Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1389: Give him his life!

Demon Dragon Supreme was panicked, he felt this sense of despair for the first time!

Behind him, the Demon Dragon Avenue soared into the sky, filled with demon aura, but was enveloped by nearly 10,000 Yin and Yang true dragons around him!


A demon dragon appeared, but the next moment all the Yin and Yang real dragons strangulated and were directly torn apart!

The black python twisted its body frantically in the high air, making a heart-piercing roar.


The terrifying yin and yang power erupted, and when the light gradually dissipated, the black python's body opened up and its breath weakened.

He roared continuously, and it seemed that at this time, he could only roar wantonly.

The twisted tail of the python lashed on the ground, blasting large pits, and the monster dragon supreme bleeds all over his body, and his body soars into the sky.


A dragon horn grew out of his head, and claws grew under his body.

The densely packed scales escaped the evil spirit, and the monster dragon supreme at this moment really looked like a black dragon!

However, Mu Qing raised his hand, and the power of the vast starry sky condensed from all over the universe, condensing an energy sphere.

This energy sphere was extremely compressed, reaching about 10,000 meters, and was immediately thrown away by Mu Qing!

Demon Dragon Supreme is now in the stage of half-dragon transformation, this is his final trump card.

After fighting with Mu Qing, he was completely suppressed on one side. Only then did he discover that it was also the Supreme Double Heaven, but the combat power of both sides was not at the same level.

Demon Dragon Supreme did not expect that in front of Mu Qing, he did not have any power to fight back!

If you want to fight against Mu Qing, you must have the final hole card, that is, the dragon!

This is equivalent to burning one's own life in battle, it is the last resort of the Monster Dragon Supreme.

But now, he has only reached the stage of half-dragon transformation, but Mu Qing once again displayed terrifying supernatural powers, attempting to destroy him in one fell swoop!

"Roar! You fellow! Where does so much energy come from?!"

Demon Dragon Supreme roared, he didn't understand, Mu Qing continued to kill with so many supernatural powers, and he didn't stop at all during this period.

Now that the stars are crushed, it makes him feel the breath of death!

"Roar! No! I won't die here!"

The Demon Dragon Supreme twisted his half-dragon body, and the violent demon energy all over his body gathered in the mouth of the blood basin, condensing into a dark green light ball.


The Demon Dragon Avenue skyrocketed, and at the same time the dark green light ball in the mouth of the monster dragon supreme exploded, and a huge beam of light went straight towards Xingyun!

The dark green light beam hit the starfall fiercely, but the compressed starfall was still immobile, and continued to squeeze towards the demon dragon supreme!

Demon Dragon Supreme tried his best, but why didn't Mu Qing use his best?

Mu Qing's palm was facing Xingyu, and the avenue of stars behind him absorbed endless energy and transmitted it away.

The outcome of the confrontation between Xingyu and Demon Dragon's beam has long been doomed!

"Do not!!"

The demon dragon supreme uttered the final roar.

The beam was crushed by Xingyun, and then slammed on the body of the monster dragon supreme.


A dazzling light swept over the entire Demon Realm in an instant, and then the terrifying starlight exploded.

Waves of starlight spread, and the space it touched shattered fiercely!

Mu Qing frowned slightly, took a deep breath, and then reached out with his big hand and scratched it.

An astonishing force shrouded it, crushing the spreading energy fluctuations!

This is the Demon Realm, his territory.

If it was because of the aftermath of his battle that caused the death of many creatures, it would not be worth the loss.

The biggest advantage of Mu Qing's Avenue of Stars is that the energy is too much to use up. That's why Mu Qing can continuously display so many magical powers, and also has time to free up his hands to eliminate the energy aftermath caused by him.

At this moment, the black python on the ground was dying, and even the size was only about ten meters left, except for the dragon horn on the top of the head, shining with a faint light.

Detective Mu Qing grabbed it, and the immortal dragon turned into a dragon sword, planning to end this guy's life.

This Demon Dragon Supreme dared to do this to Tu Lao, Xinrui and others, Mu Qing would naturally not let him go!

What if the Demon Realm is behind the Demon Dragon Supreme?

The big deal is that Mu Qing used Jianxin Supreme's favor to let the other party come forward, and the Demon Realm probably wouldn't say anything.

Of course, the Demon Realm would definitely be offended by that time. After all, Mu Qing was not an extremely strong person or a semi-supreme, but a true supreme!

"and many more!"

At this moment, Xin Rui suddenly shouted to stop Mu Qing.

The immortal dragon knife in Mu Qing's hand stopped and looked at Xinrui.

Xinrui glanced at the dying black python, gritted his teeth and said: "Leave him a way of life, this humiliation, please let me get it back personally!"

There was hatred and anger in his eyes, but he was very rational.

Xinrui knew very well that Mu Qing's character was definitely going to kill this monster dragon supreme.

But killing the Demon Dragon Supreme completely offended the Demon Realm.

Right now, only to stop Mu Qing, and the best way is to let him take revenge as an excuse to prevent Mu Qing from killing the black python!

Mu Qing took a deep look at Xinrui, then nodded after a long time.

"Well, in that case, his life is left to you."

Nevertheless, Mu Qing raised the immortal dragon knife in his hand and severely cut it down!

However, Mu Qing did not deliberately kill the black python, so that the dragon horns above his head were cut off with a single knife, and his dream of transforming a dragon was cut off.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing's eyes flickered, and he slashed again!


This knife slashed on the Demon Dragon Avenue, and the crack extended straight up. Although it did not cut the entire Demon Dragon Avenue in half, it left a very deep injury!

After all this was done, Mu Qing took the knife.

By doing this, he also avoided that the Demon Dragon Supreme would cut off his potential after continuing to improve.

If nothing happens, the monster dragon supreme will stay in the realm of the supreme double heaven for life!

"My Avenue! No!!"

The severe pain caused the fainting black python to wake up, and he sensed a crack in his avenue, and suddenly felt desperate.

The Immortal Dragon Sabre came from the Immortal Avenue, even if it can only be used as Mu Qing's weapon now, its power is still terrifying!

After all, this is the legendary perfect avenue, but the supreme avenue of God!

The injury left by the Immortal Dragon Blade is destined to be unable to recover from the Demon Dragon Supreme's lifetime.

After the despair, the black python fainted again and collapsed on the ground.

"Hey! You guys!"

Mu Qing's sharp eyes suddenly looked at the group of monsters.

This group of demon races suddenly jumped, swallowed, very afraid of Mu Qing.

After all, this is nothing but the existence of their boss who is about to be beaten to death directly!

"If you don't take this little snake back, I'm afraid he will really die."

Mu Qing said lightly.

This group of monsters trembled, humbled like a weak chicken, "Yes...this will take him away, please forgive me, Master Xingkong." The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: starry sky dominates txt download address: sky dominates mobile phone reading: https :// the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Favorites\" records this time (chapter 1389 spare his life!) reading records, and you can see them next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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