Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1380: Puppetry


The immortal giant next to him rushed towards Mu Qing directly.

The Heavenly Emperor Seal matched with the Immortal Avenue, the effect is indeed remarkable, even the immortal giants can be suppressed and let them surrender in a short time.

Now the immortal giant recovered and continued to attack Mu Qing.

Mu Qing didn't dare to love the battle, and immediately fled towards the distance.

Although he has the immortal realm, and with the almost inexhaustible energy of the Avenue of Stars, he can always recover from his injuries, but this does not mean that he is really invincible.

The core of others is the soul, the core of the ten saints is the core of the phantom, and the core of Mu Qing is naturally the singularity of the starry sky.

Mu Qing's soul has transformed into a starry sky thinking will, which is the key to controlling the Hunyuan realm.

But now, the will of the starry sky is gathered in the starry sky singularity, once there is a problem with the starry sky singularity, then he will also be traumatized.

Besieged by ten immortal giants just now, Mu Qing seemed to be fine, all relying on the undead to recover.

But in fact, the starry singularity in his mind has been traumatized to a certain extent!

These immortal giants are completely condensed with indestructible power, and they don't have any supernatural powers, only instinct consciousness.

But their attacks are not trivial!

The Saint Nine that Mu Qing faced was completely able to kill the opponent with a crushing attitude.

But in the face of the immortal giant, the attacks of these guys can easily shatter Mu Qing's body and even hurt the singularity of the starry sky!

It clearly uses the power of indestructible power, but after the attack, the body of Mu Qing's supreme weapon is like glass, and it shatters at the touch of it.

"Perhaps, the immortal giant has a special way of using it to maximize the power of immortality."

Mu Qing whispered, guessing.

The power of immortality, this power exists after they reach the supreme.

However, the power of immortality can only restore the effect of the Supreme, restoring physical injuries and spiritual injuries.

For Mu Qing, it is even more tasteless.

Because Mu Qing's undead world, the recovery speed is much faster than the immortal power, and the only effect is that the immortal power can heal and restore his starry singularity.

Mu Qing's speed is still very fast, and immediately throws away the immortal giants.

Once you really fight, even if there is an immortal world, you will be killed.

However, Mu Qing's advantage is that his breath will disappear in the form of destiny.

After Mu Qing entered the Mountain of Immortality, he maintained his destiny form without aura.

In the Immortal Mountain, as long as Mu Qing does not fight, he will not attract the Immortal Giant.

Now, Mu Qing broke away at an extremely fast speed, and those immortal giants lost their goals, they collapsed naturally, and the power of immortality returned to the mountain of immortality.

The difference between Mu Qing and Sheng Jiu is that he can get out of the attack range of the immortal giant as quickly as possible without suppressing the power, and throw them away.

However, Saint Nine needs to suppress his breath while escaping, so naturally he can't explode with all his strength.

It is very easy for Mu Qing to get rid of the immortal giant!

At the moment, at the other end of the mountainside area.

The extremely skinny Saint Eight smashed a powerful celestial treasure, and then his face was slightly stagnant.

She seemed to sense something and looked backwards abruptly.

"The Saint Nine guy is dead?"

Saint Eight frowned, a little surprised.

Even though she hates Saint Nine very much, in the bottom of her heart, she still feels that there will be no accidents in the mountainside area of ​​Immortal Mountain.

As the Ten Saints, although they don't have the Supreme Avenue, their strength is not inferior at all, and each possesses unique abilities.

"If it wasn't that the fat guy was too carelessly killed by the Indestructible Giant, it would be killed by someone else."

Saint Eight snorted coldly, and then didn't care.

The fat guy was dead or alive, and she didn't touch her at all, and she was even a little happier when the other party died.


At this time, because of the aura produced by the battle of the Holy Eight, an immortal giant emerged, also the Supreme Double Heaven.

Saint Eight is only solving a celestial treasure with combat effectiveness, so the leaked aura is not too much, so the strength of the immortal giant that appears is probably about the Supreme Second Heaven.

Seeing the immortal giant killed, Saint Eight smiled lightly and didn't care.

The crimson silk thread was wrapped around the fingertips of her skinny palm. As the fingertips quivered, the silk thread quickly shot out and drilled into the ground.

"My old lady won't be with me."

The holy eighty-five fingers spawned crimson silk thread, and with a sudden pull, the stones on the ground shattered and were penetrated by the crimson silk thread, and then formed a stone puppet.

What's amazing is that because these stones all come from the mountain of immortality, they contain the power of immortality, so the surface of this stone puppet is twisting the power of immortality!


Saint Eight pursed her mouth and smiled, the crimson thread on her fingertips broke, and then her breath was reduced, and she slowly moved towards the distance.

Originally, the immortal giant was aimed at the Holy Eight, and hit it with a punch, but was stopped by the stone puppet.


The immortal giant shattered only one arm of the stone puppet!

You know, this is an immortal giant of the Supreme Double Heaven level!

The stone puppet was dumbfounded, and then crimson threads appeared on the broken stone arm, connecting with the body.

In the blink of an eye, the broken arm recovered as before.

The stone puppet looked stunned, but the action was quite fast, with a punch in the backhand, slamming on the immortal giant.

However, the stone puppet's attack didn't work at all, and the immortal giant slammed the punch, but nothing happened.

In the next moment, the immortal giant hit the stone puppet's head with a fierce punch, and the terrifying indestructible power burst out, smashing it from head to sole with a punch!

The golden indestructible power shook away, and also crushed the crimson silk thread inside the stone puppet.

Obviously, the stone puppet can only resist the attack of the immortal giant, and cannot completely confront the enemy at all.

After all, this stone puppet was created temporarily by the Holy Eight.

However, with the delay of this stone puppet, the Holy Eight has completely left, the immortal giant can't capture the breath, and can't see people, after a while, it turns into a strand of immortal power and returns to the mountain of immortality.

Compared to Holy Nine, Holy Eight is more relaxed here.

Her ability is puppetry!

By creating puppets, stopping the immortal giants for a while, and Saint Eighth himself can restrain his aura and slip away, quite easily.

"Where is the top sacred stone vein?"

Sheng Ba frowned with a headache. She was wearing a loose white robe, searching nearby.

In her hand, there is also a diamond-shaped crystal.

Compared to Saint Nine's good fortune, she was a lot worse, all she encountered along the way were offensive heavenly materials and earth treasures, and the top sacred stone ore veins were never seen in the shadows.

And because the Mount of Immortality was too large, when Mu Qing fought with Saint Nine, Saint Eight couldn't notice any aura at all. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorite\" below to record this (Chapter 1380 Puppet Art) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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