants resounded all around, and a crimson dragon hovered out and rushed towards Mu Qing.


A huge wave of air surged, and a large hole was blasted out of the ground.

The smoke was everywhere, and it dispersed after a long time.

Sheng Jiu's pupils shrank slightly, and he didn't even notice Mu Qing's figure.

From the beginning of the battle, he found that Mu Qing didn't have any breath, so he could only lock Mu Qing with his naked eyes, which made him spend more energy in the battle.

"Is this the magical power you stole from me? Just like this, it seems a little weak..."

Mu Qing's voice came from behind Sheng Jiu.

Sheng Jiu was taken aback, turned around quickly, and once again cast the Destroying Dragon Fist to blast away.

The crimson dragon roared out again.

The dragon condensed by the power of the Holy Spirit is indeed powerful, but it is far inferior to Mu Qing's destructive power.

The killing intent in Mu Qing's eyes was fleeting, and a road suddenly appeared behind him.

Not the Avenue of Stars!

It's the avenue of immortality!

As soon as the Avenue of Immortality came out, dragons roared everywhere, and golden light covered the heaven and the earth.

The emperor's majesty escaped and walked towards the oppression of Saint Nine.

"This is his supreme avenue?"

Sheng Jiu's face condensed.

But the next moment, the Avenue of Immortality turned into a golden-red real dragon hovering on Mu Qing's arm.

At this moment, Mu Qing seemed to be the emperor of heaven, possessing supreme majesty.

In an instant, he blasted a punch, blessing the power of the immortal dragon!

"Kneel down!"

Heavenly Seal!

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