Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1382: Resurrected Holy Eight

"This guy's ability can not only control things, but also control creatures!"

Mu Qing could see very clearly in the void.

The Holy Eight's ability should be to manipulate those crimson silk threads to create puppets.

Moreover, those crimson silk threads can still be used as a confinement. After the golden figure condensed by the immortal lotus flower is touched, the whole body's strength is controlled, unable to move at all, and finally it is directly killed by the Holy Eight.


At the same time when Holy Eight killed the Indestructible Lotus, the stone puppets and water puppets she created were hammered by the Indestructible Giant.


Saint Eight glanced at the situation behind him, immediately waved the crimson thread between his fingers, and once again created dozens of water puppets to deal with the three immortal giants behind him.

These puppets are naturally not opponents, but they can stop the three immortal giants for a moment.

Saint Eight would definitely not care about the life and death of these puppets, and rushed directly to the center of the immortal lake without looking back.

Standing in the air, she waved the crimson silk thread at her fingertips, alarming the dormant sacred stone ore veins.


The roar of dragons resounded across the sky, and the top sacred stone veins like real dragons have awakened!


The immortal lake splashed with water jets, the waves were turbulent, and the top sacred stone veins turned into dragons!

But at this moment, Saint Eight took out the diamond-shaped crystal. At this moment, its crystal had bloomed with a dazzling light, and she was directly thrown into the top sacred stone vein.

At the same time, the Holy Eight waved his hands, and countless crimson threads swept away, binding the top sacred stone veins.

With the abilities of Holy Eight, she can even turn this top sacred stone vein into her own puppet!

Of course, although the puppets made in that way are more powerful, the role of the top **** stone veins is completely lost.

The top sacred stone veins, the energy that escapes can directly make the energy richness of the heavens and the earth of the entire star field soar.

If it is a successful puppet, it is really a waste.

Sheng Ba couldn't help but a trace of joy appeared on his face.

The newly awakened top sacred ore veins were the time when there was least resistance, and the diamond-shaped crystal was enough to conquer the top sacred stone veins in an instant!

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Saint Eight, very close!


Mu Qing was ready to go, and a ball of purple energy light squeezed to the extreme in his palm slammed towards Holy Eight.


In an instant, a thick purple beam of light penetrated through, directly piercing through the body of Saint Eighth, and went down in a straight line, destroying all the places it touched.

Saint Eight's pupils shrank sharply, and she noticed something wrong, but Mu Qing's movements were too fast!

She couldn't react at all!

Mu Qing pulled a distance and raised his hand to gather strength.

"Black Palace!"

The power of pitch black enveloped the Holy Eight, condensing a palace successfully, and suddenly bursting after a while.

Saint Eight was bleeding all over, and there was a blood hole in his chest that was blasted out by Mu Qing.

"I am going to kill you!!"

Saint Eight's face was fierce, and he made a sharp, piercing sound.

But Mu Qing didn't give her a chance at all, the immortal avenue turned into an immortal dragon wrapped around his arm, punching it!

The overwhelming immortal golden light bloomed, and then Mu Qing took another palm to suppress the Holy Eight!

Immortal means!

Mu Qing pointed out, the immortal dragon roared, completely crushing the body of Saint Eight.

But Saint Eight was still alive, and a phantom core quickly fled.

Naturally, Mu Qing had been prepared long ago, gathered his strength, and displayed the yin and yang to turn into extinction!


With dragons rising in all directions, nine hundred and ninety-nine yin and yang true dragons hovered in the sky, covering the phantom core of the Holy Eight.

Mu Qing was still not at ease, and immediately there was another Destruction Dragon Fist, and the Destruction Dragon gathered by the power of destruction rushed away fiercely, crushing the phantom core into pieces.


After continuously displaying multiple magical powers, Mu Qing was a little overwhelmed, gasping for breath.

However, the Avenue of Stars appeared behind Mu Qing, and a steady stream of energy gathered in the surrounding void.

Compared with Devour Avenue, Star Avenue is obviously more terrifying.

This feature alone can be called a heavenly defense!

The Devouring Avenue of the Emperor of Heaven is to swallow all the opponent's attacks into his own power, and the more he fights, the more courageous he is.

And the Avenue of Stars, almost let Mu Qing have unlimited energy!

Just now, Mu Qing recovered most of the power consumed by his supernatural powers.

"It feels really good."

Mu Qing couldn't help but smile.

Most of the supernatural powers he cultivates are possessed of powerful powers, but on the other hand, the consumption is also huge.

Including him maintaining the power of the starry sky demon god, blessing in the form of destiny, this consumption is also huge.

Relying on the characteristics of the Avenue of Stars, absorbing the energy between the stars of the universe, so that Mu Qing can continue to fight!


Mu Qing was planning to pick up the diamond-shaped crystal that had fallen into the immortal lake, and the top sacred stone vein had been completely sealed in it.

But at this moment, Mu Qing seemed to be aware of something, and a chill surged from his back.

He grabbed the diamond-shaped crystal and instantly fleeed towards the distance.

However, the crimson thread, faster than his speed, directly wrapped around his left hand.

The crimson thread quickly extended and moved towards Mu Qing's right hand, intending to take away the diamond crystal in Mu Qing's right hand!

"Not dead?!"

Mu Qing was shocked in his heart, he smashed the phantom core of the Holy Eight, why is he still alive?

At the same time, he wanted to resist, but secretly said something bad.

The crimson silk thread had a special power that controlled Mu Qing's body, and even began to try to control the energy in Mu Qing's body.

The dense crimson thread drilled into the body through the pores on Mu Qing's body, and began to control Mu Qing's whole body!

"Damn it!"

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, he can barely move his head now, and his own energy is gradually being controlled.

He looked into the distance, and saw that the phantom core that was shattered by him did not dissipate in the first place.

There are about hundreds of phantom core fragments, extending the crimson thread, connecting between each phantom core fragment, and finally reorganizing!

The thin phantom of Saint Eight reappeared in front of Mu Qing.

She is now completely composed of fragments, with crimson threads running through her body, only in this way can she continue to live.

Even Mu Qing did not expect that she would have this trick!

When he killed Saint Nine, he smashed the opponent's phantom core, and the opponent was really dead.

Unexpectedly, this Saint Eighth still had one hand to resurrect.


Mu Qing frowned, his body trembled slightly, trying to regain control of the body, but found that the crimson thread of the Holy Eight was too terrifying, and he completely controlled his body forcibly.

Even before long, the energy in his body will be controlled!

At the same time, Saint Eight looked at the lake below and saw his own appearance.


She let out a harsh scream, then her face was distorted, and she looked at Mu Qing with red eyes.

"You made me like this!"

"I want to make you a puppet, it's better to die than to live!"

Saint Eight came to Mu Qing, and at the same time he did not forget to create dozens of water puppets and stone puppets to resist the immortal giants behind him.

She saw her palm wrapped with crimson thread, grabbing Mu Qing's head.

"Want to make me a puppet?"

"Go to hell! Stinky girl!"

Mu Qing let out a low growl, and the chaotic energy spread out from all over his body, bursting into a blazing light.

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