Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1381: Trail of the Holy Eight

Ten days have passed since the death of Saint Nine.

In the mountainside area of ​​the Immortal Mountain, Mu Qing relied on the power of immortality to recover the wounds of the starry singularity, and at the same time began to look for the whereabouts of the Holy Eight.

Although a Saint Nine has been killed, Mu Qing is still not satisfied.

He wants to kill Saint Eight together!

Meeting these two guys in Indestructible Mountain is an excellent opportunity for Mu Qing.

"The top sacred stone ore vein has now been obtained. Taking this opportunity to kill the Holy Eight again, the power of the evil **** will be weakened again!"

Mu Qing whispered.

Perhaps, for the Holy Kingdom, the death of a Holy Eight or a Holy Nine is nothing.

After all, there are even more powerful Saint Four and others.

But in any case, Holy Eighth and Holy Nine Times are supreme, and one death counts one!

Furthermore, this can be regarded as a small experiment by Mu Qing.

"The crystallization of the universe is really that magical?"

Mu Qing whispered.

He wanted to know whether he killed two of the ten saints and whether the evil gods could still bring them back to life.

Or... Create two supreme again? !

The ten sages were created by evil gods through the crystallization of the universe. Everyone knows this, but after a certain one of the ten sacreds dies, whether they can be created is not necessarily true!

The reason why Mu Qing had this suspicion was that when Taishang Laojun had supported everyone to deal with the Emperor of Heaven, he killed Saint Ten in the middle of the journey.

The strength of Saint Ten naturally goes without saying, at the bottom of the ranking, it is estimated to be a bit weaker than the fat man Saint Nine.

It stands to reason that since the evil gods can use the crystallization of the universe to create the ten saints, it should be easy for the saints to recreate a weaker supreme comparable to the saint ten after the death of the saints.

But it has been a long time since Taishang Laojun killed Saint Ten, but Mu Qing has never heard of evil gods once again creating a supreme powerhouse like Ten Saints.

Mu Qing wanted to see now that when he once again killed Saint Eight and Saint Nine, the evil gods could still rely on the crystallization of the universe to create the supreme powerhouse.

If not, it means that the power of the crystallization of the universe is not omnipotent, and the upper limit of creation is only ten!

"It's really not easy to find people in Immortal Mountain." Mu Qing sighed.

He searched for several hours, but did not find any movement about the Holy Eight.


A day later, Mu Qing finally noticed a slight movement.

In the direction of his left hand, a violent energy wave was transmitted, and the energy breath made Mu Qing feel a little familiar.

It's the breath of Crimson Power!

The power of the Ten Saints comes from the crimson power of the Holy Spirit's origin. From Saint One to Saint Nine, this power is used!

Mu Qing immediately escaped into the void and rushed towards there.

There is nothing wrong, it must be Holy Eight!

After a while, Mu Qing came to a place where the heavens, materials and treasures were prosperous.

In fact, all the plants and trees in the mountain are regarded as treasures of heaven and earth.

Because they grow here, they have long been infiltrated by the power of immortality, and no matter how ordinary a grass grows on the mountain of immortality, it is considered a treasure of immortality.

However, these treasures of heaven, material and earth on the Immortal Mountain are also divided into instinct and instinct.

The instinctive treasures of heaven and earth, harmless to humans and animals, can be taken away at will.

But those treasures with instinctual consciousness are different.

They will actively attack and passively defend. Once an outsider invades their territory, they will be attacked fiercely.

Now, Saint Eighth has stepped into the territory of a celestial treasure.

It was a lake, thousands of meters in size, and golden in color.

And above the lake, there was a lotus flower, and then the golden light flickered, condensing a slender golden figure.

The golden figure is very vague, but it contains terrifying power!

"There are still such powerful treasures of heaven and earth?"

Mu Qing was also shocked watching the battle in the void.

Saint Eight seems to have entered here by mistake, being frantically attacked by the golden figure condensed from the lotus flower.

Different from other heavenly materials and earth treasures, the power of this lotus is very powerful, even faintly surpassing the Supreme One Heaven!

Of course, there is still a gap from the Supreme Double Heaven.

As the powerhouse of the Supreme Double Heaven, Saint Eighth is not afraid of the attack of this lotus flower, but there is still an immortal giant around him, which is attracted by the fluctuation of the battle between the two.

"Speaking of which, the immortal giants and the treasures on the immortal mountain seem to belong to one party."

Mu Qing was watching the battle in the void, and found that there were at least three immortal giants around Saint Eight, the strength of two supreme double heavens, and the strength of one supreme triple heaven!

The Indestructible Giant didn't deal with the golden figure, but instead dealt with the Holy Eight together.

This should be because the immortal giants are related to these heavenly materials and earth treasures, and their core strengths are all related to the power of immortality.

Although these immortal giants don't have any magical powers, and their intelligence is not advanced, their attacks are very terrifying, and even Mu Qing's body can be easily penetrated!

To deal with these three immortal giants, Holy Eight is a bit difficult to deal with, not to mention that there is a golden figure condensed from an immortal lotus flower next to it.

The holy eighty fingers all stretched out crimson threads, and these threads shot into the ground and the lake. After a while, ten stone puppets and water puppets appeared to help her fight.

"Why didn't she run away?"

Mu Qing frowned slightly, because he found that after Sheng Eight had created a full twenty puppets, the pressure was greatly reduced.

Although these puppets are not as powerful as the immortal giants, it shouldn't be a problem to delay time through puppets and then escape.

Afterwards, Mu Qing keenly observed that Saint Eight's goal seemed to be the lake composed entirely of indestructible power!

This immortal lake can be regarded as a treasure in the outside world. With so much immortal power, Mu Qing himself will cultivate in it, and it will be beneficial!

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Mu Qing also discovered something, his eyes widened.

He saw that under the immortal lake, there was a golden real dragon entrenched, seeming to be asleep.

Top sacred stone veins!

Mu Qing was a little surprised, this turned out to be another top sacred stone vein!

It's no wonder that the Holy Eight has been slow to leave, it turned out that the top sacred stone veins under this immortal lake have been discovered!

Mu Qing was also a little surprised. This top-notch sacred stone vein was usually asleep and could not detect the breath at all. It was similar to Mu Qing's destiny form.

Coupled with the golden color of this immortal lake, it is even more difficult to detect.

I'm afraid that only the diamond-shaped crystal created by the evil gods through the crystallization of the universe can easily capture the traces of the top **** stone veins.

"Die to me!"

At this time, Sheng Ba who did not want to leave was caught in a bitter battle. The stone puppets and water puppets she created suddenly rushed towards the three immortal giants.

And she herself, wrapped in crimson silk with her hands, rushed towards the golden figure at once.


The crimson thread was very fast, and the golden figure of the immortal lotus could not react at all, and was directly tied up.

The next moment, these crimson threads twisted like a living thing, and they actually got into the golden figure.

"Suffer to death!"

Accompanied by the howls of the Holy Eight, she yanked, and the golden figure was torn apart and cut by the crimson thread.

The immortal lotus is also broken, falling into the immortal lake. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the trace of the Holy Eight in Chapter 1381), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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